Luke, you are obviously a chump. Get your act together. Your problems are in your mind. Why the hell would you let your mother boss you around when you're a grown man?
Genesis 2:23-24 said:
The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman,'
for she was taken out of man."
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
Take charge of your own life! Don't let yourself continue to be ruled by a woman. This corruption violates the
Natural Order of Things. Step out of the Matrix, man!
ToughLove said:
what if this happens to 90% of girls u meet Obsidian??
You are completely in error, ToughLove. If 90% of the girls have low IL in me, then I move on to the other 10%. I am still the prize because I have my sh1t together, and because I'm judging the women for suitability rather than supplicating to their whims.
If you qualify the women (instead of the other way around) and only get serious with girls who have
high IL, you are the exact opposite of a chump. If you follow Anti-Dump's Machine, maybe you can escape being part of the 60% of failed marriages.
Essentially, to allow our prizeability to be based on other people's judgment of us is to BECOME WOMEN OURSELVES. How wrong that is! A real man takes action in life, yes, and improves himself (thus making him NOT a loser). But a man sure as hell doesn't base his worth on the opinions of others. That's what females do.