Hi there everyone, I am new to your forums and have been reading over your site for a few days now sence I found it. I like how you all help eachother out and give sound advices to people who are less experianced in the dating /// gettin girls part hehe
I would calssify my self as a above avg. lookin guy, good personality, funny, but quite shy if I may ad.... I am 19 yrs old and have been in just a few relationships. I don't have a hard time talking to girls but my main problem is I am not good at all asking girls out. I am currently in collge and am actually not ashamed to ask for an adivce sence am not that experianced whith girls and I hope that some of you may give me a sound advice on a certain development and my overall aproach. I am also gona say am sorry if THIS has come up before... or if I skiped over it while reading your forums and site.
A while ago in my chemistry a above avg. lookin girl I never talked to initiated a convo with me... I was talkin in my native language... after I was done she asked me what language was that I said what it was... she said she tought it was just her imaginin things I said no and etc... did a lil bit more small talk and that was it.. Didnt talk to her after that. A while later in our lab... We finished it I went for my next class and stoped for at vending machine to get a bottle of water... Friend cameo ut of lab said that girl was askin about me.. I said what she asked and he said she asked for my name.. I was like no way she asked about me and other guy from class said that she did too.. I then continued on to my class... A while later a week or in our class as it ended I was packin my books and she turned around asked me if I could maybe help her go over the test in which we all did pretty badly I said yeah sure. She asked for my number and I gave it to her.. also I asked for her number as well... she told me she would call me to set up a time when we could go over the test... Well that day I came home was takin shower she called and left a msg. saying " she was sorry she asked me to help her and if I didnt have any time she could maybe find somebody eals and that i give her a call" I did and we talked and iunno how we got into sports but she said she played softball I was like thats like awsome that she is playin sports and she said she had a game tonite and asked if I wanted to come... I said yes I would like to come... and that was it.. So we met up at the baseball field 1 hr before game... We had a beeor or 2 before game talked a bit had quite nice time.. she touched my leg a few times.. and I made a bit of fun of her for touchin me hehe
... she knew i was just jokin... we had good time game ended I asked if she was hungry so we went grabed some food. Had a really long convo.... yeah she was very open to me sigh asked me even If i was a virgin which I said I was... didnt really care... she said is there any reason i told here there was never a good mood for it.. and i asked her if she was and she said " i cant say that i am".... and we just continued talking was fun nite. after dinner we were gona leave she said she couldent belive how long we were talikn... we were going to our cars... and were about to part she said she had a game on wed... and if i maybe wanted to come... I said I will let her know.. she said ok coo and we left... The next day she txted me again (note I didnt yet respond to her question from that nite) askin if I wanted to come to the game... I txted back sayin yes... So came wed.. we talked in class a bit... and told me after class she will call me about when the game was... Well I was leaving with my friend threw halway another guy older guy about mid 40's really cool started talkin to her and said why was she blushin she was like "shut up" to him which I heard all of it... and just kept walkin... the guy cought up to us and was like yeah u go dude... u know what am talkin about to me... I was like what... he was like yeah that girl likes u a lot... so yeah... mid wed... about umm 2pm she msged me sayin the game might be off due to rain and wondered if I maybe wanted to do soemthing eals if game was off and also ading no pressure with a haha in the msg... I was like yes sure we can do soemthing she msged sayin "good haha" and that was it. She later msged sayin game was off and stuff and was wondering what we could do.. I asked if she wanted to go bowling she said yes... she asked for my address so we could go together because she lives in a diff city about 30 mins from where I am... so yeah she came to my house and we left together on our way there she got called sayin the game was on... " i tought to my self omfg wtf!" and yeah so we went togame was freezing... During breaks she seemed to have huged and held me so she keeps warm.. then I held her as well.. game ended... nite was runied even tho game was fun lol... we went for dinner she held my hand we talked for a while and stuff she said she couldent belive how much we talked... so came thursday we met up to go ever test... didnt really do much ended up talikin.. she was very open to me and stuff... so we were leaving then she held my hand again... After that we didnt go on a date.... she was bussy works like 12 hrs sat + sunday each and cople hours a day normal days... so no time to meet up during the next week so we just talked after our classes and stuff... I always txted her or called she never seemed to call me or msg first.... o yes on that thursday I kinda hinted that I liked her.... didnt tell her but in our talk... after we left she msged me back sayin she liked me and that she didnt think I liked her... and so on... and I said then that I did! sigh maybe dumb but to go on with this long story.. fast forward to this week... she now seemed to hang out or talk to me less... and she kinda gave suspiciouse excuses well to me... sense am shy but am kinda very straight forward when dealin with chicks ... I asked her if I was now being just lead on or was I mastaken.. she msged me back saying that she liked me but wanted to be friends for now... and that she was too bussy for a relationship... I msged her back saying thats all I needed to know and that was it... I havent talked to her after that .... in lab I cought her few times lookin at me... but after lab i didnt talk to her..
