Alle_Gory said:
But how are we going to get there?
I have family who works in the space industry, and this is the gist of what he thinks:
Humans will never leave earth under current technological conditions.
Using manned mission to Mars as an example:
Here are some issues:
1. Humans, being biological, are the weakness in any space flight. Circuits, gears, batteries, and solar panels can safely travel at much faster speeds than humans can.
2. Humans are subject to solar radiation. The duration of a flight to Mars is far too much exposure to cosmic radiation than a human body can absorb. Our space station is partially protected by the earths magnetic field and ionosphere, making long stays possible.
The fundamental question is: What can a human do on another planet that a robot cannot do? It's much more economical to send a robot than a person, and in space robots are in many ways more preferable to humans.
A more logical approach is to develop advanced robotics here on earth, then send them on long space flights. This has begun to happen already. Our first dabbles in this field are the mars and lunar rovers.
What is more likely to happen is humans send highly advanced robots to Mars/Moon/Titan/comets/Etc. which can then do whatever it is astronauts would have done, either with artificial intelligence or remote controlled.
What is possible with current technologies, in regards to this planet in another solar system, is this:
Develop a spaceship that is capable of having humans aboard. Probably construct the spaceship in space or on the moon, due to its large size. Would have to be fairly large to accommodate mining equipment, manufacturing labs, robotics labs, and human sustenance sections.
Nuclear reactor for long-term operation. Use better propulsion systems and energy systems when and as they develop. Light propulsion (light has mass and can theoretically propel something in space to the speed of light over time), or nuclear explosion propulsion (detonate a bomb behind the ship), those are the best options right now for faster travel. Light propulsion: Big panel on rear of spaceship --> Shine powerful laser beam at the back of it from earth/moon/earth orbit. Can gather/concentrate/reflect sunlight on it as well. This would propel it faster and faster until it was traveling the same speed as the light hitting it from behind.
Put advanced robotics on board that can maintain the ship in flight and perform duties at destination. Artificial intelligence is necessary, or else long-term management and operation protocols. Basically, mobile self-functioning robots on board instead of people. Remote control is not practical at that distance, when it would take 200 years to send a signal between earth and the spaceship.
Keep life-sustaining/creating supplies on board. Breathable air, food, plant seeds, etc. All cryogenically frozen.
Store frozen human embryos on board.
Travel to other solar system A.S.A.P. This is much easier/safer/faster without grown humans aboard
Once in orbit around destination planet, test planets atmosphere and 'liveability'. IE. check for life, water, good temperatures, resources.
Program the robots to 'grow' humans from the frozen embryos once at destination. This includes growing a baby from a test tube, keeping the baby alive, teaching it basic speech and intelligence, and then raise them to adulthood and release them to manage the ship. Basically, test-tube babies raised by robots in orbit around the destination planet, who have never set foot on Earth and never will. An example would be 100 men and 100 women of differing genetics to ensure a future population would survive.
Send mining robots and 'harvesting' robots to the planet to collect vital supplies for the ship: things like nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen. Resupply the ship so it can sustain itself in orbit.
If the planet is capable of supporting human life without technological assistance (very low probability) then they can set up a colony down below.
If planet has good resources, send down robotic mining equipment and manufacturing robots, essentially to industrialize the planet without humans. This could be done via remote control, operated by the people above. Build a launch pad or a way to interact with orbiting ship. Fabricate ship maintenance equipment on the surface with robots. It is a very high probability that a planet has the available resources to make parts for the spaceship. Theoretically you could build another using just the minerals and resources from the planet. You could even create soil and fertilizer to keep plant life strong aboard the ship.
Long term, once there is extraction/mining and manufacturing equipment on the planet, anything is possible. Would be possible to burrow into a mountain and create a livable environment in the cave.
Could also develop technology to 'seed' the planet with life, given the right conditions. All it takes is some engineered bacteria in a mud puddle on the surface, and the right atmosphere.
Eventually, it would be feasible to "ship" rare metals and resources from the other planet back to Earth.
In essence, send a spaceship with robots and human embryos to another planet. Robots grow live humans at the destination and proceed.
Logically what I wrote above is what we can expect to encounter from another advanced civilization if they see earth as hospitable. Unless they've found a way to protect themselves from cosmic radiation and travel many times faster than the speed of light then our 'first encounter' with aliens would be with their robots and artificial intelligence.
It also doesn't seem practical that another species would be tooo much smarter than humans. All humans needed to get intelligent was (from my view) lions and tigers chasing us across the Serengeti in Africa. Need facilitates growth in intelligence. Since higher intelligence has stopped becoming an evolutionary trait, humans have theoretically been getting dumber and less intelligent.
This would seem likely on other planets as well. Unless they genetically engineer their own to be smarter (which is a definite possibility) then they would be getting dumber too.
Or there are other concepts of life altogether and we've only scratched the surface of existence/matter/dimensions/etc. where the rules that define our logic and reason could be thrown out the window. Again, another possibility