New years stories!


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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)Comeon boys, lets hear em. What did you get up to for new years, and what crazy adventures took place?? :cool:


Now me and my mates had a shocker of a new years, first 3 of my friends alcohol got confiscated, then the cab didnt come until AFTER the countdown and i was on the sh!tter to bring in the new year anyway.

So me and 5 mates got to the party at about 12:30 and everyone was intoxicated but us so we were getting alot of warm greetings. Apparently there were 2 guys that wanted to fight me because the girls they wanted to hook up with saw me here and started talking to me instead (aaah, life's hard when your a DJ :D).

Anyway as we became gradually more intoxicated we thought it would be a good idea to break into a nearby school, we stole (or should i say borrowed, we returned everything the next morning) a unicycle, a chicken and a tent. I rode around in the unicycle with a chicken and went in to mcdonalds with the chicken on a leash(the second time ive done this).

Our new equipment was starting to bore us so we decided to head back to the party, we hung around for a while and saw some lesbian action :D and a HB9 decided to give me a lap dance. I enjoyed it of course but when she made a move i shut her down because i have a gf who is hotter then her and more attractive in every way and i wish to be loyal (my gf is in another state by the way so i wasnt expecting any ***** tonight).

So after my lap dance i caught a cab home.

All in all, pretty **** new years really, but i still had fun.

- --


Don Juan
May 1, 2003
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yup, well, me and my gf made out
and i kidna got REALLY into it and popped her jaw
like more than once.
and then she started kissin my neck and stuff
and i was, like, ahhh, that feels SOO good!
and she's like my turn, and i sucked on her neck for a while,
then we started kissing soem more, and i felt her butt a little.

but then my dog came and wanted us to play with him cuz hes a little baby and always wants to be the center of attention.

so id throw stuff to make him chase it, and then we'd kiss, but it died down, but good thig cuz i had 2 catch my breath afterwards.

but it was awesome...
best makeout session ever


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Well uhhh I had a party at my house and its 9:30 and I am up, mostly cuz all the workers of the morning shift woke me up. Last night I had 3 girls over (with some guys) I took a shower with all of them (one of them is my girlfriend. And at times all 4 of us were in the shower and 2 of them I would be fingering and one I would be making out with, and one would be giving me head. I love New Years, you cant do what you want because hell, your drunk as **** and nothign really matters.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Got laid...Started the New Years off with a bang (literally) and set a record. Gave my gf 104 orgasms in less then 6 hours. :D


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Slept over and jammed (I'm a bassist) with a couple firends at a friend's house, lit some fireworks, held fire (never tried that before, woulda been to big a wuss way back when), made some fireballs with toilet paper and lighter fluid, and stayed up till 5. No chicks were involved, but I didn't really care.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
DeBary, Fl
I picked up an HB8.5 and we were makin out at the ball drop...after she was making out with like 5 other girls of course. I got a few lapdances, got drunk and passed out on a couch with my new fvck buddy layin on top of me. Too bad some stupid **** happened with my friend to kinda ruin it.(read 'tough situation w/ friend')

All a regular day for a DJ.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2002
Reaction score
Got laid...Started the New Years off with a bang (literally) and set a record. Gave my gf 104 orgasms in less then 6 hours.
Lol, did she die?


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by AmgineEX
Lol, did she die?
Lol, no. But she did feel like she was in heaven. ;)


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
My new years even wasnt fun. i was online on and off all night, and i was trying to keep my new puppy out of trouble. no girls involved even tho i wanted a girl over.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Gave my gf 104 orgasms in less then 6 hours.
Here's hopin she was multi-orgasmic, for the sake of you and your little guys.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
met the new years with my buds at a girls's house. they were a little young for me, so i left my boys to play with them.

I invited everyone to my place, since i got a bar and a pool table, so we continued the night there. My dad comes down and goes "i thought i said no alcohol, wrap this up".. we say ok and think of a plan to drink some more beer.

he comes down 5 mins later and goes "i rember what it feels like ot be 19, so as logn as noone drives go ahead and drink". So yeah, meeting new years with your friends is the best. Not too much girl action, but really, friends over girls.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
Me and my partner f#cked everyone up at beer pong. We seriously are unstoppable. We played 17 games of beer pong in a row without losing and basically couldnt take anymore drinking.

