Need sum help from the older DJ's i posted this in the high school forum


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
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wouldnt you like to know?
aight so check this
Firstly just wanna say hope yall had a good 4th of july
Secondly heres my story....i went to see fireworks with my girlfriend we have just started a new relationship (this is our second week into it). So anywase i do tease her quiete often and she always says "oh your sooo mean" in a joking way. Well last night she says "why are you so mean to me?" and i was like "stop being a crybaby" and she laffed and when i tried to kiss her she didnt try to kiss back and then she says "you have to promise me youll be nice to me and then i will kiss you" so being the ****y funny guy i am i say "well if it was that easy to get you to stop kissing me i would have done it along time ago"

Note: I was being a playful kind of mean the whole time..i didnt say any put downs

So she laffs again and gives me that "oh no you didnt just say that look" and i lean in for another kiss and she doesnt kiss me and she gets up off the couch and goes and sits in the chair across from meand i get up and sit with her.. I lean in for a kiss again and she says" nope not until you promise to be nice to me" So i decide not to promise her anything and i watch TV (prince of bel aire who would want to miss that?) and she continues to be fake mad or mad or whatever i cant really tell at this point and it was starting to get late and i didnt want to drive home to tired so i tell her i have to go and she just looks at me with a blank face and she didnt offer to kiss me goodbye so i just get up and say "bye" and walk out the door start up my truck and leave.

At this point im thinking i did the right thing becuase im not going to change who i am to maker her happy..I think i didnt go overboard with the C+F becuase she was still laffing...i guess she didnt really expect me to leave without promising her i would be "nice" ..So now im still thinking about last night if i did the right thing or not becuase she hasnt texted me or called me and im not going to text her or call her if shes mad so im going to let her text me first...anywase it would be much appreciated if you guys think i did the right thing or not? should i have promised to be "nice" just so i could kiss her goodnight? what did do wrong or right?
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Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
It depends if you were really being mean or not.

Playful good; mean not good.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
All the better if she punches you on the shoulder :).

Calling is better than texting unless there's a good reason for texting as opposed to calling (too loud to hear, disturbs others, minutes issues, etc.).


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
"I keep trying to be nice but you won't be nice back" (lean in again)


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Bonhomme said:
All the better if she punches you on the shoulder :).

Calling is better than texting unless there's a good reason for texting as opposed to calling (too loud to hear, disturbs others, minutes issues, etc.).
LOL she does hit me and i tease her about her being the abusove one in the relationship and we need counseling...
but do u feel that in this situation i should call her and she if shes mad at me?
Or let her make contact first?

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Typical case of "Taking" C&F too far

All that is to be used sparingly and it shouldn't be use often when you're actually in a comfort or a relationship. She was serious when she said you need to be nice because it's like you come of insecure when you're ball busting so much and you're way past that. She likes you already so no need to constantly do C&F on her. It's almost like you can't have a real conversation.

Trust me I've been down that same alley at one point. Basically the girl just wanted to know what grade I was in at the time. I was doing C&F it was a true miscalibration because these girls were already attracted so it was no need to go backwards. She ends up getting pissed, saw her 3 other times and she was still pissed, one day I opened her group of friends and she asked me the same question, once I answered that she was normal and highly attracted. (I ended up playing some sexual game)

As much as we hold onto these guidelines and stuff I'd actually call her because she didn't do anything wrong. Just have fun and just throw in "Yea yesterday I went alittle overboard with the playing...but hey I got a surprise, I'm coming over"

At this point just hang up and just go over there with some food that you and her can cook together, watch a movie, fuk and call that a day.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Snow Plowman said:
Typical case of "Taking" C&F too far

All that is to be used sparingly and it shouldn't be use often when you're actually in a comfort or a relationship. She was serious when she said you need to be nice because it's like you come of insecure when you're ball busting so much and you're way past that. She likes you already so no need to constantly do C&F on her. It's almost like you can't have a real conversation.

Trust me I've been down that same alley at one point. Basically the girl just wanted to know what grade I was in at the time. I was doing C&F it was a true miscalibration because these girls were already attracted so it was no need to go backwards. She ends up getting pissed, saw her 3 other times and she was still pissed, one day I opened her group of friends and she asked me the same question, once I answered that she was normal and highly attracted. (I ended up playing some sexual game)

As much as we hold onto these guidelines and stuff I'd actually call her because she didn't do anything wrong. Just have fun and just throw in "Yea yesterday I went alittle overboard with the playing...but hey I got a surprise, I'm coming over"

At this point just hang up and just go over there with some food that you and her can cook together, watch a movie, fuk and call that a day.

Your right man i did take it to u think i should apologize?!?!
The whole lesson in becming a don juan is knowing when to turn the C+f down a little im still learning that


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
wouldnt you like to know?
Aight man u was right ....i didnt say what u siad word for word...but it worked lol i told her i did get a lil overboard....and she told me about how stubborn i am ...which i agree i am but she does know that im not going to let her walk over me either...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Mobster727 said:
Aight man u was right ....i didnt say what u siad word for word...but it worked lol i told her i did get a lil overboard....and she told me about how stubborn i am ...which i agree i am but she does know that im not going to let her walk over me either...

This is why experience is key and obstacles is needed to help you learn. You're calibration is going to get better and better when it comes to C&F because you use it a lot. Good luck in your journey...