Need some advice for LTR problems


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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TheDoctor said:
I pretty sure I've turned AFC on her. I give her what she wants when she wants it and I have realized this since I started coming to this forum (which is only recently). I have been trying to curb the AFC behavior but I have fallen into such a comfortable zone with this girl that it makes it hard to toughen up and be a man. I feel she will see through this. I feel she will notice me trying DJ behaviors and then bring them up for comment/discussion. I guess that wouldn't be a bad thing though. Just tell her, "yea, I'm switching it up, get used to the new me!"

Anyway, I just learned from a phone conversation that she feels I am unconfident about my approch to sex with her, not my approch to life or even our day to day interaction. She says my approach is unnatural and she is turned off by that. Let it be know that I haven't done anything different. I think she is just losing interest because it's all familiar now. No excitement or freshness. She hates when I talk about sex or ask why we aren't having any. This turns her off even more. We just spoke and she said, "I wish you would be cool about it, suave and sexy." If she only knew that I am trying my hardest, so much to even ask strangers for advice.

I reply to say that, given the tools, I can reverse my AFC behavior. She will be there. We love one another very much. She will give me the opportunity to change. She will wait w/o bailing or cheating, a couple of months anyway.

So........what's first, less contact/interaction/face time is my guess. Leave her wanting me, right? Problem is we always say we need to spend time apart but we never do. I will want to hang out with her or she will want to hang out with me. I'll step up and be the man and not ask to hang out and refuse her the "gift" of my presence.

Other than cutting down on time spent with one another, which could very well do the trick, what else should I do to turn my AFC crap into qualities that she will respect and crave.
Bro people have already give you some awesome freakin advice that you should pay them for. Read the first coupla replys... This girl has lost interest in you PERIOD. The only reason she is with you is because someone hasnt approached her the right way. She also might be getting sex from someone else...

This is my suggestion ... do exactly what warrior said

Prepare for the end. How?

One. Start working out, if your not. Start dressing to impress all the time. Look good, feel good, smell good. Start meeting other women now. Start practicing your game. You don't have to close the deal, but start. Start focusing on your hobbies and interest. Put her on the backburner. She's already given you the signal that the end is near. Pay attention. Pull back and start planning your exit. Take sex off the menu. If she doesn't ask for it, don't bring it up. Basically get out of her ass and get a life.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Remember the golden rule: Actions speak louder than words. If women want sex as much as men and she is not giving you any, where is she getting her fill from? Sure you may have displaying AFC behavior but is this how someone in real love responds to the partner? Even if you fix things she'll eventually get bored of that and even at a faster rate. First hand experience there. I hope everything works for you. The hammer will eventually fall. I'm not sure how it would turn out if you broke up with her.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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Trajhenkhet01 said:
Remember the golden rule: Actions speak louder than words. If women want sex as much as men and she is not giving you any, where is she getting her fill from? Sure you may have displaying AFC behavior but is this how someone in real love responds to the partner? Even if you fix things she'll eventually get bored of that and even at a faster rate. First hand experience there. I hope everything works for you. The hammer will eventually fall. I'm not sure how it would turn out if you broke up with her.
You know i thought the same thing until i read the rest of his posts... i thought she might have been getting sex from someone else too but as i continue reading his replies i realized the following...

-This guy acting extremely needy which is making me sick to my stomach
-He is the female in the relationship... "Can i call you tomorrow??? sure...???" After he just said that they should take a brake from each other.
-He is not listening to any advice that people have given him..

I would love to know the follwoing

How many friends do you have and how often do you hangout with them w/o your gf..? My guess (not many and if you have friends you prolly dont hang out with them)

How many times a day do you talk to your gf on the phone? My guess 2-3 times a day.

Do you always pick up when she calls and talk for hours? My guess You pickup almost on the first ring and talk for atlest 30 mins almost every time.

Bro she has told you she wants to miss you... she is bored of you because your whole life is based on her. Its creeping me out..
Just freaking take warriors advice for crist sake


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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In Reality
Prodigy746 said:
You know i thought the same thing until i read the rest of his posts... i thought she might have been getting sex from someone else too but as i continue reading his replies i realized the following...

