Need thoughts on first date


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
So I went out on a first date with a girl few days ago. Mid 20's attractive educated...etc.

Overall I felt she was a little uptight. She seemed to remember every word that came out of my mouth, and sometimes later in the conversation she would question simple contradictions. Silly stuff...for example you would say you didn't like lemons, and later you would mention you had lemonade at the cafe. Then she would emphasize by saying "I thought you said you don't like lemons??"

Is there even a name for such character? Is this a huge red flag? Any thoughts on this?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
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This is too easy. Forget she is a female and has female organs that you want to touch. OK?

This person is an a$$hole. Plain as that.

Her mother is probably a middle school hall monitor and she is probabaly a jaded a$$hole too.

Now that we cleared that up. You still probably want to touch those lady parts regardless. Cause I am certain this girl is not someone you would consider dating. Good. OK. Lets continue.

Classic sh1t tests. Probably actually means she is somewhat into you and is considering letting you give her an oral exam. So...if you didnt already and if there is a next time, this is what you do to shut that sh1t down.

Give it right back. 1to 2 ratio. Dont be mean spirited and do it with a smaile, but be quick and sharp about it. Show her that she is not the only one paying attention and taking notes. Also, dominate the crap out of this girl. This is a bloodhound so throw out almost all the gentleman crap. Stand "too" close to her. Meaning infiltrate her "space". Tell her to hold things for you arbitrarialy. Your scarf for instance or whatever. Interupt her when she babbles about nonsence and change the subject to keep her on her toes. (do not do this if she is opening up about herself. There is a differance between that and babbleing) If you go to the bathroom or go get the car or whatever, always say, "Im going yada yada, I want you to stay right here." Always level about it. Not a **** and not ****y, but firm. Just like she would have loved her loving and strong but absent father to do with her.

You'll see, I am right. And when it works, if you do it correctly, you report back here and tell us. Then you donante 10 dollars to prostate cancer research.


Dont spend one more second thinking about this baffoon. WHo the f^ck wants to spend time with such a jerk. What kind of social moron does that, taking notes to contridict someone. Imagine what being married to that kind of woman would be like! Wee Jizz. You would be thinking bad things everytime she walked past a staircase.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
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salinechow said:
Dont spend one more second thinking about this baffoon. WHo the f^ck wants to spend time with such a jerk. What kind of social moron does that, taking notes to contridict someone. Imagine what being married to that kind of woman would be like! Wee Jizz. You would be thinking bad things everytime she walked past a staircase.
Follow this.

She sounds like a downright retard, and as someone who has gone on 20 online dates in recent months trust me there are many of them out there.

If you can easily fvck her (i.e. by date 2) fair enough. But if she seems like hard work then DO NOT BOTHER WITH THIS IMBECILE AND MOVE ON.

I went out with an online girl recently who gave me a near 3 minute speech about how I disagree with everything she says and looked pretty upset (we were talking about some BS subject like music and I was just being playful). This was 30 minutes after meeting her on the first date, and she also ordered food. Then she wonders why she's single at the age of 37.

At the same time you could just be reading too much into it, unless she really was doing this continuously and she was a really awkward conversationalist.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Women do remember everything you tell them... it's uncanny. Most won't say anything about contradictions when they catch you in one. They just make a mental note. When they do this usually it's a signal to you NOT to BS them. She's sending you a message that she is smart which indicates that she is a little insecure about her intelligence.

This girl is easy to game. Compliment her on how smart she is. Another thing she will be impressed with is things she says that you remember.... all women like this because it's an indicator that you are listening to her, but she will be more impressed than most women.

If you go out again, while she is talking let her catch you checking out her @ss... She'll say something about it since she is the type. She'll say something like "Are you looking at my @ss!" Keep checking her out and repeat everything she just said to you, then tell her your listening and egg her on to keep talking. This type of woman will definitely respond to this.

When you start getting increased signs of interest step up your game.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
she sounds like a Head****.

I'd see where it leads if it was me whilst spinning plates(not letting her know that)

If you can fvck etc, then yeah sure.

If its going to be too hard then soft next and see if she changes her act.

If not hard next.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback. This is more of a learning experience than anything else. Doubt this girl is LTR material. But we'll see...

