Ok, well we hung out Thursday night, had a great time, by the time I left the next morning we had sex 3 different times as well. We did do some drinking that night at the bar, and at some point we discussed where our relationship was heading and some parameters concerning it. Though by the time we started to really get into the discussion, we ended up in bed, started having sex, and we never brought it up again.
So anyway, right after I left within a couple of hours she sent me an email giving me a couple web sites we had talked about and wishing me a great day.
I responded later that night...read it guys and tell me if you think I did right, screwed up, or whatever. I can take criticism fine. Here it is.........
I hear ya about dragging today. Don't know how you could have managed to keep your eyes open through classes. I had to catch myself 4 or 5 times today when my eyes started to drift shut. We have a great time partying together but we sure pay for it the next day dont we? How did we ever get through 4 days of Vegas? As soon as I get done here I'm off to bed and a good book. Yeah lame I know, but to me nothing better than bed and a book, well, maybe one other thing is better with something in bed lol.
And hey, as far as last night and what was said after we had had a few. I'll make this short and not too serious, because thats one thing I've really liked about us getting to know one another, we just kinda have fun and let things fall where they may without reading too much into things, even though I know I can wax all poetic when I've been drinking, as you know all too well lol. Anyway, I've been in too many relationships where people play little games and all that bull. Not that you and I do at all, but I've learned to basically speak my mind when I feel the time is right. So basically, after getting to know you more, I care about you. I think I feel safe in assuming you feel somewhat the same about myself, probably even more since its me we're talking about

. You're a damn cool girl. I'm a damn cool guy. So lets get it on.... or at least start thinking about thinking about it lol. End of story. If your down with that, great. If not, do what makes you happy I always say. No pressure. Not saying that tonight you and I should become exclusive bf-gf and live happily ever after, but I am saying that if we continue to see one another, unless you become a totally and utterly complete psycho, which after getting to know you isn't out of the realm of possibilities lol, but assuming that doesn't happen, if your realllllly lucky I'm pretty sure my feelings for you will only get stronger. So there...bamm...theres your last warning about how I feel and end of drama for the night.
See ya...
Ok, should I have sent that? And if so did I come across as obviously expressing an interest in possibly moving the relationship along further without coming across as too pushy? Or did I majorily screw up? We've been dating now for almost 3 months, in my mind at least I don't think its unreasonable at that point to start to wonder is this going anywhere, or is it just a fling. Again, any comments are appreciated.