Quite funny how the only ones able to keep terrorists in their place were quaddafi, saddam and hassad...all of them have to be "struck for peace" and what we get is isis.
Lets say that you want to suppress freedom, human rights, privacy and all the accomplishments of recent times, what do you need?
You need a big terrible enemy which bring fear and danger to your population so when you will deprive themselves of their rights and their properties not only you can tell them that its for their own good but they will give you what you forget to take.
I still fail to see how isis can manage the gaining of oil, the selling net and the management of the cash flow...are the payment made with thousands of cash briefcases or they pass for banks which we dont even bother to control?
Most of all who is buying and why we dont force those to stop do it? an other mistery.
Interesting also how isis seems to have professional videomakers and producers and great equipment.
How the hell is possible that al quaeda in 10 years train few hundres man and records with cellphone quality videos while isis in few months move from a group of sick people to enemy nr.1 with tanks, troops, and a sh1t load of cash plus all the logistic to buy and sell efficiently.
But most of all how the american air force which can screw up iraq regular army in few hours fails to take down some bedouin in months...and even more interesting why some hillbilly kurds is left with light guns all alone to stop them while full divisions of turkish tanks are few miles away?
Sorry I dont buy all of this, all we had in the last year was nato trying to create enemies here and there with the help of media, we have isis in middle east and now putin in east europe to keep eastern european countries on the nato leash.
In all this scenarios it all happened with a "revolt" what a coincidence again, no sign of mess then out of nowhere boom.
You know some "conspiracists" say that its all about power at home and fvcking up indirectly those who oppose it, let me try to be a fortune teller now, next islamic take over will be in caucasus close to the russian lines?
What about those muslim minorities which are kept under control in the russian federation and china, let me guess.