You should know that she also just started birth control for the first time in a long time and I have noticed lack in sexual interest since then.

-This guy acting extremely needy which is making me sick to my stomach I do feel too needy at times and I am trying to work on that, it's hard considering she is my best friend and I want to spend as much time as I can with her and she with me. It's what we want, but I don't think it is the healthiest of choices.
-He is the female in the relationship... "Can i call you tomorrow??? sure...???" After he just said that they should take a brake from each other. I told her I didn't want to see her for a while and then SHE asked if she could call me tommorow. I'm not an a-hole and she knows this. If I say no don't call me then that would be the start of a new fight and I know it so I said sure. She just called by the way and told me about her first day in class, the call was 3.5 minutes long and she did all the talking. When she paused I told her I would let her go so she can get to work. I said bye and she hung on the phone and said a questionable bye and then started mumbling something as I was hanging up. Our calls end in I love you, bye. This one didn't and she was obviously bothered.-He is not listening to any advice that people have given him.. The advice is prepare for the end, break up with her first, and all the other advice I have seiously considered. It has only been since Sunday that we had this argument again for the 10 time. I haven't seen her since to use any of this advice.
I would love to know the follwoing

How many friends do you have and how often do you hangout with them w/o your gf..? My guess (not many and if you have friends you prolly dont hang out with them) The thing is we have the same friend circle. We see each other about 2 times through the week and we spend every weekend together. We hang out with the friends on the weekends, together and then hang out with each other or alone through the week.

How many times a day do you talk to your gf on the phone? My guess 2-3 times a day. One to two times per day

Do you always pick up when she calls and talk for hours? My guess You pickup almost on the first ring and talk for atlest 30 mins almost every time. Yes, I pick up when I see her calling, just as I would anyone else. I'm not one for playing games, although it looks like I should change my opinions on that. We will talk about what ever is on our minds or what ever happened in our days. Convo usually lasts three to 15 minutes I'd say.

Bro she has told you she wants to miss you... she is bored of you because your whole life is based on her. Its creeping me out..
Just freaking take warriors advice for crist sake
See my replies in bold above.
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Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Warrior and Prodigy746 have sound advice. This works out for you especially if your not living together(I still maintain there might be some cheating going down). At least she gave you some details. Take a hiatus from her for a day or two and maybe go out to some clubs or some such. Some of what is done her on the surface may seem counter intuitive but it really does help. It won't end well if you keep up the same approach, believe me I've tried and let me tell you things got worse. Even when I fixed our intimate issues.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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I do feel too needy at times and I am trying to work on that, it's hard considering she is my best friend and I want to spend as much time as I can with her and she with me. It's what we want, but I don't think it is the healthiest of choices.
it can be a healthy choice if you know what you're doing... spending too much AFC time with a woman - is going to result in her losing interest (case and point: you two)... how do you know she wants to spend all her time with you? because she says so? if so, don't believe her... because she acts like it? she has no choice; she can tell you're needy for her... her instincts secretly can't stand how much you need her; they wish you weren't so needy...

I told her I didn't want to see her for a while and then SHE asked if she could call me tommorow. I'm not an a-hole and she knows this.
it's not being an @sshole, to tell a girl you're done and then not accepting her invitation to "talk about it" tomorrow... that's being a man who stands by what he says.... Sure SHE'LL not be too happy and may call you an @sshole, but women aren't exactly nice to be around when they don't get their way (which is why you should get them in the habit of not getting their way - as they will calm down and become tame.)...

If I say no don't call me then that would be the start of a new fight and I know it so I said sure.
if you say "no don't call me!" she would be angry, but deep down she would respect you more as a man, and DESIRE you more... this isn't about playing games, it's about being a man! not a lil lover boy... freeze her out if she starts arguing! hang up the phone, don't answer it! make her spend hours in a raging anger at you! that's better than spending hours thinking you're a "good lil boyfriend who keeps coming back"

She just called by the way
and you were a good "best friend" to her and answered.... just like she expected you to be...