Now when I found your site I see what some of the mistakes I did that had led me into this... I ask you is she really blowing me off with that friends for now excuse or does she really mean it... Because I do know she is very bussy! because of the amount of time she works... Currently I am playing the ignore game... I have not msged or called her in 4 days now and she hasent msged or called me yet.... am gona continue ignorin her without callin or txtin.... Its gona be hard because she sits infront me in class... I will talk to her if she says hi or something to me in class but that will be it.... So now I think I lost my " hard to get" advtg... with some of the stuff I did...
Thank you for advice ahead of time guys and I will post more info if you need it... Sorry if my Story was so long... :-(!
I would calssify my self as a above avg. lookin guy, good personality, funny, but quite shy if I may ad.... I am 19 yrs old and have been in just a few relationships. I don't have a hard time talking to girls but my main problem is I am not good at all asking girls out. I am currently in collge and am actually not ashamed to ask for an adivce sence am not that experianced whith girls and I hope that some of you may give me a sound advice on a certain development and my overall aproach. I am also gona say am sorry if THIS has come up before... or if I skiped over it while reading your forums and site.
A while ago in my chemistry a above avg. lookin girl I never talked to initiated a convo with me... I was talkin in my native language... after I was done she asked me what language was that I said what it was... she said she tought it was just her imaginin things I said no and etc... did a lil bit more small talk and that was it.. Didnt talk to her after that. A while later in our lab... We finished it I went for my next class and stoped for at vending machine to get a bottle of water... Friend cameo ut of lab said that girl was askin about me.. I said what she asked and he said she asked for my name.. I was like no way she asked about me and other guy from class said that she did too.. I then continued on to my class... A while later a week or in our class as it ended I was packin my books and she turned around asked me if I could maybe help her go over the test in which we all did pretty badly I said yeah sure. She asked for my number and I gave it to her.. also I asked for her number as well... she told me she would call me to set up a time when we could go over the test... Well that day I came home was takin shower she called and left a msg. saying " she was sorry she asked me to help her and if I didnt have any time she could maybe find somebody eals and that i give her a call" I did and we talked and iunno how we got into sports but she said she played softball I was like thats like awsome that she is playin sports and she said she had a game tonite and asked if I wanted to come... I said yes I would like to come... and that was it.. So we met up at the baseball field 1 hr before game... We had a beeor or 2 before game talked a bit had quite nice time.. she touched my leg a few times.. and I made a bit of fun of her for touchin me hehe
Now when I found your site I see what some of the mistakes I did that had led me into this... I ask you is she really blowing me off with that friends for now excuse or does she really mean it... Because I do know she is very bussy! because of the amount of time she works... Currently I am playing the ignore game... I have not msged or called her in 4 days now and she hasent msged or called me yet.... am gona continue ignorin her without callin or txtin.... Its gona be hard because she sits infront me in class... I will talk to her if she says hi or something to me in class but that will be it.... So now I think I lost my " hard to get" advtg... with some of the stuff I did...
Thank you for advice ahead of time guys and I will post more info if you need it... Sorry if my Story was so long... :-(!