I went for a smoke(not cigarette) with this HB7 I have been wanting to screw. We were sittin in the back of my car smoking. i was so wasted i tried to put my hand down her pants. She smacked me and ran out of the car :p

Happy friggin new year


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Alright peep it.

The evening started off at quite a slow pace. My folks left the house at around 5pm and i was by myself with a bottle of champagne.

Soon after my folks exited 2 of my close friends came over, we'll call them Moe and Roffa. Well we left to get some more alcohol and to go get gas. We saw some peeps we knew at the gas station and made some plans.

Well about a half hour later we were back at my house recording ourselves freestyling and acting like fools. One of the guys we saw at the gas station showed up and agreed to drive us to this party that we knew of.

We arrived there quite drunk and it was a big ass house party. The kid who was throwing it was wealthy and there were about 70 people in the house at any time.

The evening continued and we mingled and pimped on various b1tches. The problem was MOST of them were taken, was ridiculous. The living room was big as fucc and they were bumpin alot of dancing music.

Me and my homie were like, lets show these fools whats up. So we got on the dance floor and started bustin mad grooves. The problem was that all the chicks there were of the preppy species and NONE of them would come out and dance.

The ones that DID come out and dance, (about 5-6 of them) were all UG's.. THAT was gay.

Well throughout the night we drank, smoked bud, bs'ed with a ton of people. It was so damn crowded but it was pretty fun. Unfortunatly i didnt get any play, however i was doin some pimping.

There was this ONE VERY HOT chick that i remembered from ym old school. The problem was she was with her boyfriend the entire time i swear, but i did notice that whenever i passed by she would make mad eye contact with me, while holding onto her bf's arm.

The night continued on and **** was wild and rowdy. There was a balcony on the roof you had to take a spiral staircase to reach. Too bad is was about 10 degrees outside.

We left at around 3 30 am and i got dropped off at my house not so much drunk anymore but tired as fucc.

It was fun though because i saw alot of people i hadnt seen since highschool, i just wish the girls woulda been less prude. We were trying to get some honeys on the dancefloor but they wouldnt. Quite lame, you would think that with a grip of people like that more then just 5-6 girls would be dancin, and at least a few of them would be honeys. Oh well.

Thats why i prefer "gangsta" parties sometimes, just because you know the ho's are at least down to drop it like its hot.

That was my new years, pretty dope.

Da Game

Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
(I wrote this Jan. 1st)

Ehhh.. This year's New Years sucked. I'm still waiting for people to get out of my house, so I'll write up the story.

I had an invitation to go to a party, but a good friend called and asked to bring his girlfriend over. Little background on this: this friend (I'll call him M) has brought girls over to my house many times when my parents are gone so he can get some action, and I usually don't have a problem with this as long as he tells the girl to bring a friend so I have someone to hang out with too. This is all fine.

Anyway, my friend arrives with his ***** of the Week (so-named because of the stream of skanky girls who have come over to my place so my friend can get his willy wet). They invite over another couple that happens to be friends with them (I don't know them) and promise they'll bring a girl for me. Cool.

More background on my friend: whenever he has his WotW over, he CANNOT stop groping her. Ever. In the 6 hours of this story, I would guess his hands left her tits for maybe 10 minutes. Also, turns out the girl is on her period (which makes me wonder why he'd bring a girl over to **** if they can't ****). They ask to use the shower, I say cool, and start fortifying myself for the fun ahead with some substances around the house. 3 minutes later, M runs out of the bathroom WITH A TAMPON in his hand, asking where he can throw it away. There's no way a used tampon is going in my trash can. He looks around, grabs a bag full of chopped up paper (from reblocking debate stuff) and goes back into the bathroom. I resume fortifying myself.

40 minutes later, they come out, to inform me that one of my towels got "something" on it. I don't ask, and tell them to go toss it in the washer. I go to take a leak, to find that bag of paper with a tampon in it SITTING NEXT TO MY TOILET. I retch, then take it to the fireplace for disposal, then go back to chat with my "friends" who are busy engaging in full-on-no-holds-barred PDA.

