Most guys who are 'maxed' out are usually into working out, so they're going to be in there 3 times a week, at least , for positive or negative reasons. Maybe if you just want to look big, but not worried about condition, being lean, or fit, you'd maybe get away with long breaks, but nopt 3 weeks off regularly.Any guy who needs to go the gym everyday does not have a purpose, especially if he's maxxed, you can go up to 3 weeks without working out before seeing any drop offs and you should if your maxxed.
Its embarrassing to see guys like you with your rhetoric but nothing of substance to actually say, like working out is simple.
I got a couple of half jokey comments from 2 male PT's before covid about always being in the gym. Could tell comments were semi serious. I thought what a thick comment to make if being serious. 3-4 times a week is hardly excessive imo. Most people should be doing that amount of excercise anyway, with the odd break. not just gym obsessed people... its nothing extreme imo to do 4 hours exercise a week. Going in every day or twice a day all the time, I could understand as generally not needed and likely to be detrimental.