Despite the comments above, there's nothing wrong with asking questions to your fellow men about dating/sexual dynamics. You'll notice that most of the above didn't actually offer constructive advice. Instead, they took this as an opportunity to talk about themselves. --- consider the sources.
Unspoken 'codes' will vary - depending on the woman, her sexual attitude etc... In this day and age, there really isn't a 'set protocol.' From a psychology standpoint, you've done well - by not appearing too 'hungry.' As long as you don't give off a 'friend vibe' there's a good chance that she will probably attempt to seduce you.
You are still in the early stages with this woman. Sex does not necessarily equate to getting serious with each other. If you two are able to communicate with each other this openly, that's not a bad thing. Remember, however that a woman's actions will always speak louder than her words.
Keep us posted on things.