need some advice


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2004
Reaction score
ok, here's my situation:


(you don't really need to know all of this you can skip this part if you want)

i met this girl about 4 months ago (before i found this website and I was still way afc). fortunately i didn't do anything to stupid because at the time she had a bf. she knew i wanted to be more than friends but i let myself fall into the LJBF zone. at the time i thought when she breaks up with her bf she'll go for me. anyways, they break up and surprise she just wants to be friends. by this time i had found this site and was about halfway through the dj bible so i pretend to not care, tell her i got over her a looong time ago, and i start dating around a little bit. i stopped calling her almost completely, started diong kino on her when i saw her at school, was doing _everything_ right. i expected it to take a week, two max. fast forward two months, i've raised her interest level from none to like 90. so i was planning on asking her to prom, and the day i was going to this other guy asks her. she says yes, but the next day she tells me she was hoping i would ask her. i tell her if she dumps him i might but she says that would be mean. she used to be the type who would say screw being nice i'm gonna do what I want to do, but now it seems she's ellicited my values (she changed her mind on a guy at a different dance and i told her that was cruel and if she ever did that to me i wouldnt talk to her). so i'm pretty damn sure she wants me now.


if you skipped the first part, i was in LJBF i think i finally got out of it, her IL seems high.

today, she calls me and asks me to go with her to the mall and see a movie, just chill for a while. we've done this before but she always asks who else I want to come and then she invites other people too, and she qalways asks a few days in advasnce. this time none of that was mentioned so i'm assuming its just going to be me and her, and she wants to go today. since it snowed today my other plans were cancelled.

i already said yes to her so what advice do u guys have? should i finally make a move? is there a good way to lead up to making a move? a lot of girls i've talked to have told me the timing is really important, but.... i dont know i do NOT want to screw this up i've been working on this girl for forever now. i think i actually managed to get out of LJBF and today i'll know for sure. oh yeah this girls like a 9, easily one of the five hottest in my school. she's french if that makes a difference. and she's almost 16, i'm almost 18, but we're both seniors.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
If she is not an idiot, she knows that you like her. This is not a secret.

I advise you to set the agenda next time and don't let her drag you to the mall. Take her out of her territory! Isolate her to a place where your romantic interest can be displayed in a more forthright manner.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with thee above. Make your move. I wouldn't pour it on thick right away but you really want to make some sort of move on this one..