First off, let me say that I'm IMPATIENT for next week's assignment.
It's summer break, and I have had nothing to do for the past months. So my life consists of wake up, work out, eat, watch a movie / go to the mall / surf the net, have dinner, watch porn, sleep.
Ok, I can remove the porn. But ask me to remove all AFC influences (which as someone said, is impossible) and what do I have? I've got nothing to do to replace that, and I don't like staring at the ceiling! Yes, I'm starting an internship this week so I will get more busy. But my point is that I can't just remove something without having something else to do. I much prefer other bootcamps I've seen where you start by giving EC and saying Hi.
In fact, I think I'm gonna do that. No, hell, I AM gonna do that. I've tried approaching before and it's harder than it seems at first, but once you go it becomes easier and fun! What I like is now I will have a set goal and I'm gonna wham it.
Also, I'm looking for a buddy, for accountability and to share thoughts, and if you've read this far you're interested enough to qualify. Contact me.
Last thing. The material here seems a lot less adventurous than in mASF. Like how you aim to be a DJ instead of a PUA. Anyone care to venture why? (No I know no one KNOWS the answer. But some feedback will give me something interesting to read.)
Peace out.