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New topic: What's the worst you've ever treated a girl?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2001
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In high school, I had been hitting a dry spell with the ladies, so I decided to ask out a girl I had no interest in. This girl had liked me for two years so I felt it was a sure thing. As we were talking on the phone, I asked her out and she said yes (of course). I went to sleep that night celebrating that I finally had a girlfriend. As the night progressed, I kept tossing and turning in my sleep because I realized the sheer desperation of my act. I finally told myself, "I DON'T EVEN LIKE THIS GIRL!!!" I woke up the next day, feeling queezy but I knew what I had to do. I immediately called her up, called off the relationship and gave her the LJBF line. She seemed cool with it so I was relieved.

Afterwards, every time I talked with her she kept bringing up how I dumped her. She asked me why and I told her the truth that I was using her for the sake of having a girlfriend. I knew she was hurt, but she continued to call me up and use words like "baby" and "honey". She would also catch me on IM and I'd pretend to be my father. After avoiding her for nearly six months, she became angry with me but I would talk her into being on good terms with me again. During our last year of high school, she kept bringing up the prom but I was constantly trying changing the subject. She finally asked me to the prom but I turned her down (I didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea especially my family).

MORAL OF THE STORY: Even the biggest AFC can be the biggest A$$hole depending on the girl.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
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WEll, come to think of it i do have one but it wasnt a G/F or was just this blind girl in my class when i was in Grade nine junior high.

I used to sit right infront of her and throw things at her and she wouldnt know who threw them..i actually thought that was funny..f*ck

Brutal...If i see a kid doing that when i student teach this year im gonna take his head off with my yardstick :p


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
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I don't know what possessed me to read this thread at all... but all I can say is I guess I've been pretty lucky. :eek:


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
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Well when I was in school there was a new girl who arrived, I quite fancied her but being completely clueless did nothing at all, and eventually I lost interest and fell into a one-itis LJBF hell with someone else... Then as I was slowly getting over the rejection of my one-itis I became friends with this girl and she started coming on to me, really obviously, she shouted that she loved me, jokingly but I think she sort of meant it, gave me her number (without me asking) told me to call her, and kept giving me attention all the time..this went on for months.. during the time I flirted with her outrageously, led her on and if I was in a bad mood because of my one-itis troubles I thought nothing of suddenly deciding to ignore her completely and treat her like sh*t. When we left school I gave her my number (I still didn't want to go out with her, but I wanted to keep getting the attention from her) and she called me all the time.. I told her I'd call her sometimes, but I never did and eventually she gave up and I never saw her again...

I loved her attention but because of my one-itis I wanted nothing (romantic) to do with her. Although if she had actually tried to kiss me I think I would have gone for it, I just couldnt be bothered to make the first move. Thinking back though I kick myself for not doing something, she was quite fit, I was 15, horny as hell, and she'd have been a sure thing to lose my virginity, as it is its now over 7 years later and I'm no closer :( I sometimes think I'm being punished for leading her on so much..

I think with her, because I really didn't care about her much, and I knew she liked me I was inadvertantly acting a bit like a DJ, playing hard to get and demonstrating that I was the prize.. If I could just get back into that way of thinking with girls I do care about I'll be set...

I'm sure shes doing fine though.. as you can probably guess she wasnt shy about revealing that she likes someone.. so shes bound to have gone through loads of desperate AFCs..


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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Oh, this is a good one, happened a week ago. One of my friends was ahving a bday party, and me and 2 of my friends wanted to go. There were 2 girls with us tho, and we didnt want them at the party so we were trying to think of a way to get rid of them.

As we are chilling at the beach i come up with a plan.

Chicks car first (they need to get dressed at their house, cause they are going to the party, OR SO THEY THINK! ;) ), My car, and 2 of my friends cars.'
AS well roll, we come to an intersection. I pull up close behind girls as they turn right, my friends take off to the left and on to the freeway. I cover them and drive about 4 blocks with those girls, then see a parking lot with 2 exits and u shrplay tunr into it making my getaway.

I got 20 calls from those 2 within 1 hour, and so did my friends. Some chicks just dont take the hint :p


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2001
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When I was a senior in high school, a friend told me that a female friend of his, a cheerleader, had a little crush on me. I knew who she was, she was the kind of chubby cheerleader, kind of hard to miss. Anyway, I go into the office for something and she's working the front desk during this period. I had never seen her up close before. She was kind of ugly with a thick mustache.

After seeing that, I didn't even want anyone talking about her. She gave our mutual friend a letter to give to me. The letter was full of profanity, how much she liked me and her number. I wouldn't call no matter what, I was shy at the time and didn't know what to say anyway.

Another so-called friend gave her my home number. She called me for a week. I was usually out, but if I wasn't I would have my mom tell her I'm not home. My mom made me call the girl to end it.

Here's the call:

Me: Hello
Her: Hi
Me: Well, you wanted to know if I was interested or not?
Her: Yeah
Me: I'm not.


Me: Well, I gotta go now, bye.

I just hung up with out hearing what she had to say.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Lol. short and simple. and there is nothing wrong with that either!


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
eh, i had been goin out with a girl for like 3 months and it seeemd she never initiated anythin and the makeouts were not all that often , and we were both busy so we only saw each other like once a week, so i got rather upset and started ignoring her and such thinking that would bring her around.... but it had the opposite effect and i was sad cuz i liked her alot, now i realize patience is a very very effective virtue, just wish i woulda realized it sooner...... but i would just ignore her in class and flirt with a whole bunch of girls and such .... meh i guess i deserved it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Dumped her a couple of days before Valentines Day.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2002
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
Thinking that treating women badly is something to be proud of reeks of serious self-esteem problems. Coincidentally, the women who DO respond well to being treated badly are ones who THEMSELVES have self-esteem problems.

As David Shade told me, women can only be as fulfilled as they believe they deserve to be.

Now, I know that plenty of people on here who have read my posts over the last two years and/or know me IRL would be able to point out plenty of occasions in the past where I treated women badly, but I have changed my views on the subject since then.
