Bro...........this is pure insanity. I will never get used to this. This story shows how far the Western world has fallen. How can you let a man inside of you, into your most precious space and not let yourself emotionally bond with him. She hates when a guys sends anything "mushy"? Da FUQ! Sex is inherently mushy. Thats the point. The point of sex is to procreate and bond long enough to make sure that the child has BOTH parents around ( sex is basically a spiritual experience). I know its not supposed to phase me but it will always phase me. As a sane man we should never be able to get used to this.With the other girl I was seeing at the time (age 20, who she was jealous of, hence she threw herself at me), after we had sex the first few times, she might have sent a heart or something after, but I basically had to go NC for a week each time we had sex, and then she reached out. She told me she HATES when guys send anything mushy. You can't let it phase you.
One of the few pieces of advice my Dad gave me was " before you have sex with a girl she has the power, but after sex you have the power." The advice was true back when women were not broken. He was dating in the 1970's. But it aint true now. The older guys i would hang out with would tell me that when you had sex with a women it was your responsibility to give her commitment because you would break her heart if you dont. They had no clue how much the world would change.