Some time later, the other couple arrives, and they're generally cool (except that the guy is obviously a wussy emo punk, but I tried to ignore that). We all sit down, and M/WotW continue their PDA.

5 hours pass, nothing of interest happens.

It's now midnight, we've all cheered for new years, and now all these people are looking for a place to go ****. M and WotW head off early to the other part of the house, and the other couple stays to talk to me for a few minutes, before they leave too... Only to come back 3 minutes later, complaining that M/WotW have taken my only other bed, which of course makes me think WHAT THE HELL IS A GIRL ON HER PERIOD DOING HOOKING UP WITH A GUY IN ONE OF MY BEDS???? The other couple says that M suggested that I'd give them MY bed, and I'd sleep on the massage table. Considering how I get off so much to random people having sex in my bed, I have to fight down the urge to go into a screaming rage and beat both of them, and instead tell them to get their asses out to the couch.

Now, it's a little after midnight, and thanks to that fortification from earlier, there's no way I'm going to sleep until at least 3... So I decide to stay up and Sharpie their faces when they fall asleep. Unfortunately, when I came in at 2:45, they were still wide awake, so I gave up and went back to bed. The only event worth noting was when one of the girls came in to go to the bathroom at 3:30, they informed me there was "something" all over my sheets. I can hardly wait to go in and find out.

I Fell asleep around 4. Now it's 11:45, and I'm about to go beat some ass and kick a bunch of people out of my house.

So, how was everyone else's New Years?


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
Summerdale, AL, USA
My New Year's Eve started off slowly. Me and three friends were planning to hit all the big parties by the end of the night, and end up at the one with the most girls. Sound like a good plan? Yeah, I thought so. Two of the friends' parents wouldn't let them drive anywhere because of all the drunk drivers on the road. hah. They're 17 and 18 years old and they couldn't go out for New Year's Eve. So I go and buy a few cases of Nasty Light and go back to the house were they were all at. Me and the one friend who could have partied all night decided to stay and not leave the other two behind. We played drinkin' games and just hung out for the night. I would've felt ****ty leavin them behind, and we had fun anyways, so it was pretty cool.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
I had a pleasurable New Year's Eve experience to say the least. The parental units decided to fly off to Las Vegas for the week, leaving me and my older sister to our own devices. I arranged for one of the girls that I am dating to come to my house and spend the day (and night and most of the next day) with me. Sex earlier in the afternoon and again right before we left for a night on the town. She is really more a friend to me than anything else so we grabbed some more friends and headed out to a club in my downtown area. Made it inside the club with 10 minutes to go before the New Year... danced around with her for a little, then we partied ways... 2004 comes in... make out with some girl on the dance floor (New Year's kiss) and then made out with my date for the evening... kept switching from dancing with her and dancing with other girls... good times. Me and her came back to my house, had sex again and stayed up until about six.

Woke up the in the middle of the afternoon... messed around, got something to eat, and had sex one more time for the road. Kicked it for a little and then she left early in the evening. All in all a very fun New Year's and I have kept my tradition alive (three years and counting) of getting laid on New Year's

The Bad Man™


Nov 30, 2003
Reaction score
your a machine

Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
I had a pleasurable New Year's Eve experience to say the least. The parental units decided to fly off to Las Vegas for the week, leaving me and my older sister to our own devices. I arranged for one of the girls that I am dating to come to my house and spend the day (and night and most of the next day) with me. Sex earlier in the afternoon and again right before we left for a night on the town. She is really more a friend to me than anything else so we grabbed some more friends and headed out to a club in my downtown area. Made it inside the club with 10 minutes to go before the New Year... danced around with her for a little, then we partied ways... 2004 comes in... make out with some girl on the dance floor (New Year's kiss) and then made out with my date for the evening... kept switching from dancing with her and dancing with other girls... good times. Me and her came back to my house, had sex again and stayed up until about six.

Woke up the in the middle of the afternoon... messed around, got something to eat, and had sex one more time for the road. Kicked it for a little and then she left early in the evening. All in all a very fun New Year's and I have kept my tradition alive (three years and counting) of getting laid on New Year's

The Bad Man™