NEVER date beautiful girls!


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah well, I suppose 3 line word bytes are easier to digest than actual information. You guys must find books really scary. I guess you'll have to wait for the SD lessons to come out on video - preferably the cartoon version :cool:

Incidentally, it usually pays off to have some idea what you're talking about before criticizing it, or it makes you stupid. Particularly when you're criticizing the opposite of D's stuff and actually agreeing with it - lol :)

Anyone that's read archaic fiction like Homer, Shakespeare etc., stream of consciousness stuff like Joyce's Finnegans Wake, or philosophical works like Schopenhauer, Nietsche, Kierkegaard etc. would find D's Louisiana girl prosaic style wordy but relatively easy going.

So here's the deal. If you read something and get at least a basic understanding of it, you're entitled to discuss it and offer opinions. If you lack the level of literacy or concentration span to even read it, let alone understand it, then you're not.

I would recommend that you guys stick with stuff that you're comfortable with. and avoid embarrassing yourselves by offering opinions on subjects you obviously know nothing about.
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Don Juan
Jan 11, 2003
Reaction score
If I would have to make the choice...

... I'd rather live in an illusion where I have the power to INCREASE (not neccecarilly create) attraction, then living in a world where everything is set in stone.

[Therefor I'll be a stubborn nut to convince otherwise]

I have in several occassions...
... made a stranger happier.
... made a stranger feel usefull.
... made a stranger dislike me.

So why can't I make a stranger like, fck or even love me?

Be your TRUE self.[/]
What IS your true self? Everybody who knows their every character strength potential, say aye. Is a guy who has spend 90% of their awake time to play video games since he was 12, equally attractive to a guy who spent his time exploring his character, possibillities and self. Chances are, no!

No tricks, tactics or even improvements will ever make a difference that a woman will sleep with you.

Do you guys even realise how destructive this sentence is? If every man KNEW from birth, this statement was true, the world would look REALLY different.
Poets, musicians, artists, millions of inventions and heroes was born trough the thought of the oposite is possible. It is the very core of sexual transmutations, which I will not go further into, as I assume you've all read Napolean Hill or atleast some of pook's stuff.

Silly Imbrondir... allright, improvements is helpfull, but you'll have to admit the teqniques&tactics are all useless.

Have you ever had a really alpha guy in your class, or coming into your social circle, who nobody knew? But within minutes, everybody perceived him as an alpha. This creates an emotion of respect. Is this behaviour impossible to learn? Doesn't this allso create a certain emotion in women as well?

But he doesn't even think about it, he does it naturally

So that makes it impossible to become one? How about you changing the way you think. In time, your thoughts will seek to materialize themselves. Not over night, but over time. The transformation would be known as, fake it untill you make it. It will look faked, because old habit of thinking don't change in the snap of a second.

ok ok.... but all the lines and patterns are atleast bullsh|t

When you hang around certain people, you'll notice they'll use some particular lines over and over again. And if they're cool guys/girls, they'll allso get a laugh over and over again. Ok, some other guy already mentioned he found them usefull for entertainment. But some people are very good at articulating their values as well. They allso tend to use the same lines. These lines, in correct context do create a specific emotion. Some so strong, they literally change the listeners values.

I don't like patterns and NLP tricks, except using them on myself. But I do enjoy reading c&f lines for instance. The more I read(and apply), the more I invent myself.

Great sarcasm in your post Ice Cold.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Aramas - I've opened up your post, just to see if you're still convinced in your loser ways.

But my god! You're comparing destini with Nietzsche :( (note the spelling you moron, had you spent any considerable amount of time studying him, you'd know how to spell his name)

Nietzsche had structure and a certain beleif in the way society operates. In every paragraph of his lies 2-3 deep ideas.

When reading destini's writings, the language is not the problem. It's lack of organization. She jumps from one idea to the other never making the point.

And when you read through 50 pages of text and discovered no credible ideas, I just stopped. I cut my losses. Just like with books - you get a sucky book, you read 150 pages, you throw it away cause it's junk.

