need to play my cards right


New Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Hey guys,

I was a user on these forums many years ago, but stopped visiting for a while and am now back.

For a while I have been friends with a girl who had a boyfriend. She is quite hot and on top of that I think we get along really well. She recently broke up with her bf, and I want to nail her now. From what I've experienced previously, and from what people say on these forums, I know it is unlikely a girl will want to have sex with a guy she's already friends with. However, I think it can't hurt to try because we've had a lot of kino before while dancing at bars / clubs.

What I am wondering is how best to suggest that we should go out. We are planning to meet up for lunch some time, but have not set a date. As the conversation goes on, the fact that she's single now will surely come up, and if not, I can bring it up myself. At that point, I think the best thing to do would be to frankly say something like "I think we'd make a good couple." If she agrees, then I would go for a KC when we are leaving. What do you think?

On top of this, there is another twist to my story. When I moved to the USA from South Africa as a kid, I was so shy that I felt embarrassed about my accent and started trying to speak with an American accent in front of Americans, but not my family. Now, as far as my friends know, I have a flawless American accent. But really, it still feels unnatural to speak that way. I imagine I would feel extremely awkward now if I were to begin speaking in my natural South African accent to people whom I've been hiding it. It might take a long time before talking in a South African accent to people I already know feels natural.

Now that I am overcoming shyness I know that having an accent is nothing to be embarrassed about. However, the fact that I did hide it is embarrassing to admit. I think the only thing to do is just talk with a South African accent and when people ask me about it just explain what I did in the previous paragraph. What do you think?

I know that having an accent will probably help me get girls overall, but I'm not sure about this girl I am trying to date. Since she already knows me to have an American accent, she might feel weird since I've been hiding something from her.


I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
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Dude, you say you stopped visiting - it shows!

My experience with the friendzone, I knew a chick who somehow managed to get me into friendzone - I have no idea how - I was always a total jerk, but I made advances upon her from friendzone and got rejected and rejected again and again. That zone is practically impossible to escape from - currently I'm ignoring her for 6 months and going out and getting some other pus5y before I even bother considering attempting again.

Also - "I think we'd make a good couple." - what sort of pus5y sh*t is this? Seriously, it's almost as bad as asking if "you can go out with her", actions speak louder than words, if you're that desperate to hit on her then project yourself sexually, dont say silly **** like "I think we'd make a good couple." - that just screams of "Weak guy is hitting on you, Weak guy is hitting on you" to a female.

Also bring out your real accent - dont hide behind this fake, be proud of who you are dont pus5yfoot around because you think people will like your american fake accent, there's nothing more interesting to a chick than you being different from all the other douchebags out there, use that to your advantage.


New Member
Jan 10, 2007
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So do you think I should use kino directly w/o verbally saying I want to date her? This is what I'd do normally except that I'm already friends with her and thought she may have a bad reaction to it.

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
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Yeah, well if you really want to attempt to get in her pants just do what you do regularily and escalate the kino gradually, see how she reacts, maybe go for the kiss-close at the end of the day if you build up enough and feel confident, if you get knocked back at any point with the 'Lets just stay friends' or similar then just step away and go find some other chicks.

Just be a man of action. She'll have a worse reaction to you making open-ended statements than you being a man and asserting yourself.


New Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Okay, so as for kino I am thinking I can hold her hand on the way into the restaurant, or as we come out. Also, perhaps I could put my arm around her or something while we are smoking cigs outside the restaurant afterward. If both of these moves go as planned, then maybe I could go for the KC?

You used the words "at the end of the day." So far we're just planning on doing lunch, so we're not spending that much time together. Are you thinking I should try to spend more time with her to allow for more gradual build up of the kino? I could try suggesting that we get a beer afterward or something like that.

Thanks for the tips so far.

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
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Just a figure of speech mate. Just be calm, comfortable and funny whilst escalating with the kino and you should be fine if she's receptive, if she's not then just forget about it - move on.

As far as going for a beer or whatever, if you think it's cool at the time - go with it.