next? and hows my progress


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
should I next, starting to get the hang of some of this DJing stuff now, anyways heres the scoop

Met girl at school known for a while but never talked, started talking more (sorta stole her from a guy i know cause he was interested in her an talked to her first but she wasent inerested in him) so talked for bout a week

then I got her number and email she accpeted my friend request on facebook for a while back. asked to to this dance I was DJing with a few friends of mine (acually DJing like with music) she said she wanted to go but dident know if she could, then she said she would come, then she texted me while i was setting up saying she couldent come she dident have a ride.

so i texted her back saying "i could have picked you up lol" "then she says "i couldent have gone that early sorry :("

so dance was fun that was a few hours ago now :p got lots of DJ and music DJ experiance was able to like work the room had all the hot chicks after me lol :p first time ive ever done that and it dident even take as much as i thought it would just had to follow the Don Juan way:p

so i get home i text this girl saying

"that dance was awsome!, So what are you gona do to make it up to me for not comming? :( see your making me sad lol!"

she hasent responded, she might be asleep though as its 1 am...

how do you guys think i did? this was also the first time i applied many of these tequnies in a "dance" setting.

i even feel great tonight even though that girl dident show


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Glad you had a good night :)

I wouldn't have texted her though..
She would have seen you had a good night if you uploaded pictures onto your facebook, changed the status to "Bryce.. had a banging time last night", seen your friend adds etc.. And with those hints you'd have a bit more of an idea whether or not she's interested in you or not.. :)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC, Canada
next i guess lol, unless she says somthing to me when i get back from spring break, also cause i met this other girl while i was ona school trip in europe the past 10 days :p makin another post later about that, some quite dumbass happinings on my part that is just worth posting cause its so funny