Never Put Up with No Bullsh!t


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
Guy's that just got in a relationship. Heed this advice! I had to learn the hard way about some of these tips that I am giving you.

1. Never let a girl disrespect you. If she does something that irritates you to a certain point you must put your foot down. You must tell her. If she doesn't change then she does not respect you enough.

I was in a relationship with a girl for a year. When I asked her to change something that I didn't feel was right we would argue until 5 in the morning about it. She obviously doesn't respect me enough to change. After we argue a couple days later she would change but she would never change without giving a fight. What should have happened was me just tell her straight up about it and telling her that there is no ifs ands or buts about it. I am not having it.

2. There are a million girls in this world. You will find another girl that is better for you rather than your current girl. This is guranteed. Some of you guys are complacent with your girlfriend and don't dump her because you think somethings are fixed. Well guess what??? Some things just can't be fixed.

I thought I could get my girlfriend to change some obvious flaws in her. But what do I get whenever I bring it up. "I am not perfect. No one is. Just adapt." I know that there are many girls out there that would have no problem changing something if they loved me that much. I just can't be lazy and I must find them.

3. Actions speak louder then words. I don't care how much your girlfriend says she loves you..... Actions will tell and if she did love you like she said she did she wouldn't do have the bad **** she does.

My girlfriend always says she loves me more then I love her. Yet it seems everytime we get in an argument I am the one always talking. She has nothing to say because guess what.... SHE DOESN'T CARE!!! Now if she loved me remotely wouldn't she be able to talk

4. If you ask for advice. Take it

I have been given advice here multiple times over the same girl. Well guess what? This is the last thread about her because I am done. I always said I just love her so let me give her a chance. But look where it got me. Arguing EVERY OTHER DAY ABOUT THE SAME ****. Sometimes your just comfortable with the norm but the best thing you must do is break it. Because there is always better.

Remember these guys if you are in your first relationship. This is my first real relationship and I can see I am getting run over. Even though I do so much for her. I was always the nice guy always letting her get $ because her family is broke as hell. Letting her drive my car... Letting her do everything her way!!! But when I had something to ask her to change then it's an argument.

Another tip I want to say is that if your 20. Never get in a LTR with a girl unless you know for sure she is mature. This is what happens when your in a relationship with an immature girl.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
ive had a ditto case..first 2 months were more than awesome..the last 8-10 months have been on/off and im currently doing the No Contact..truth is being nice is the worst thing u can do.

Let's Get Real

Don Juan
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Pierce Another tip I want to say is that if your 20. Never get in a LTR with a girl unless you know for sure she is mature. This is what happens when your in a relationship with an immature girl.[/QUOTE said:
I would also say to watch when she's 20. I think it's what you meant.

When girls turn 21 their confidence starts going thru the roof because they're now exposed to a lot more clubs and bars than before. This is also true when they go from a community college to a university. They start quickly changing who they are so it makes it difficult to be in a relatioship with them.