Originally posted by Warboss Alex
People here like manuva, MindOverMatter and semag know more about bodybuilding success than 90% of the guys on that board.
I'm not saying sosuave is intensemuscle when it comes to tips on getting huge, but I only go to bbing.com when I need a laugh.
Genrally, people with high reputaion do offer sound advice, although it may not always be suitable for everyone. BBing is a discovery of your own body as much as anything else. People all have different genetics, and what works for some wont work for others.
So Suave is a seduction forum where you have people who are looking to turn their life around, and a fitness program is part of that change to their lifestyle. You have people on here who clearly have less then a year or two's worth of lifting experience offering advice. And its genrally the same Mens Health magazine bull****e that being spat out by every cardio wh0re magazine that up until 10 years ago was saying that weight training does not lead to fat loss. They have changed their tune, and more and more people are throwing weights around. But their advice is not being offered by experienced bodybuilders and weightlifters, its being offered by dieticians and people with sports degrees. These fat bastards change their advice and outlook not through their own experiences, but through whatever fvcuking thesis they last read.
The new buzzword is "overtraining". Had a bad session at the gym? Must be overtrained. You muscles were sore for two days? YOU MUST BE OVERTRAINED. Could not sleep properly. YOU ARE OVERTRAINED. Bit tired today? YOU ARE OVERTRAINED. Arnie used to do 25-30 worksets a session per muscle group. Granted, he was throwing tons of dianobol into his cornflakes, but 20 years ago, people were using volume and getting results. Cardio wh0re magazines have done great things in promoting weight lifting for overall health and fat loss. But the line between weight training and building muscle are blured, with the result being thousands of people using the ub-lb-ub 3 day split and wondering why its so hard to put on any size. Maybe its because you are a hardgainer, but hey, ITS PROBABLY BECAUSE YOU ARE OVERTRAINED.
Im not saying that semag or MindOverMatter are offering bad advice at all, Im saying that a forum needs to be providing more then one or two opinions from experienced individuals to offer better overall advice. My way is not the only way, and neither is semags. But at least with differing opinion from experienced lifters, people can come to their own conculsions as to what is best for them.
And that is why BBing.com will always be a better place to get advice the SoSuave when it comes to building muscle.