Apparently u can't. It's a wart like virus (think abnormal cells that morph into cancer)
With men, if it's become abnormal, you will see there's an issue on your skin. With women it grows on the inside, so we can't see it.
Unless you are a virgin, most ppl have it. There's are tons of strains of hpv. It may, or may not, turn into something - your body can kill it sometimes.
Go to your doctor and ask for the gardasil vaccine.
CDC website:
Currently, there is no
HPV test recommended for
men. The only approved
HPV tests on the market are for
screening women for cervical cancer. They are not useful for
screening for
HPV-related cancers or genital warts in
men. ∎
Screening for anal cancer is not routinely recommended for
HPV and Men Fact Sheet - CDCCDC › std › hpv › hpvandmen-fact-sheet-february-