Never Settle


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Everyone has standards. Standards for the job they want, car they want, clothes they want, significant other they want...

The list goes on and on. Most of the time, these standards we set are pretty high. After all, what person doesn't dream for the best?

Yet often times we stop, look longingly at these standards, and think "these are pretty incredible demands." Yes, but again, this is what we truly want from our lives.

After a brief moment of reflection, we either carry on, or lower our standards. We settle for less, something that doesn't bring us complete joy, but just a little unsatisfying piece of it. Ever buy something from a store you didn't completely like 100%? I have, and it's a horrible feeling. I come home and think, "wow, I settled for this?" It's the same with our standards. One day, years in the future we'll look back and think, "wow, I settled for this? What happened to what I wanted? What happened to my standards?"

Turns out somewhere along the way, we lowered our standards because we perceived them to be unattainable. But the fault doesn't lie in the standards, but rather in ourselves. Standards are high because they give us something to reach for; they're naturally the moment. Only through a process of change and growth can we satisfy those standards.

But change is hard. The easiest thing to do is to be average and live your life the way people expect you to live it. Change is hard because it requires that you alter habits you've had for years. So we don't change, and go through life settling for less, settling for that little sliver of joy when we could have so much more.

But this is nonsense. Some people think we should go through life taking the least painful route, like we're supposed to suffer a little bit each day. Like suffering is something noble. Again, horse manure. Suffering sucks. I don't think anyone wants to suffer, but it's glorified to an extent that we think we do. Instead, people should naturally want to take the most pleasurable route through life, the most rewarding path, and often times, this is the original path you set for yourself with those oh so unreachable standards. Or are they?

The easiest way to satisfy your standards for life is to apply these standards to yourself. Want to be respected? Accomplish things and build your reputation. Want a funny/smart/fit gf/bf? Become funny/smart/fit yourself. And so on.

Life isn't just "whatever happens" to us these few years on the planet. You don't have to sit there passively and suffer and silently fume at your friends for taking you places you really don't want to be at. You don't have to stifle your skills and creativity just because the people around you don't appreciate it. No, because now you have standards for yourself, and how you live your life.

You and you alone define what you want from life, and what you will strive to get from life. Not your friends, the TV, church, or anything else. So when you hand over that right to someone else, and end up somewhere less rewarding than your wildest dreams, then you're the only one to blame. I'm fairly confident anyone (reading this) can accomplish anything they want. No one can stop you except yourself. So now, you have a choice.

- inspired by pook


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
it's great to have standards, goals and dreams..
but you have to be content with what you have at the moment also..
be thankful rather than be attach to something..
like having a girl, a car, or whatever, just be thankful that you have them now..
when you loose them everything is cool, move on..
don't say i'll only be happy if i have this or that..
it's an excuse like saying..i'm sad because my girl left me or i'm failing school because my mom hates me..
you don't have any control of them, only your thoughts and actions..

you're right..
we have to have standards that we are content and happy with!~

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines

Great Post, young soldier!

And at 19 years old, no less. Impressive. I commend you AND I envy you a little as well. MANY of us here have only learned of the truths that you just shared by fighting YEARS of hard won battles. But thanks to places like THIS, and the few men we meet out here in the real world that really "get it", we can now take advantage by learning from those who have paved some of the way BEFORE us.

It is a blessing and a gift that you have opened yourself up to learn these things at so early an age. So HOLD fast to the truths you are learning now. And PRACTICE them, frequently.

This is the ONLY way that you will continue to internalize them and they will become an integral part of you----and that will make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to be separated from it, because what you KNOW will have become WHO you are.

And as a result, perhaps YOU will not suffer the fate of having to learn as much about life through the hardships that only a lack of knowledge can set men up for.

And as you continue ON in your maturity you will notice men younger AND older than you that will fall at your left and at your right-----due to their lack of knowledge.

And as you count yourself fortunate as being among the WISE, as much as you are able, please continue to try to help your fellow men to become BETTER MEN, as you continue to...