So I called a few days later to set up a date and left VM. Few hours later she txted saying she was with friends and couldn't pick up. And she didn't call back. Try again at a later time or just let it fade?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
She's probably been lied to before and is on the defensive, trying to reconcile her fear of your possibly not being honest.

I would drop casual comments into your conversation of how important honesty, loyalty and "honor", etc. are to you. Don't over-do it, just a light seasoning in your convo.

Just new read your latest post. One more try then ghost. No sense in fishing stagnant waters.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 14, 2014
Reaction score
Ranger Mikes advice is pretty damn good too. You could try that. That is, if she calls you back.

(You must spread some rep before giving it to those that deserve it)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
This brings to mind the attorney who lives and breathes their line of work wherever they go - the type for which anything and everything must turn into some sort of an argument with this kind of person. Is she cut from this cloth? Maybe. You were there, so my guess is that either she was jittery as Tictac suggested, or she's a naturally contentious person, in which case, delete and move on.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
So I got a text from her saying she didn't feel we were a match. She seemed quite happy and excited during the date. She must have thought about it later and decided I did not fit the grocery list. Oh well...

I did learn quite a bit though...


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
Mazeman11 said:
So I got a text from her saying she didn't feel we were a match. She seemed quite happy and excited during the date. She must have thought about it later and decided I did not fit the grocery list. Oh well...

I did learn quite a bit though...
I don't know how you were handling her annoying little sh1t tests, but some girls are looking for a doormat, others actually crave a guy to put them in their place so bad that they seek out minutiae simply for the sake of being repeatedly set straight. Sounds like you've saved yourself some time and money and energy and peace of mind. Win for you.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Between_The_Lines said:
I don't know how you were handling her annoying little sh1t tests, but some girls are looking for a doormat, others actually crave a guy to put them in their place so bad that they seek out minutiae simply for the sake of being repeatedly set straight. Sounds like you've saved yourself some time and money and energy and peace of mind. Win for you.
I didn't take **** from her. I had a nonchalant slightly fun attitude and was just having fun. Every time she tried to put me on the spot I smirked and threw it back at her. Not in an angry way. But more in a playful don't really care kind of way.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Espi said:
Yes THIS is a good attitude. Repped. "Oh well." THAT is how I think of a high-value man handling rejections and flakings.

When I'm getting flaked on and rejected, at least I know I'm trying.
Thanks I appreciate. I'm sure this women is going to be a nightmare for whoever ends up with her.

I don't take rejection seriously anymore. I don't get upset or hold it against them. Its probably due to their poor judgement to be able tell what kind of genuine person of substance I am. I could have totally played the role to get in her pants. But I really don't care enough to put on a player act. That's not who I am.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
Mazeman11 said:
Thanks I appreciate. I'm sure this women is going to be a nightmare for whoever ends up with her.

I don't take rejection seriously anymore. I don't get upset or hold it against them. Its probably due to their poor judgement to be able tell what kind of genuine person of substance I am. I could have totally played the role to get in her pants. But I really don't care enough to put on a player act. That's not who I am.
Always remember that girls don't reject you as a person, they don't know next to anything about you after a first date, they reject your approach to them.Their judgement does suck a lot of the time. A lot of the time you don't know what their looking for, and they don't know themselves. Just smile and move on to the next girl, the more abundance you have the less you give a sh!t. This one would have been nothing more than a second date fvck toy anyway.

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Mazeman11 said:
So I got a text from her saying she didn't feel we were a match. She seemed quite happy and excited during the date. She must have thought about it later and decided I did not fit the grocery list. Oh well...

I did learn quite a bit though...
That's a GREAT way to look at it, actually. Further more, I actually APPLAUD this chick for telling you directly that she wasn't interested (after the initial "Oh I'm too busy to respond" text) - 97% of women would have just ignored you and/or kept answering your messages leading you on, knowing full well they weren't interested.

The reality is, most of us have an idea of the type of person we'd like to be with, be it look-wise, attitude-wise, etc. So, when we go on a first date we're usually acting more hopeful and excited than we normally would because we have expectations of this being the person we finally click with. Thus, the reason this girl seemed so excited on the first date - unless she's a d!ck, most girls will act this way in hopes that she actually ends up feeling this way by the end of the date. And at the end, she didn't feel you two were a match - no biggie, dating is a numbers game anyway, and you'll eventually date someone who DOES find you were a match.