But hey - maybe I really don't understand anything and destini is the next Schopenhauer(props on spelling him). Could you give in point form, 5 general ideas of her philosophies. Since you know them so well and read her website, why don't you do it? In this thread.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey ice - good to see you've dropped the pimp daddy facade and lifted your game :)

Ooh - I made a typo? I'd slash my wrists but my razor needs recharging. Your comprehension skills are still seemingly lacking - what I actually said was that D's writing wasn't that hard to follow compared to others - I made no comment comparing her work with theirs. D's stuff is closely based on Jungian psycholgy but delivered in more contemporary layman's terms. It's not original - it's more of a compilation filtered through D's experiences. It would take years to read all of the stuff that it's derived from, and decades to experience and digest it - it only takes a few months to get through D's stuff, and you can see results in the first month if you get with the program.
Could you give in point form, 5 general ideas of her philosophies.
Does you're mommy still cut your food up for you? :cool:

  • Every human has an AI - an Archetypal Ideal, which is in some ways analagous to Jung's Anima. Our AI is our image of the perfect woman, with all of the physical and personality traits that we find most attractive - usually the polar opposites of our own. When we are attracted to someone it is because we see (AI) aspects of them that are underdeveloped in ourselves and we attempt to integate those aspects by spending time with them, preferably (in the case of hot chicks) by f@#%ing their brains out. eg a guy sees a hot chick that's very outgoing when he's more introspective, an alliance forms during which both people integrate those aspects and become more balanced. The guy would become more outgoing and the chick would become more self aware. This is the basis and purpose of all human relationships and is an unconscious process.
  • D uses the word 'ego' in the layman's sense (an aspect of the unconscious that is like a 2 year old that wants everything it sees), which can be confusing. However, by not allowing ourselves to be driven by ego we not only become more objective, but also less vulnerable, since it's the ego that freaks out when we're rejected. Distancing oneself from the ego also allows us to be more perceptive and notice the opportunities that are presented to us, instead of just blindly going after chicks that show no interest in us.
  • There are only 3 possible reactions from a chick - attraction, repulsion and indifference, and chicks know in the first few seconds which camp a guy falls into. If a chick is attracted to us then all we have to do is not f@#% it up - nature takes care of the rest. If a chick is repulsed (ie we present no aspects of their AI) then there's really not much you can do about it. You could of course find out what her AI is and fake it so she's interested, but that's not only fraudulent, but sad and pathetic, since no integration is possible from such a tie. If she's indifferent then it all comes down to threat vs gratification - if you can convince her that there's fun to be had at minimal risk to her ego, and don't f@$% it up, then you're in.
  • Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is self actualisation. When we focus on getting close to a chick that has strong AI qualities, situations in which we can establish an appropriate tie are actually manifested (through the collective unconscious and synchronicity) - ie if we decide our AI is an outgoing hot blonde with big tits then they'll start showing up and presenting themselves as opportunities - assuming you're actually out there looking, of course. Don't ask me how the collective unconscious works or even what it is - suffice to say that it's supposedly some kind of unconscious connection between all human beings. If you want more detail then I'll post a Joseph Campbell quote in which he gives a synopsis of one of Schopenhauer's essays. Interestingly Jung maintained that it was through our anima (AI) that we communicate with the collective unconscious.
  • Everyone on this board has or has had some kind of fear related block that has interfered with not only getting laid, but with the process of self actualisation. Nearly everyone has this deep seated fear which can have many causes. D refers to it as the Alpha Demon, and by identifying the cause of that fear and dealing with it, whether it was some kind of childhood trauma or whether it was just something learned from socially inept parents, we can gag it and eventually conquer it.
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Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Yes, she does. Did your mommy...

Oh jeez - just post the five points.

I tried my best with her website. I can't gather any sound ideas.

Please please please help me.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
I empathise that D's writing can be hard going - especially when she gets all flaky and goes off on one of her conspiracy threory tangents - lol. But she's a pretty cool chick, and whatever anyone might think of her writing style or political views, it doesn't change the validity of the content on the site. If writers and artists were judged by their personal quirks rather than the quality of their work then they'd be in deep sh!t.

Some of the stuff steps well over the line into the quasi-mystical, as anything pertaining to Jung inevitably does. Rationalists will probably be unable to deal with that, but if they're looking for an simple logical explanation that covers human relationships then they're SOL, since we humans are neither simple nor logical.

