Its amazing the mess you can create for yourself sometimes. I've been going out with my gf for nearly 2 years. Its important to note its my first major relationship. I'm 26.
I posted before about having a big fight with my gf last August over moving in. She wanted to, I didn't Things had been rocky enough since then (not overly bad but not as good as before).
Well the last few days have been eventful. Due to the number of fights over the moving in issue, we had been calling each other **** buddies for the month of December in an effort to make things more casual so as to have less fights. This was actually working out ok, less fights and we were meeting up to do stuff and having sex.
So I come back last Sunday from visiting my family in Ireland (She would have come with me but she's Thai so there's a visa issue). We meet on the Sunday and she's talking about breaking up for good. We talk about it and she seems to feel better about things so we go for dinner. (Off topic but an example of her craziness. She bought strawberries and cream on SATURDAY as she presumed I would be staying over on Sunday night??)
Back at her place afterwards, I'm using her laptop and I go to check my facebook page. I noticed that the browser had saved her logon details. I must admit that I was curious about whether she was actually seeing people now that we were "casual". I logged in as her and checked her inbox and found out that she had cheated on me with some guy back in August!
I confronted her about it and she claimed that is was a ONS with a guy she met one night. She however met up with him about 5 times more over 3 months "as friends" as she "didn't want to think that she had had a ONS". I know this is sounding dafter as I write this.
The thing is that I know what I should do next and I can't seem to break up with her. The cheating doesn't seem to bother me as much as the fact that she had pictures of the two of them together up on facebook!! I'll admit that I've kissed girls before on vacations but I had enough respect for my gf (if this even makes sense) to make sure she'd never find out. The fact that she had photos of your man online and didn't delete an email from him where he said "we had sex" bothers me as much as the cheating.
I have told her that I'll see if I can work through this. She's taken this to mean everything's ok (when I originally said that I was dumping her, she went nuts saying stuff like I can't be by myself). For some reason we decided that we'd get each other christmas gifts when I came back. Today she asked me if I would still be getting her one. She sounded annoyed when I told her no.
Tbh this post is way too long. I really should be dumping her. However, I get sever attacks of loneliness and sadness whenever I've tried to fully break up with her. For instance I tried to dump her at the start of December when I felt things weren't getting back to normal and she brought up the idea of just being **** buddies.
I'd appreciate advice from anyone who's been in a similar situation. I've been lacking the willpower to fully go through with a breakup. I've been thinking that I should continue seeing her but start to see other woman. This way I'm hoping that if I hook up with a few other woman, I won't get the crushing sense of sadness I've been getting up to now when I try to break up.
I know I'm being a *****. Ultimately I think its because my gf has good qualities that aren't overly common in women. She has a very good sense of humor and is sensible with money. Like she recently had her ipod and phone stolen. So she's thinking of buying an iTouch. If she does she's going to return the replacement phone she bought for a cheaper one as she doesn't need two devices that play music.
In a way she is very self centered (most of her thoughts are based on how things affect her) but still at the same time has always treated me well (for example cooks breakfast when I stay over, good in bed, never says negative things about me). I need to see examples of how similar situations have played out with other people.
I posted before about having a big fight with my gf last August over moving in. She wanted to, I didn't Things had been rocky enough since then (not overly bad but not as good as before).
Well the last few days have been eventful. Due to the number of fights over the moving in issue, we had been calling each other **** buddies for the month of December in an effort to make things more casual so as to have less fights. This was actually working out ok, less fights and we were meeting up to do stuff and having sex.
So I come back last Sunday from visiting my family in Ireland (She would have come with me but she's Thai so there's a visa issue). We meet on the Sunday and she's talking about breaking up for good. We talk about it and she seems to feel better about things so we go for dinner. (Off topic but an example of her craziness. She bought strawberries and cream on SATURDAY as she presumed I would be staying over on Sunday night??)
Back at her place afterwards, I'm using her laptop and I go to check my facebook page. I noticed that the browser had saved her logon details. I must admit that I was curious about whether she was actually seeing people now that we were "casual". I logged in as her and checked her inbox and found out that she had cheated on me with some guy back in August!
I confronted her about it and she claimed that is was a ONS with a guy she met one night. She however met up with him about 5 times more over 3 months "as friends" as she "didn't want to think that she had had a ONS". I know this is sounding dafter as I write this.
The thing is that I know what I should do next and I can't seem to break up with her. The cheating doesn't seem to bother me as much as the fact that she had pictures of the two of them together up on facebook!! I'll admit that I've kissed girls before on vacations but I had enough respect for my gf (if this even makes sense) to make sure she'd never find out. The fact that she had photos of your man online and didn't delete an email from him where he said "we had sex" bothers me as much as the cheating.
I have told her that I'll see if I can work through this. She's taken this to mean everything's ok (when I originally said that I was dumping her, she went nuts saying stuff like I can't be by myself). For some reason we decided that we'd get each other christmas gifts when I came back. Today she asked me if I would still be getting her one. She sounded annoyed when I told her no.
Tbh this post is way too long. I really should be dumping her. However, I get sever attacks of loneliness and sadness whenever I've tried to fully break up with her. For instance I tried to dump her at the start of December when I felt things weren't getting back to normal and she brought up the idea of just being **** buddies.
I'd appreciate advice from anyone who's been in a similar situation. I've been lacking the willpower to fully go through with a breakup. I've been thinking that I should continue seeing her but start to see other woman. This way I'm hoping that if I hook up with a few other woman, I won't get the crushing sense of sadness I've been getting up to now when I try to break up.
I know I'm being a *****. Ultimately I think its because my gf has good qualities that aren't overly common in women. She has a very good sense of humor and is sensible with money. Like she recently had her ipod and phone stolen. So she's thinking of buying an iTouch. If she does she's going to return the replacement phone she bought for a cheaper one as she doesn't need two devices that play music.
In a way she is very self centered (most of her thoughts are based on how things affect her) but still at the same time has always treated me well (for example cooks breakfast when I stay over, good in bed, never says negative things about me). I need to see examples of how similar situations have played out with other people.