New Plate

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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Con's Preachers daughter= very religious, haven't cracked the cookie yet. Albeit I've seen her infrequently. So I wouldn't expect her to peel her clothes off too fast. Anyone seen failure to launch. This one's 31 and still living with the folks. That's a big red flag to me, she didn't try to hide it, but I don't quite get it.
Pro's want's a man to be in charge, very positive in life, is not a PowerFrau, see's making a guy happy an important part of relationship. Fit, enjoys the gym, running marathons, half marathons, etc. College grad, running her own cleaning company. While I haven't engaged much in the way of kino....she has some = she's comfortable with me. Solid 7.5 in looks department.
5 dates, First was a late breakfast, second a football toss in park, 3rd caught her after a local race for lunch, 4th appetizers and drinks, last a day trip to a local city for some sightseeing. Again, all infrequent.

Anyone have experience with girls that are A) Preacher's daughters, and B) Fail to launch scenarios still living with parents at say 30-32.

I've kept this plate on a 1X a week or so date plan for now. Something tells me there's something lurking under the surface here. So far she's been cool. Not clingy, but when I offer up a date plan she accepts or makes a counter date idea immediately. So she's interested. Same time I'm spinning 2 others.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2009
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I failed at cracking the last bible thumper I gamed. I was aware that she didn't have a "praise the lord" tattoo somewhere so I knew it wouldn't be easy.

It looks like you are doing a good job with everything. It does seem as though the once a week thing is becoming somewhat routine and potentially boring. Time to invite her to your place for dinner and a movie or an overnight trip somewhere.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Knight's Cross said:
This one's 31 and still living with the folks. ----> College grad, running her own cleaning company.

Fatal Error: Reboot, Retry, Restart?

Kali Babba senses deception here. I she divorced? Kids? Religiosity is by no means insurmountable, but the pay off is rarely worth the effort - and at 5 dates in I'll assume you see why. Once again, any woman who makes you wait for sex, the sex is never worth the wait. This is doubly true for churchies. Combine that with the long term expectations she'll have as an exchange for her substandard sexual performance and you get the picture as to why it's a bad investment.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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Points well taken. Thing is, I have'nt tried to sex her. So I don't know if the church girl is really a ***** in the bedroom, and something else in public. The 5 dates thing....well due to my career the dates have all been spread over a LONG couple month timeframe. She's not divorced, no children. I know the playbook, it's sex first, relationship second. If she's puts up a wall of LMR, I'll drop the plate.
Appreciate the input and of course, I'm keeping other plates in the line-up. The problem/advantage I have is I just don't have time to spin alot right now. I can't even fit her in till next week. Same goes for the others. It's really a balance. Lots of women will not put up with a date every 1.5 weeks. Even if you DHV. They all want more. One of the reasons my last relationship spun down. She couldn't stand not being the center of the universe. Funny how they hate it, but also want it. Ex girlfriend asked me to go to a movie the other night. Couple months ago I was just shy of Satan in her eyes. Now she wants to see me again.
Ok so for church girl, plan is at some soon point, get her over to my place, cook dinner together. Spin up kino and see her reaction. If I get wall, I know what to do~ Walk her to her BMW and say goodnight, call Plate B for late night hook.
Thanks Gents,


Senior Don Juan
May 27, 2008
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Houston, TX
The question is whether she's done anything to contribute towards the interactions thus far. Has she at least offered to pay for anything (parking, tab, tip) during one of these outings? Has she offered a backrub? Does she inititate touch at all?

IMO, 5 dates is a significant enough number the that female should make an attempt at displaying reciprocity of some kind. I can't stand a "taker". I just dropped a chick a couple weeks ago because she did absolutely NOTHING reciprocal during our 4 meetings (over ~ 6 week span). I have no patience for self-absorbed chicks who feel that dating is a one way street.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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She initiates touch, and she payed for most of the day trip, brought a gift to the 3rd encounter. All High interest in my book. Will see where things go~

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
She initiates touch, and she payed for most of the day trip, brought a gift to the 3rd encounter. All High interest in my book. Will see where things go~

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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Roissy has some interesting take on the topic. Too soon for me to know if she's never been with a guy. At 31, post college I'd be really surprised. I'll post the Field Report. We have talked a little about past relationships. She seems healthy in that regard, had some good, had some bad. She hasn't blathered on about guys. Just stuff that came up naturally in conversation. So that's a good thing. It's always red flag when I hear a chick drone on about all her ex-boyfriends sucked. This one doesn't seem to have that. I'm sure she's got a orbiter or 2. All women do. However she hasn't used it as a card. So far she's behaved right.


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2009
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Knight's Cross said:
She initiates touch, and she payed for most of the day trip, brought a gift to the 3rd encounter. All High interest in my book. Will see where things go~
^^^ I like this. Seems as though she is doing everything right without overdoing it. Just make sure you lead.

From what you have said so far I think this relationship has started off nicely. In my town lots of young people live with their parents until they buy (not rent) a place of their own so I see nothing wrong with that. Being a preachers daughter she may have a completely well grounded view of a what a healthy relationship is.

I'm sure I'm not saying anything you don't already know. Nice field report though. I just hope the sexs is good


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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Chateau at Roissy said:
virgins are higher value than sluts
What's the definition of 'value' here? And is any non-virgin defined as a slut?

To be honest I'd rather see what kind of lover a girl is before committing myself to anything long term. My shallowness comes up again but it is a fact that some girls like to give head and some don't. There's only one way to find out, and I'm sure as hell gonna make sure that when I settle down it will be with someone who LOVES it :)

I'd also say that deflowering your wife is no assurance that she won't cheat. If you treat her bad and don't give her what she needs, sexually, then don't be surprised if she cheats.

