Need Some advice here

Jan 20, 2007
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New Member Here--

Last year, I really liked this girl. Being a sophomore in high school last year, I was very funny and nice. I really liked this girl and kind of "kissed" up to her. I was nice and confessed my feelings towards her. I really liked her, but she knew i was too nice and "wusslike", without telling me. i asked her for her number, but she told me she had a boyfriend, but she didn't.

This year, I have been reading some tips lately and learned my mistakes. I will discuss all my bad moves to peolple who need them in a little while. This year, junior year, she got a boyfriend, but now they are broken up. I have started my ****y, funny, and confident attitude this year, and its working real well. But she keeps telling me, "Mike, you used to be a nice guy?" and "Mike, your mean to me?" playfully. The thing is, can i get her back even though I had a bad start with her???


Tips for you guys who need advice and the things I have learned from:
1. Do not "wuss" up to her and tell her your true feelings.
2. Bust on her about something, tease her, show her that you are confident and like the wya you are.
3. Be ****y and funny. This is the key. You need to have both of them, not just one and work them in together.
4. Don't be afraid to ask them for their SN or number. This one is tough. Being 17, I don't even possess this skill yet.
5. Believe it or not, girls are not like us guys. They are more concerned with personality, then looks. Of course, us guys or most anyway believe in looks, then personality second. Make sure you are well groomed and show them your are confident, ****y and funny. Once again, DO NOT KISS UP TO THEM!

Now, can anyone answer my question above. I may sound like I know what I am doing, which I do now just need a little more practice, but I did start off on the wrong foot with this girl, and I really do like her...

A couple more mistakes I made were hitting her in the butt with a ruler, then apolagizing the next day, which were two wrongs right there. She also said "I have a bf" approach, which was once. We did flirt back and forth, but I have a feeling she sees me as a friend. I am really having a tough time getting over here..



Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
I'd say your time is much better spent gaining experience with other women. You're dealing with damaged goods. Whether you know it or not, everytime you see her you're trying to fix you're image, from her perspective. And she knows it. It simply doesn't work.

As tough as it is, sometimes forgetting the reason (the girl) why you first got smarter with women first of all, is 100% necessary. Look for others who aren't damaged goods. You want brand new goods.

By the time you get an idea of what brand new goods you're looking at, chances are is that this girl is nothing but a memory of the past.

There's light on the other side. No matter how much you think you "love" a girl, time and being proactive will always set your illusions straight.
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks, so basically my chances with her are shot? I really do like this girl, okay lets say I am obsessed, and I for some reason wont settle for less...

Any tips to get her back/or get over her?

The Forms

Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Just forget about her. Work on other chicks. If you can't do that, then you have the oneitis. You don't want oneitis. It closes you off to other completely awesome chicks that are around that you refuse to notice because you're obsessed over a girl that things aren't working out with.

Here's the only thing that will really increase your chances: talk to other girls, date other girls, learn what it is about YOU that girls like. This will make you better at the game in general. Don't even sweat her. From here, be flirty with her, keep the convo light (that's the secret to staying out of the friend zone, btw) and don't be afraid to not be too worried about her and catering to her emotions.

Now, for the number one, most important thing to know about gaming women, and never having oneitis again: SHE ISN'T SPECIAL. This is huge. Its important. I know you're into her, and you think she's super cool, or funny, or any other thing. But understand you have to game her just the same as any other girl. She is not special. The same **** that works with other girls will work with her. She's nothing new. There's a million like her. If she's not feeling you, forget her. There's plenty of girls that are just as much fun to be with

The Messiah

Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
your best bet is to grow a third testicle. if you get more man power, which you will fro your third testicle then she will like your manliness. If she likes you all you have to do is make a move on her and she will submit to you dominance.

if you would rather have one testicle you can die