Well I got one prediction wrong of the august 28th date.

Really, all the signs pointed at that date... but I could have gotten the wrong calendar or something. Lots of different calendars. Or maybe that date will make sense later.
On the other hand, I made this thread august 8th saying that from what I got basically from alien contactees (but also through some other varied methods), great wars, great deaths would be coming soon. That part seems to be a little closer to the truth now then it was back then. When did the 1400 die because of that CW attack? (was fake btw, but whatever). August 22?
- Oh, just btw, I and others put a hell of a lot of thought into these subjects. I can tell you more about the "story" on how we reached these conclusions later, but maybe you wouldn't believe it, anyway. Let's just say that this didn't come out of thin air. -
The part of the cosmic change in consciousness I was talking about... It is yet to be confirmed directly, but this war that appears to be coming very soon, for us, we think it is obviously tied to that. Why? I'm not sure if it is worth to go into that... if someone asks, sure, I will try and explain, of course! : D But if no one really wants to know, like I said, I think it's better to not go in there.
Don't let the war distract you from what is REALLY important! : D That's what gonna be the most awesome thing we can imagine, ever. I repeat, I hold that if you manage to evolve spiritually in the middle of this- take advantage of the age of aquarius- you will not be fine, you will be more then fine, awesome, great, enlightened, cool, really really cool! Re-read the first post as a reminder if you're interested. Oh, and are any of you feeling more "deep" or something?
I still am researching about this... What do you guys feel about what I said?
Epi, Atom and backseat juan you guys seem to have some more cool inputs! I await replies, if possible. : D And from others too, of course.
It's been an very interesting thread... I thank you all for your replies. I did think about all that. Your discussion seems to being productive, so I won't come between yet. But it seems we are in a mixed bag here. I will put the two extremes:
Fatal Jay said:
There is a lot of truth to this.
Dedication said:
Are ALL of you high or the ****!