BTW, her not choosing you doesn't make her a bad person. I hate that this gets promoted on these boards so much - "Oh, the girl didn't like you? It's 'cause she's a slvt and has orbiters and just wants a guy with money!" More often than not, she's not any of those things - she just didn't find YOU to be the match for her; however, you can't let your ego use a rejection as a means to bash her and all other women, or say they just don't know how to make a good choice in men. The reality is, she could date the next person and they be a GREAT match, and the guy she dates could be a nice guy, but just in a different way from you that fits her better. I say this not to defend her, but to get you in a more positive mind state so you don't become bitter at ALL women just because a few of them choose not to date you. Hope this helps!


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Harry Wilmington said:
That's a GREAT way to look at it, actually. Further more, I actually APPLAUD this chick for telling you directly that she wasn't interested (after the initial "Oh I'm too busy to respond" text) - 97% of women would have just ignored you and/or kept answering your messages leading you on, knowing full well they weren't interested.

The reality is, most of us have an idea of the type of person we'd like to be with, be it look-wise, attitude-wise, etc. So, when we go on a first date we're usually acting more hopeful and excited than we normally would because we have expectations of this being the person we finally click with. Thus, the reason this girl seemed so excited on the first date - unless she's a d!ck, most girls will act this way in hopes that she actually ends up feeling this way by the end of the date. And at the end, she didn't feel you two were a match - no biggie, dating is a numbers game anyway, and you'll eventually date someone who DOES find you were a match.

BTW, her not choosing you doesn't make her a bad person. I hate that this gets promoted on these boards so much - "Oh, the girl didn't like you? It's 'cause she's a slvt and has orbiters and just wants a guy with money!" More often than not, she's not any of those things - she just didn't find YOU to be the match for her; however, you can't let your ego use a rejection as a means to bash her and all other women, or say they just don't know how to make a good choice in men. The reality is, she could date the next person and they be a GREAT match, and the guy she dates could be a nice guy, but just in a different way from you that fits her better. I say this not to defend her, but to get you in a more positive mind state so you don't become bitter at ALL women just because a few of them choose not to date you. Hope this helps!

I never hold it against women when they don't want me. It only bothers me if they lead me on. And in this case she didn't.

The reason I mentioned her judgment was due to other things that happened during the date which I didn't mention but I should have. She seemed materialistic and the way she talked about her ex's was less than flattering. She seemed to want someone she could control and cater to her needs. She actually had a specific list of qualities she wants in a man and semi-expressed that any deviation is a deal breaker. I have a dominant personality and it's very possible she felt it and decided she can't deal with it.

Now that I'm typing this I'm actually starting to realize this chic is a loony.

Either way, I have another date lined up next week with another chic. Fun stuff ahead :)


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
Reaction score
Mazeman11 said:
I never hold it against women when they don't want me. It only bothers me if they lead me on. And in this case she didn't.

The reason I mentioned her judgment was due to other things that happened during the date which I didn't mention but I should have. She seemed materialistic and the way she talked about her ex's was less than flattering. She seemed to want someone she could control and cater to her needs. She actually had a specific list of qualities she wants in a man and semi-expressed that any deviation is a deal breaker. I have a dominant personality and it's very possible she felt it and decided she can't deal with it.

Now that I'm typing this I'm actually starting to realize this chic is a loony.

Either way, I have another date lined up next week with another chic. Fun stuff ahead :)
Once you pop the red pill, if this happens, the burden almost always rests entirely on you.


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
Mazeman11 said:
So I went out on a first date with a girl few days ago. Mid 20's attractive educated...etc.

Overall I felt she was a little uptight. She seemed to remember every word that came out of my mouth, and sometimes later in the conversation she would question simple contradictions. Silly stuff...for example you would say you didn't like lemons, and later you would mention you had lemonade at the cafe. Then she would emphasize by saying "I thought you said you don't like lemons??"

Is there even a name for such character? Is this a huge red flag? Any thoughts on this?
Pay attention to certain vibes women give off on dates. Vibes like this shows lower interest. I would have cracked some jokes making fun of her for the dumb questions. Keep hiting up new women bro. No loss with her.