Never Had a Girlfriend (Double fold question)


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Albanian_Alpha said:
I would like to know why you object DeAngelo's stuff, can you explain it to me further because he seems the best dating expert and the simplest when I compare them to Mystery or Swinggcat?
I oppose him too because he is all about standing in a seminar talking theory and gimmicks, and (from what I've seen) does nothing to back it up. I tried applying his material and even though it all sounded logical and inspiring, it just was practical in the real world! I'm also 99% sure his examples and stories are full of bullsh!t!

I'm not saying everything he teaches is useless or lies, but until you see proof that it works, treat it only as theory. The best anyone can do to improve their understanding of women is to get out there and meet them in person and learn from real life experience.

And unlike DeAngelo (and the rest of the snakeoil salesmen) real experiences do not come with a $500+ price tag!


Don Juan
May 27, 2006
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Jariel said:
I oppose him too because he is all about standing in a seminar talking theory and gimmicks, and (from what I've seen) does nothing to back it up. I tried applying his material and even though it all sounded logical and inspiring, it just was practical in the real world! I'm also 99% sure his examples and stories are full of bullsh!t!

I'm not saying everything he teaches is useless or lies, but until you see proof that it works, treat it only as theory. The best anyone can do to improve their understanding of women is to get out there and meet them in person and learn from real life experience.

And unlike DeAngelo (and the rest of the snakeoil salesmen) real experiences do not come with a $500+ price tag!
Ok,that's a reasonable answer, but don't you think that out of all the "dating gurus" he is one of the best...his theories are really good, and I don't think that anyone should rely on the gimmicks and stuff, but his theories are simple and work when you GET IN THE can never lose when getting in the field...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Hey there Albanian_Alpha. Hate to hijack the original thread :whistle: , but heres why I don't like Deangelo's stuff.

First of all, he doesn't really HAVE that much stuff. In every single one of his newsletters, its always the repititive "Don't be a Wuss," and "Be ****y and funny."

Secondly, its really easy to misinterpret his ideas and "techniques." Just look in the discussion forum. Every DAY, someone will post something about accidentally being "too ****y" or losing a girl because he was being a jerk. Or the don't be a wuss thing- loads of people will interpret this as "Don't ever ever show you're interested (EVER!) and just sit back. Don't ever let a girl cry on your shoulders even if her entire family died in a carcrash." If you do it right, I'm sure Deangelo's stuff would work- but 90% of the people won't do it correctly. Why? Because Deangelo's material is all "surface" stuff. Doesn't really go deeper. If you don't understand something, how can you expect to be able to use it effectively.

And lastly, no permanent changes are made if you follow his methods. His method is just a quick fix to coverup for our other weaknesses and insecurity. At the end of the day, Deangelo and his students aren't real men, just "wusses trying to be ****y and funny." (Granted, 10% of them get chicks).

So really, its up to you. You wanna be a man? Or do you wanna join Deangelo and his crew of fakers? :nono:

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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As for my post in the "still a virgin" thread, I apply the same theory here. Personally, when I told a girl that I was dating that I had never had a GF and that SHE was the first one ive EVER dated, my credibility dropped down to 0. There goes my mystery and the girl. Girls don't want to here that they've dated more than the guy. Remember, GIRLS WANT GUYS WITH EXPERIENCE. So remember that when a girl says she doesnt like it when a guy is known to be a man*****. I can gurantee that in the end of the day shes chasing after him and says "i dunno why...". She just doesnt like the fact that she may not be on his list and it bugs her hence making her chase the supposed man*****.

"Fake it until you make it."

"They don't ask, you don't say."


Don Juan
May 27, 2006
Reaction score
Fender said:
Hey there Albanian_Alpha. Hate to hijack the original thread :whistle: , but heres why I don't like Deangelo's stuff.

First of all, he doesn't really HAVE that much stuff. In every single one of his newsletters, its always the repititive "Don't be a Wuss," and "Be ****y and funny."

Secondly, its really easy to misinterpret his ideas and "techniques." Just look in the discussion forum. Every DAY, someone will post something about accidentally being "too ****y" or losing a girl because he was being a jerk. Or the don't be a wuss thing- loads of people will interpret this as "Don't ever ever show you're interested (EVER!) and just sit back. Don't ever let a girl cry on your shoulders even if her entire family died in a carcrash." If you do it right, I'm sure Deangelo's stuff would work- but 90% of the people won't do it correctly. Why? Because Deangelo's material is all "surface" stuff. Doesn't really go deeper. If you don't understand something, how can you expect to be able to use it effectively.

And lastly, no permanent changes are made if you follow his methods. His method is just a quick fix to coverup for our other weaknesses and insecurity. At the end of the day, Deangelo and his students aren't real men, just "wusses trying to be ****y and funny." (Granted, 10% of them get chicks).

So really, its up to you. You wanna be a man? Or do you wanna join Deangelo and his crew of fakers? :nono:
So, do u recomend someone else or the DJ BIBLE or what?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
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Truth to be told man, I've read like...30% of the DJ bible. That thing is seriously over sized!!!

But yeah, I'd recommend all Pooks posts, Jugglers e-book+ podcasts and Swingcats ebook.

Thats all the "material" you will ever need imho.

But honestly, to see real improvement, go out there and approach, or get a GF. There's no better teacher than experience :D


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Altho I don't think this is common. It does happen to some people. However, 23 to figure out the game is better than a lot of people.

Like everyone else said. Read the DJ bible (If you have time) David's book (If you have the money) DD puts it together nicely since it is for profit.

First and foremost though, you have to learn to be confident about yourself and lose that desperation. Relax!! You're here to have fun and enjoy life :)


Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Fender said:
Hey there Albanian_Alpha. Hate to hijack the original thread :whistle: , but heres why I don't like Deangelo's stuff.

First of all, he doesn't really HAVE that much stuff. In every single one of his newsletters, its always the repititive "Don't be a Wuss," and "Be ****y and funny."

Secondly, its really easy to misinterpret his ideas and "techniques." Just look in the discussion forum. Every DAY, someone will post something about accidentally being "too ****y" or losing a girl because he was being a jerk. Or the don't be a wuss thing- loads of people will interpret this as "Don't ever ever show you're interested (EVER!) and just sit back. Don't ever let a girl cry on your shoulders even if her entire family died in a carcrash." If you do it right, I'm sure Deangelo's stuff would work- but 90% of the people won't do it correctly. Why? Because Deangelo's material is all "surface" stuff. Doesn't really go deeper. If you don't understand something, how can you expect to be able to use it effectively.

And lastly, no permanent changes are made if you follow his methods. His method is just a quick fix to coverup for our other weaknesses and insecurity. At the end of the day, Deangelo and his students aren't real men, just "wusses trying to be ****y and funny." (Granted, 10% of them get chicks).

So really, its up to you. You wanna be a man? Or do you wanna join Deangelo and his crew of fakers? :nono:
DD's subscription is to lure people to buy his book, his material is recycle. All these rules and advices are simple and repetitive to begin with. It leads you to the same place in the end. Hence his newsletter looks all the same sooner or later. His stuff is AAA material. Fender, have you actually read his books?