New here..need help


New Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Hi all, as an aspiring DJ who has read these boards for quite some time now, I never have felt the need to actually write until this little problem came up.

I've had a steady gf for about 8 months now. And to be honest, things haven't exactly been smooth for the last 3 of those months. Shes really turned into a b1thcy, arguementative, very insecure and overly sensitive person. I'm ready to end things, just need a little push for me to do it.

But shes not really the reason I'm writing. About a week ago, I went to my mom and dads cottage on Lake Anna here in Virginia, and my gf came along. Also there was ALOT of my family, including some of my dads family like his brothers and their wives and kids. One of those wives has a sister who was their with her family, including their daughter. The daughter, who I'll call A, is a quite the cutie and we've always flirted back and forth with one another over the years. Shes well educated, pretty conservative, and not one to be a wild party type.

Anyway, my gf and I got into a fight over something stupid, and she ended up leaving. Meanwhile, A and I started talking and flirting, and by the time night time rolled around we were both pretty buzzed. We ended up making out by the beach, and telling one another how we each have had strong feelings for one another over the years. We then ended up going back to my room where we had sex, and I can say it felt GREAT!!.

The next day was sort of awkward, but we talked and I ended up getting her phone number and email. She had to leave that day, so about 3-4 days later I emailed her saying the usual, "strange it happened, but glad it did, we should get together, blah blah blah". Didnt exactly know what her reaction would be, I mean we were both drunk at the time, and I had feeling her anti-slut defense would kick in. Anyway, she sent an email back. Here it is----

Hey, hows it going? Yeah, the weather was not too great down there.
I ended up coming home early on Thursday. Oh well, I still had fun.
Was pretty tired after what happened the next day. Once I hit the couch I was out.

Ive gotta say, I was kind of surprised by everything you told me
the other day. The whole situation I still think is a little weird and I
dont know what to think of it. Although good or bad, I believe things
happen for a reason. Even though Im still unsure of everything, I
figure I can just let things play out. I think grabbing a bite to eat
or something next week would be fun. I still have to check out what my
work schedule is like for next week. E-mail me or give me a call and
let me know when youll be in town. My cell # is xxxxxxxxxx. Talk
to ya later.

To me it seemed to be saying, I kind of regret things, but dont know for sure. Not exactly a ringing endoresment.

I emailed back, told her to let me know her work schedule, and then I'll call and set things up. Its been 4 days now and have heard nothing back, plus I called yesterday and no answer or call back.

I'm slightly confused as to what to do from here. Should I email or call again? Or Just forget it? I mean it seems like if she was truely interested she would have responded by now. Actions speak volumes.

I appreciate you all taking the time to read this and offer any suggestions on the next course of action.

DJ Alejandro

Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2001
Reaction score
Southern Philippines
i dont really appreciate your "strange it happened" line. you act as if you weren't in control. maybe you really weren't but that's not exactly the image you'd wnat to portray here.

get a little busy. you're letting her dictate the course of your "relationship". and uh.. most of us here aren't really into cheating.


New Member
Jul 11, 2004
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The relationship with my gf has been over for some time now, its just neither one of us has had the guts to end it. Not excusing my actions, but I have never cheated on a gf before. Plus, if you knew what the arguement was about the made her leave, you would understand that I have done everything short of being GOD in trying to make our relationship work. I truely have. I am in the process of breaking up with her regardless of what turns out with A.

As far as the strange it happened line, I didnt say that exactly, was just giving you a example. I believe my exact phrase was "didnt expect anything likem that to happen, but glad it did."

Any other tips on how to approach this or what she might be thinking?

Jay Fiedler

Don Juan
Nov 22, 2003
Reaction score
Madison Heights
This story sounds really familiar lol. My gf and I also got into a big fight over the 4th of July, and she left too lol. Only diff is I didnt get any other action lol. But were fine now.

Anyway, onto your scenario. First, I applaud you for ending things with your gf. Just get out of that situation asap.

As for A, thats a tough one. She for sure showed alot of interest, I mean she did have sex with you, and from her email it sounds like she was putting up some anti-slut defense. What was the difference in days between you sending another email and when you were actually supposed to go out? Maybe she is seeing someone else and not sure what to do?

Hell, to be honest I dont know how read this lol.


New Member
Jul 11, 2004
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Jay, she did mention a guy she was talking to, but no serious bf from what she told me.

The weird thing is she sent her email 4 days ago, and then I responded. So if we were gonna meet up this week, you would have thought she would have responded to that by now.

The more I look at it, the way she says "shell figure she'll let things play out", sounds to me like she thinks shes in total control of this situation, like she knows she can have me at anytime. Which, considering Im writing on an internet website about it, maybe she can haha.

Any other ideas?