D's stuff is heavily influenced and written from the perspective of her own personal experiences, so while the framework is valid, the specifics vary for different people - One specific example is the number and sequence of muse/beacon ties, which I'm fairly sure are different for everyone.

Like anything it's necessary to cherry pick and take what you need, using it as an aid to get you a few steps further on your personal journey. It's not a 'bible' or a set of instructions on how to 'Become a Chick Magnet in just 30 Days!'. Most of all it helps to get people thinking about what they want from their life and what's holding them back.

Dell SkyCat

Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2003
Reaction score
There's nothing wrong with getting your food cut up into peices as long as you still eat it :D


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Aramas
If you read something and get at least a basic understanding of it, you're entitled to discuss it and offer opinions. If you lack the level of literacy or concentration span to even read it, let alone understand it, then you're not.
That's a nice velvety insult, but it is also the sort of lame excuse poor writers use to deflect blame from their impenetrable rants.

It's a hard life, but writers who wish to communicate usually are responsible for crafting their thoughts in terms accessible to their intended audience.

Is she only interested in discussing things with philosophy majors?

And believe it or not, but there are actually different schools of philosophy that quite vigorously disagree with each other. So she might be right in track with some major brand -- and yet, that proves nothing in particular.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
And believe it or not, but there are actually different schools of philosophy that quite vigorously disagree with each other. So she might be right in track with some major brand -- and yet, that proves nothing in particular.
I agree, but D isn't selling anything. It's not a commercial product packaged for mass consumption. It's all FREE. She is who she is, and if anyone doesn't like it they can f@$% off. Sound familiar? D is more of a DJ than most of the guys on this board ;)

No one claims that D's stuff is a magic pill that works for everyone, but putting something down without even trying to understand it is pointless. If someone can't take her gushy style then fine, they should say so and leave it at that. But when they start criticizing content that they haven't even read let alone understood, based on fundamentally flawed assumptions, then it's just plain silly.

If someone reads it, mulls it over and actually understands it, then still thinks it's a crock then fine - at least their opinion is based on a solid understanding. The basis of the stuff is fundamentally Jungian, which is rather esoteric and will alienate a lot of people that like everything to be simple and rational. That's fine - there are other approached that will work for them.

All roads lead to Rome - some just happen to lead in the opposite direction first. I prefer a more direct route.
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Aramas
Anyone that's read archaic fiction like Homer, Shakespeare etc., stream of consciousness stuff like Joyce's Finnegans Wake, or philosophical works like Schopenhauer, Nietsche, Kierkegaard etc. would find D's Louisiana girl prosaic style wordy but relatively easy going.
Joyce is my favorite author. I've read Ulysses, Portrait, Dubliners, blah blah blah. Read and performed Shakespeare, studied Soren Kierkegaard thoroughly, and I STILL cannot get through her writing.

Huge props to BobbDobbs. He's exactly right. Poor writing often hides behind wordiness and vague prose, something I've been guilty of myself, so I can smell it a mile away.

I just don't have the time to sift through what I've deemed is useless for my own situation based on what I've read.

What happens, IN HER MIND, is that she comes to see you as WORTHLESS simply because she hasn't had to INVEST anything in you in order to get you or to keep you.

You were an interesting diversion while she had nothing else to do. But now that someone a little more valuable has come along, someone who expects her to treat him very well, she'll have no problem at all dropping you or demoting you to lowly "friendship" status.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
How did you go with Finnigans Wake though? I've never met anyone that could make sense of that one :)

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
The problem with destini is that she complicates things unnecessarily. She invents vague philosophical terminology, which are a mix of early phychology and ESP. Then she proceeds to ramble about the mating game using her own definition to finally confuse the reader.

This way, the reader has no choice, but to interpret it however she wants to.

I am not like that. I am scientific. If you can't prove it, if you don't have sufficient data set to statistically demonstrate the validity of your hypothesis, it's garbage.

