Nerds need to stop being faggots


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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this is just fvckery on many levels :crazy: :down:

glenn's comment is interesting:

The new fad of the faux “geek girl” is making the rounds over at 4chan and other gamer-oriented webpages. We have come to the conclusion that, due to the miserable economy, females have decided to lift and shift fire as means to glom onto guys that are tech savvy, and thus more employable.

The females also recognize that male computer users are both easy to bully, and have a much lower expectations from females. A true Happy Hunting Ground for attention whoring tarts that have been given the “Tits or GTFO” ultimatum one too many times from guys like myself.

We may be seeing trend emerging where average American females see the need to move to the greener pastures of the pseudo-intelligencia (read: nerds) tech scene. Now… should we assume the regular feeding troughs (sports bars, night clubs, etc) that young females have exploited over the last 40 years are no longer capable of providing what the little darlings seek? This should be a fun situation to watch unfold.

from mra:

The same way Nazism operates, shaming, bulling, there is a lot of pressure from the pink mafia to destroy the tech world that men created, no surprising these same men many are beta males like Zuckernberg that succumb very easily to them, look how Sheryl Sandberg gets pay for being a women at Facebook, or how Yahoo only makes headlines today because its CEO is a woman (but got her job at Google in the 90′s because she dated one of the founders) these women ignore those men while in their younger years but right after they make the “next big thing” that makes them billionaires they are bullied to carter to the same women that actually hated them.

Women love the destroyers while hate and enslave the creators, they love how men destroy each other in theirs behalf, we can say that all wars have been fought for men seeking female approval (like Cleopatra) and still tday we are fighting because women want it, the war in middle east is marketed as “freedom for women from the region”.

The tech world is not different.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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One day, the pendulum will inevitably start swinging the other way. As Newton's fourth law of motion states, for every action there is a reaction. And the harder they try to cram their feminist agenda down men's throat, the more intense the eventual push back will be. The feminists just don't get it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 23, 2011
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Bokanovsky said:
One day, the pendulum will inevitably start swinging the other way. As Newton's fourth law of motion states, for every action there is a reaction. And the harder they try to cram their feminist agenda down men's throat, the more intense the eventual push back will be. The feminists just don't get it.
Third law of motion, Newton had no fourth law.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
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the CEO of yahoo Maressa decided to focus on "Yahoo search and Mail " and the funny thing even my grandpa if you ask her what should yahoo focus on will answer the same answer , but most of the media called this "Smart Decision " it make it clear there is feminism agenda after that to make every step this CEO do look like smart step


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2012
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It's not nerds who are taking away your chances. Your game just isn't effective anymore. I'm graduating with a degree in engineering next year, so you might classify me as a "nerd." I'm 6'1", 200 pounds, and make even the above average man look small.

Women, just like men, want the total package. A meathead with no brains is not the total package. Neither are scrawny nerds. Trust me I know. I'm probably 1 of 5 out of 50 in my major that I know gets laid, and the only one who does so consistently.

The highest paying salaries right now, and for many many many years to come are all going to be in engineering. Intelligence brings many bonuses in life, money and women are just two of them


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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Niceguy23 you are a liar..

your reading comprehension skills are far too low to be graduating as an engineer

my post is about women chasing engineers not engineers *unable to get laid* as you moronically put it.

do you understand?

I doubt you could even get into college

don't bother responding as you've been exposed clown


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2011
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MrNiceGuy23 said:
The highest paying salaries right now, and for many many many years to come are all going to be in engineering. Intelligence brings many bonuses in life, money and women are just two of them
Obviously this guy comes from a tier 3 and lower school to be saying something like this. Go look at glassdoor and confirm yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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MrNiceGuy23 said:
It's not nerds who are taking away your chances. Your game just isn't effective anymore. I'm graduating with a degree in engineering next year, so you might classify me as a "nerd." I'm 6'1", 200 pounds, and make even the above average man look small.

Women, just like men, want the total package. A meathead with no brains is not the total package. Neither are scrawny nerds. Trust me I know. I'm probably 1 of 5 out of 50 in my major that I know gets laid, and the only one who does so consistently.

The highest paying salaries right now, and for many many many years to come are all going to be in engineering. Intelligence brings many bonuses in life, money and women are just two of them

you still have to question waht engineering you are going for? same for people who ahve get asome nice salary, they are fools on a social lvl, also I know engineers who are paid lousily for they work, its still fall down on how good you as person can be to do things.

and for nerds being faggots, I say most of then don't care, or find woman annoying, but in the end is all for nerds think and overthink too much on things, its ok so solve problems and find better ways to solve problems, too much for social interation,
you just need to think why its easyer you find a stupid guy with a woman then a smart one.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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It really sad and sick at the same time, its like a drug addict which blows her pusher when she is young and makes fun of women working in cleaning companies only do some cleaning at mc donald to buy her sh1t cause she is too old and ugly to satisfy the pusher as before.

That same drug addict is asked would say that any job is worthy as long as it pays.

Their drug is attention/power which are interconnected.

Anyway nerds given the lower libido are sensitive only to the validation card from women and being them not that stupid as people think, they will in few years get it, remember that its the nerd the one who doesnt go out at weekend cause he likes it more to play videogames.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2013
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Who Dares Win said:
Their drug is attention/power which are interconnected.

Anyway nerds given the lower libido are sensitive only to the validation card from women and being them not that stupid as people think, they will in few years get it, remember that its the nerd the one who doesnt go out at weekend cause he likes it more to play videogames.
How did you get that nerds have lower libido ?:D Plus a lot of "nerds" are much better looking than the "non-nerds". (i should know being around them all my life). Outside of the USA people are not so crazy about athletes in general anyway.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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What is this? 1985?

Nerds are in now. Plenty of chicks dig nerds and their quirkiness.


Master Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
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not here. in the real world.
Until we stop living in a man vs. woman world, we're fvcked.

We are the yin-yang, the cooperation and momentum of both parts means something.

Neither man nor woman can stand alone, I don't care how gay or feminist or chauvenist.