Don Juan
Hey guys, I've recently noticed one of my biggest problems is procrastination. I've recently made a huge effort to overcome this problem, but I seem to get distracted way too easily. I don't have ADD or any nonesense like that, I just get put off track easily. I've tried taking away my computer/anything that distracts me, but I've noticed that even when doing that, I still manage to find a way to stop focusing on the work, which makes me think that I need to tackle the root of my procrastination, whatever it may be.
Most of the time I notice I don't want to do something because I believe that I can't even do it, or that it would take too much effort. I know this is bull****, but I can't convince my brain to stop since it's become a habit. I always get advice like "sit down and do your work", and while this is seemingly good advice, it's very hard to follow. I'm not looking for any magic pill that will take away this habit, I just want to see what you guys have to say on the subject, maybe some of you have gone through the same thing.
Most of the time I notice I don't want to do something because I believe that I can't even do it, or that it would take too much effort. I know this is bull****, but I can't convince my brain to stop since it's become a habit. I always get advice like "sit down and do your work", and while this is seemingly good advice, it's very hard to follow. I'm not looking for any magic pill that will take away this habit, I just want to see what you guys have to say on the subject, maybe some of you have gone through the same thing.