Every human has an AI - an Archetypal Ideal, which is in some ways analagous to Jung's Anima. Our AI is our image of the perfect woman, with all of the physical and personality traits that we find most attractive
Ok, this I agree with. We call it HB10.

usually the polar opposites of our own.
Not enough evidence. From what I've seen, guys are attracted most to tits/butt/legs with character in the background. And it usually helps if the girls has the same qualities as the guy.

When we are attracted to someone it is because we see (AI) aspects of them that are underdeveloped in ourselves and we attempt to integate those aspects by spending time with them, preferably (in the case of hot chicks) by f@#%ing their brains out. eg a guy sees a hot chick that's very outgoing when he's more introspective, an alliance forms during which both people integrate those aspects and become more balanced. The guy would become more outgoing and the chick would become more self aware. This is the basis and purpose of all human relationships and is an unconscious process.
Ok, that's her hypothesis that needs to be tested. Did she test it? No. She just made it up.

Therefore, it's probably invalid.

D uses the word 'ego' in the layman's sense (an aspect of the unconscious that is like a 2 year old that wants everything it sees), which can be confusing. However, by not allowing ourselves to be driven by ego we not only become more objective, but also less vulnerable, since it's the ego that freaks out when we're rejected. Distancing oneself from the ego also allows us to be more perceptive and notice the opportunities that are presented to us, instead of just blindly going after chicks that show no interest in us.
Nice. First she doesn't define the "ego", she doesn't use the Freudian ego. She uses "layman's" ego, and all different kinds of assumptions come out.

Did anyone prove that that's how it happens? The "ego starts freking out" ? WTF?

Unscientific. Unproductive.

That's her hypothesis that needs to be tested. Did she test it? No. She just made it up.

Therefore, it's probably invalid.
There are only 3 possible reactions from a chick - attraction, repulsion and indifference, and chicks know in the first few seconds which camp a guy falls into.
I have evidence that it's not correct. The 3 reactions are not etched in stone.

If a chick is attracted to us then all we have to do is not f@#% it up - nature takes care of the rest.
I disagree strongly.

Not fukkin it up is passive. It requires no action. She just assumes things will happen from then on. They will, if you're a girl, but not if you're a guy.

A girl has never kissed me first. A girl didn't push me into sexual relations first.

There's much more to it than "not fukk it up". You need to plan, to seduce and to be agressive.

If a chick is repulsed (ie we present no aspects of their AI) then there's really not much you can do about it.
I could dress better, work out and learn to talk her ears off.
You could of course find out what her AI is and fake it so she's interested, but that's not only fraudulent, but sad and pathetic, since no integration is possible from such a tie.
That's her view. I don't think it's said and pathetic. I call it flexibility, and it's a nice skill to have. And I don't care what her views are on the topic cause they don't help me get laid.

If she's indifferent then it all comes down to threat vs gratification - if you can convince her that there's fun to be had at minimal risk to her ego, and don't f@$% it up, then you're in.
Ok, this I agree with. Destini has finally had a decent thought:
*drum roll*
If you can convince her to have sex with you, you're in


But she doesn't say a word on how to do it.

Everything happens for a reason, and that reason is self actualisation. When we focus on getting close to a chick that has strong AI qualities, situations in which we can establish an appropriate tie are actually manifested
Yes, some people do it for self actualization. I am one of them. Not all of us do it for that reason.
(through the collective unconscious and synchronicity)
ESP stuff again.

ie if we decide our AI is an outgoing hot blonde with big tits then they'll start showing up and presenting themselves as opportunities - assuming you're actually out there looking, of course.

Step1: I want a blonde with big tits
Step2: I see her talking to her friends at my campus
Step3: She comes up and introduces herself as an opportunity
Step4: All I have to do, is "not fukk it up" :)

Wow man. How could I not think about this myself??? :(

I mean all the time I wasted reading other stuff, when it's so easy. ROFL
Don't ask me how the collective unconscious works or even what it is - suffice to say that it's supposedly some kind of unconscious connection between all human beings. If you want more detail then I'll post a Joseph Campbell quote in which he gives a synopsis of one of Schopenhauer's essays. Interestingly Jung maintained that it was through our anima (AI) that we communicate with the collective unconscious.
Nah. I'm not intrested in trying to understand rubbish.