When she paused I told her I would let her go so she can get to work. I said bye and she hung on the phone and said a questionable bye and then started mumbling something as I was hanging up. Our calls end in I love you, bye. This one didn't and she was obviously bothered.
This was semi-decent.... although you're obviously bothered by the fact that she's obviously bothered... don't be! make her squirm a little, make her feel she's losing you... don't answer a few times when she calls... or texts... she owns you right now... (and she will come crying back, and at that point i hope you don't turn AFC because that's what she will want!)

The advice is prepare for the end, break up with her first, and all the other advice I have seiously considered. It has only been since Sunday that we had this argument again for the 10 time. I haven't seen her since to use any of this advice.
again for the 10th time??? why in the world would you keep having the same argument?... oh.... because she has all the power over the sex, so she has all of the power over you... look at the condition you're in because you let a girl become your life!!! please stand up to this girl in a "manly" way... arguing and having "discussions" is what women do... are you a woman?

The thing is we have the same friend circle. We see each other about 2 times through the week and we spend every weekend together. We hang out with the friends on the weekends, together and then hang out with each other or alone through the week.
if you're not seducing her and turning her on when you're hanging out with her - you're slowly becoming the guy she sticks with out of "comfort".... you don't have any friends who aren't connected to her?

Yes, I pick up when I see her calling, just as I would anyone else.
She's not "anyone"... she's a woman who is with you out of "comfort"... and isn't turned on by you... and can't stand how much control she has over you... she's a very bad addiction, and every time you pick up that phone - you're feeding your habit...

I'm not one for playing games, although it looks like I should change my opinions on that.
playing games? she's playing you right now... and you're just standing there... ready to ARGUE with her and ACT like you're going to leave her... she's been here before, and she doesn't respect you (She might say she does, but she doesn't... if she did - you'd be able to turn her on by just kissing her).

We will talk about what ever is on our minds or what ever happened in our days. Convo usually lasts three to 15 minutes I'd say.
"fluff talk" just like a "good friend".... can i ask how many times you've guys had that adorable discussion on which one of you loves the other more? isn't that game soooo cute?


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
This will be my last post in this thread. I really want to help you because you seem like a nice guy. YOU SPEND TOO MUCH TIME WITH HER. You spend weekends and weekdays with her as and not to mention you talk to her on the phone every day 1-2 times a day. Based on that alone you seem like she is everything to you and you are needy. Also, it is O.K. to disagree with your gf even if she will be mad for it. Nobody likes a person that agrees with everything..its boring!!!!!. If you said dont bother calling me i am gonna go have some fun tomorrow ... trust me that would get her wondering... who is he with, where did he go, maybe hes with another girl, i should have let him have sex with me?.. Believe me i wish we didnt have to play these stupid games but you have to do it in order to keep your girl. If you spend too much time with anyone you will get sick of them... why do married couple dont have as much sex as when they are dating.. ITs because they see each other for too long. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU LOVE THIS GIRL AND THAT YOU WANT TO SPEND EVERY MINUTE OF YOUR LIFE WITH HER but IF YOU DONT CHANGE YOU WILL LOSE HER FOR GOOD..



Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
In Reality
Thanks again for your advice, gentlemen. We spoke last night and she asked me if I was mad at her, considering the brief phone conversation we had yesterday afternoon. She said she wants and needs me in her life and can't imagine her life without me. She said that she has depression issues and self image issues that have hindered her sex drive. She said she isn't happy about too much with her life these days. She said she doesn't feel sexy very often and that contributes to the problems we are having. She said that I could be more of a man when it comes to trying to seduce her and not be pi$$ed off when she doesn't feel like it. What Bukowski said about her sticking with me out of comfort makes me think a lot. Its like she doesn't want to leave but isn't interested in sex or being intimate with me because of her own issues coupled with my behavior. It's safe to say say she isn't going anywhere, but what I really need to do is get the physical and sexual attraction back to a high interest level. The tought of me leaving her does make her scared. I will take the various pieces of advice above, get out of her a$$ and let her sweat a little. I'll reply to this thread in a few weeks and let you guys know how it is going.

This forum is b*tchin and the fact that everyone stands together and tries to advise and encourage others is great. Thanks again.