Need some advice from vets!


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2008
Reaction score
Hey I don't know what she will do...I kind of don't care at this point in time. It is for a very simple reason...I deserved to lose her! Everything I did and the way I went about doing it, was being a chump. I am not suprised that she did what she did. Do I think that she will ever contact me again...probably not! I am also not really expecting it as much as I was when I first posted about her. But yea am I going to work on me for me? You bet the a$$ of the finest chick that you ever nailed!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 12, 2007
Reaction score
persistent exaction said:
I am going to be a bit contrarian. Seeing as how you met this gal on April 1, I think you should keep pursuing her. I think you should call her once a day just to say hi, send her flowers candy and cards, and ask if you can wash her car. I think you should try and meet her X and see if you can help him get clean. I think it would be NICE for you two to invite her X to have lunch with you guys, so that together, you can get to the root of his issues. I believe you 2 have a future together if you just keep trying to break down her barriers. She is just playing hard to get. If you take my advice and go for it the girl of your dreams may just become your future wife! And you 2 can live happily ever after. I am sure of it. I also believe that the April 1 date is significant in numerology and that you should ask her to get married on this day next year, and marry on April 1 the following year. Gosh, this is Soooooo romantic. :flowers:
Some of these responses were pretty funny, but this was my favorite.

At any rate, Ferrgy, I used to be like you.

What I have found is this: the only way for me to not get caught up in the sort of situation that you just did (and I used to get into) is to date a lot of women. Go on lots of dates with lots of women, and you won't obsess like this. It won't cure all of your problems (and it didn't cure all of mine), but it's going to help a lot.

Let me repeat: go on lots of dates. Like, as many as you can. Read the posts around here, apply what you've learned.