Holding on to your virginity until marriage is an obsolete concept IMO. It's a nice idea on paper or in a church but I doubt it actually serves any real purpose. Having said that, I do nonetheless respect a woman who isn't an easy lay: she's more likely to be gf material. For the same reasons cited in the blog, just not to the same extremes. I'm just wary of that first sex act automatically defaulting in an LTR which is what these kind of girls assume.

Do not be too easy. If you are too easy to get, she will not want you. If you are too easy to keep, she will lose interest in you. If you are too easy to control, she will not respect you.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Knight's Cross said:
Anyone have experience with girls that are...B) Fail to launch scenarios still living with parents at say 30-32.
Yes. My gf lived at home when we started dating--she is 31. I wouldnt call it a true failure to launch scenario---she had previously owned a home with her ex-husband and had moved back home for a year when they split; then moved back into her home when he left and then back again to her mom's when it sold. She found a new house to rent about a couple months after we started dating.

It didnt really bother me either---although if she had NEVER lived on her own that would be a deal-breaker. Weird, at least in western culture.

The biggest thing was it was impossible to visit her, so she was driving 45 min every couple of nights to my town. She hated living there towards the end, I think mostly because we were dating and her mom was starting to get up her as$ about things.

I'd say keep a keen eye out for some sort of weird co-dependency with her mom---I've seen this before and and it's not uncommon.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear KC,
You are one of the old hands here,the attraction between you two is that you are each a novelty and a challenge to the other...I move in religious circles myself...believe me mate you are wasting your time,sure playing Almer Gantry might seem like fun,but this Girl is wise to you,she is trying to save your soul,if I am not mistaken you just want her cherry...give it away Son,that is of course unless you are looking to settle down and procreate,in which case you know that any one who knocks onto this Lady,will get the same treatment as you.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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Had to look up your Elmer Gantry reference. Don't know if it applies. I'll see if physical side of things moves along. If she puts it on a pedestal, I'll waive off. I don't mind a woman that's not easy. That's cool. If it's a forever unnatainable event, that's another thing. That said I'll respect her and move off. Let some other guy put up with what price there is. I'm about normal, healthy relationship material. That's it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear KC,
I really get off on American Literature,music and Films....maybe someone else has read Sinclair Lewis' great Yarn Elmer Gantry...or seen the Movie,with Burt Lancaster...It is still in good DVD rental Houses....forget about Elmers morality,the sheer eloquence and vitality in his seduction ploys should prove useful to you....I am sure it is based on Lewis' own experiences....But at the end of the day,when as I am sure you succeed in this grand Seduction,you will find it a poisened chalice....Your value systems are just will not laugh at the same jokes...she certainly will view the normal svexual requirements of a sophisticated lover as depraved,debauched...Still it will be another golden thread to weave into lifes bright tapestry...treat it as an academic exercise,maintain a little distance and give no commitments.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
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I'm doing the distance thing. When one weekend they can have a day trip, and then you don't give them anything for the next weekend....the little hamster cage starts spinning. I do have a setup with her this coming tuesday. It's probably borderline. Alot of guys have warned me that too much challenge will make the woman look for an easier mark. I don't think so, most chicks dig a man that's got so much going on in his life. As long as when you are together it's quality, you are golden. What's the phrase? "5 minutes of Alpha to a woman is better than a lifetime of Beta."

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2008
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Orlando, fl
The conclusion jumping here I would say is pretty typical. I think KC is doing right by rolling with it and seeing where it leads. The eject handle is always close by, no need to pull it prematurely.

I know in times past I've pulled out long before I should have because of unfounded fears. Its good advice to supress that and see what happens first.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Anybody seen Footloose? Remember the preachers daughter?
Field Report: Had Failure to launch over at my place last night, grilled steaks and veggies with some basmati rice for dinner. Afterwards watched a couple DVD's of a fundraiser I did last year. There wasn't any LMR when we were on the couch. She's all about getting her some KC. Put her in her BMW around 11 and sent her home afterwards.
Gentlemen, my thoughts of her being willing to get physical were off. I pushed, and she was right along with my pace. Again we'll see where this goes, but she's definitely on board with enjoying her sexuality.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Wow, was I wrong. About 2 weeks ago the actual act of sex comes up and she's all about calling the pu$$y police. Yep rounding 3rd for home and she put on the brakes and went all biblical on me.
This one's got issues my SS brethren. Sent her home and told her I'd have to think about it. Sure, she's a amazing person, but in my book as well as many others it's sex first, relationship second. She sent me a e-mail that was like 3 pages long quoting scripture against fornication.....
OK well lets think about that, I won't go down the religious route, but I'm pretty sure that you can find what you want in the bible and use it in a argument to form whatever support you need to support a position.
That's exactly what she's done....I'll sit on it for a week or so, not responding just yet. Think I'll just spin other plates and see what comes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear KC,
Hmmm....falling out as I suspected....Why not ask her about Soloman,one of the pillars of the Church,yet he murdered his own brother so he could get at his Sister in Law....Paul aside there is not a lot about Premarital Sex in the Bible....Ruth is another example that springs to mind,she slept with the married owner of the Vineyard....So in the Old Testament there were quite a few references to Polygamy,without too much censure...For every quote about being over sexed,there are ten about sloth,gluttony and refusing to give your wealth to the poor...Give her the flick KC.

Knight's Cross

Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
I thought about flipping it on her, quoting places in biblical text that rebuttal her quotes. The problem with that tact is it's like wrestling with a pig. The only thing that comes out of it is you get dirty and the pig likes it. Not much good can come out of that. You see, she's trying to gain high ground. Standing on a moral pillar. So of course in her eyes I'm wrong, and well beneath her. See something wrong with that? It's got her high and mighty, and power in the relationship automatically in her favor. Nope, as cool a chick as she is in other areas, I'm moving along.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
