Need some help pretty quickly regarding my LTR...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
You performed the preemptive breakup. This is very powerful. She will definitely keep in contact with him and try to get him back.

That's what normally happens. Good job because now you have the power, whether you want it or not!


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2008
Reaction score
Just a little update, I thought this would be interesting to share.

I called and left a message on the phone. I felt I had additional things to say. Now don't get all worried guys, I did this for my own reasons again. I didn't get all mushy or beg for her back or supplicate in any way. I spoke very calmly, and I was utterly confident in my tone of voice and felt completely at ease.

I said that I was still happy with my decision to break up with her, again putting the control of things in my court. All of this was my decision, of course, and I let her know it again. I also wanted to say a few other things. I said:

1) I learned a lot from my time with her, and she learned a lot from me. Overall everything was a net positive in my life and hers.
2) We were able to talk about it reasonably and there was no shouting or screaming match.
3) I said life is full of possibilities, and I was very excited about the future and I would be out making my own destiny.
4) Like before I wish you the best of luck but I am not going to contact you again because it's not a good idea. If you want to talk again someday in the future that is your decision.

And so it goes, I hung up. Shortly after that her mom ends up texting me...she heard the message...and said she was glad I called since she and my former gf were talking about me last night. She expressed the hope that we'd keep in contact. Obviously, she's old enough to know that I'm awesome and better than the vast majority of guys. She's always liked me from the beginning, and seems I have an ally of sorts in her. Anyway, I didn't bother replying to the texts.

Soon after that, my ex gf calls and leaves a message. Tells me she really liked what I had to say and I can call back if i want... and she hoped to hear from me soon. Obviously, I didn't call back.

So that is where things are. I think I've done just about as well as I can do. Seems clear that she is still thinking about me, but I'm not gonna wait around. Time to see other chicks.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
You handled it really well in the end dude. The bottom line is that she wanted try other posibilities, which fundamentally means she wasnt in a position to truely appreciate the kinda guy you are for her. She just wasnt ready. She'll come around sooner or later and realise her loss, but you dont have to worry about any of that since your no longer together. onwards and upwards as they say and certainly no looking back.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Great! Do not initiate contact with her or her relatives!!

If she was a virgin then she had a lot of emotional attachment to you but not enough to remain loyal. Every hor was a virgin once, but once they open their legs they don't stop and keep seeking the bigger and better experience!! This is why women shouldn't open their legs except to their husband!, because they lose their femininity and thus their value to men!