Everyone on this board has or has had some kind of fear related block that has interfered with not only getting laid, but with the process of self actualisation.
I disagree. You can't have a fear of self actualization.

We all are in an "excited state" when we approach a HB, however. It's normal. It will not go away. D is not credible to talk about it, cause she's a girl and never experienced it.

Nearly everyone has this deep seated fear which can have many causes.
Ok, nearly everyone is monstrously insecure. They just hide it.

How does knowing it helps me get laid?

D refers to it as the Alpha Demon, and by identifying the cause of that fear and dealing with it, whether it was some kind of childhood trauma or whether it was just something learned from socially inept parents, we can gag it and eventually conquer it
Ok cool. So her advice is: "conquer your fear" WOW!

How do we do it?


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
gonna peruse the BBW sites now. I've always wanted to date fat chicks!


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
lol Ice - you're predictable if nothing else.

Evidently you're trying to establish yourself as some kind of guru wannabee on the high school board. Interestingly enough the only people that might fall for it are the whiny little kids. Are they the people you're looking to for validation? Why are you so desperately seeking external validation anyway?

First of all, your manner and method is transparent, childish and woefully unsophisticated - certainly not clever or devious as you seem to imagine. You're comprehension skills are sadly lacking and your 'opinions' are defensive and based primarily on an elaborate fantasy. Since your agenda has evidently been to attack anything that threatens your safe little imaginary world and your safe little imaginary friends, then there's really not a lot of point in discussing anything with you. I suggest that you pay a reputable therapist to listen to your puerile inanities.

Anything that deals with human behaviour is by definition unscientific. Psychology and philosophy are humanities, not sciences.

To paraphrase the pythons "You're not the messiah, you're just a naughty boy" :cool:

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
I see.

I think this is a matter of Science versus Religion from this point on. If destini's model works for you, great.

I promise not to argue anymore about destini, but I have a favor to ask.

Aramas - please add me to your ignore list and never read my posts. :)

on the bottom, click "profile" and then "ignore this user" or some stuff like that.

Cool debate

Never try to read a woman's mind. It is a scary place. Ignore her confusing signals and mixed messages. Assume she is interested in you and act accordingly.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Aramas
lol Ice - you're predictable if nothing else.

Evidently you're trying to establish yourself as some kind of guru wannabee on the high school board. Interestingly enough the only people that might fall for it are the whiny little kids. Are they the people you're looking to for validation? Why are you so desperately seeking external validation anyway?

First of all, your manner and method is transparent, childish and woefully unsophisticated - certainly not clever or devious as you seem to imagine. You're comprehension skills are sadly lacking and your 'opinions' are defensive and based primarily on an elaborate fantasy. Since your agenda has evidently been to attack anything that threatens your safe little imaginary world and your safe little imaginary friends, then there's really not a lot of point in discussing anything with you. I suggest that you pay a reputable therapist to listen to your puerile inanities.

Anything that deals with human behaviour is by definition unscientific. Psychology and philosophy are humanities, not sciences.

To paraphrase the pythons "You're not the messiah, you're just a naughty boy" :cool:
99.9% ad hominem. And not very good ad hominem at that.

I noticed destini traffics in the same sort of logical fallacies, which is why it is hard to proceed with reading her. You have to sift through so much obvious crap that you get tired hoping to find any possible gems.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
99.9% ad hominem
Actually I'd say about 80%, and only in the sense of the direct latin translation - although calling Ice a man is a bit of a stretch :)

Ice deliberately and obviously baited a 'trap' (reminds me of Baldrick's 'fiendishly cunning plans' :) ) for the sole purpose of doing a bit of simplistic posturing. I called him on it, but apparently that's 'fallacious' or something. Feel free to point out anything in my last post that you deem to fall into the category of fallacy. While you're at it, feel free to point out anything in the DJ bible that you deem to fall into the category of science (not pseudo-science).

Perhaps I'll suggest to Destini that she puts in a drive-thru and makes up some McHappy Meals for the ADD sufferers amongst us :)
Aramas - please add me to your ignore list and never read my posts.
Why would I do that? I don't find you offensive - more mildly amusing really :)