News on being a Don Juan

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
For a Don Juan, life is a constant shift between having fun or learning or both at the same time. If you neither have fun, nor are learning something, you need to reexamine what you are doing. Something is wrong.

Djing is about growing. There is a major difference between a person whose target is a woman and a person whose target is either learning or having fun. (And after a while, learning usually becomes fun)

Pook said: Fun shall be the focus!

I say: Either fun or learning has to be the focus!

Learning often includes pushing your comfort zone.

Thus a Don Juan is nothing else than a person who has fun and is constantly growing. Get that? Women aren’t anywhere in this definition.

Djing happens to bring you the luxury of many high quality women. You also might concentrate on learning how to get better with women.

“Today I am going to try to constantly compliment women… Hold on. They might find this creepy and I’ll loose them!”

So what? What is loosing? Did you have them in the first place? And there are so many women out there. I T D O E S N O T M A T T E R !

Killing your desire? So you can focus on fun and growing and not chasing women!
Thinking of yourself as the great catch? Killing desire and giving you confidence to push your boundaries.
Being sexual? Confidence to change and being a man is so much fun.
Talking about her? Learning about other people. You already know a lot about yourself, no need to listen to yourself all the time.
C+F? DHV? Telling a joke? Neg-Hit? Experiment and learn and grow.

If you don’t try something than you will not learn. There are always two sides, like ying and yang. Try both and combinations of them and you’ll find your personal balance of what works best.

I see that this is a different perspective on many things. But it keeps the focus on yourself. Once again, as a reminder:

Always check what you are doing: If you don’t have fun and aren’t learning anything, something is wrong. (BTW: Relaxing after a hard day for example, is fun. Sometimes you have to do nothing to reload your batteries.)

The Dreamer

Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Killing your desire is the most important part and the one where most aspiring DJs fail.

Good Post !


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
Expanding on that note, I've found that the basic mantra of "trying to improve yourself in every avenue of your life" works wonders. This involves both body mind and spirit. Seriously, once you improve yourself, then the women will naturally come, and I've found this to be the case.