Need help with this situation


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Theres this girl i met at college 4 years ago thats now single and wanting to go out. Sounds innocent enough but i have a feeling she likes to play games because of our first encounters years ago.

When we first met it she had a thing for me and i had a thing for her but nothing ever happened. She would either be dating someone or i'd be in a relationship. At first i made the mistake of being an Intellectual ***** and i hate myself for that. IMO she would lead me on and tease me but nothing else. I got tired of it and THOUGHT i had nexted her, but she would always call to chit chat. The girl is pretty hot, i'd say at least a 9 and she gets her way with most things, gets free drinks by jackasses at the bar and stuff like that which is a real turn off for me. I see nothing but "USER" in her and i dont want to fall in that trap. Of course this is years ago and she might have changed.

Anyways we kept in touch throughout the numerous relationships and passing years. She's single now and proceeds to tell me how much she really likes me and that i should call her everyday and blah blah blah. I jokely tell her "I need incentive to sex" and she says she not gonna do that till later (which is bs) but at least shes talking about it. I didnt call her on purpose the next day and she got pissed...but i dont care, its not like i HAVE to call.

After a couple relationships i've improved tremendously in how i treat girls, i never put them on a pedestal like i used too. So were supposed to go out tonight and shoot some pool and hang out. Should i NOT buy her drinks and play hardball or be the "nice" guy and treat her to a night out. The nice guy thing never gets me anywhere but sometimes i dont know when to start or stop.

Any suggestions for tonights date? Personally I think she's on the rebound and needs attention, she'll most likely drop me after a few weeks no poon. Am i reading to much into this?


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
I think you're on the ball here Mr. Stang. If you listen to your gut, and it sounds like you are, it seems to be saying that she's going to try her best to see if you're like all the rest.

You say she gets guys to buy her drinks all the time, is a "user", tells you you have to call everyday, gets pissed when you don't call according to her schedule, etc.

Call me CRAZY :crazy: but I think you should cancel the date. Tell her something "came up" but don't go into detail. Also tell her "hopefully we can reschedule, I'll give you a call when I figure something out."

This is going to drive her insane because she ALWAYS gets her way. You already know she likes you. If you do as I say, you will get laid on the next date that you schedule.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
LeftyLoosey said:
I think you're on the ball here Mr. Stang. If you listen to your gut, and it sounds like you are, it seems to be saying that she's going to try her best to see if you're like all the rest.

You say she gets guys to buy her drinks all the time, is a "user", tells you you have to call everyday, gets pissed when you don't call according to her schedule, etc.

Call me CRAZY :crazy: but I think you should cancel the date. Tell her something "came up" but don't go into detail. Also tell her "hopefully we can reschedule, I'll give you a call when I figure something out."

This is going to drive her insane because she ALWAYS gets her way. You already know she likes you. If you do as I say, you will get laid on the next date that you schedule.
Thanks for confirming my thoughts. Although canceling the date may seem a good move i think its better to not cancel since this is the first social get together in years. Its a good "feeler" date.

She used to invite me to go to clubs/hangout but i would cancel those ALL the talking about 10-20 times throughout the years. To further complicate things, she wants me to go to a "richy" club with her on Saturday. I may cancel that but i want to see her in that short skirt. I hate the club scene, but she may rub on my ****, who knows. I just want some ass. Just for you info we're both 25, and she's a nurse :up:


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
slowstang101 said:
Thanks for confirming my thoughts. Although canceling the date may seem a good move i think its better to not cancel since this is the first social get together in years. Its a good "feeler" date.

She used to invite me to go to clubs/hangout but i would cancel those ALL the talking about 10-20 times throughout the years. To further complicate things, she wants me to go to a "richy" club with her on Saturday. I may cancel that but i want to see her in that short skirt. I hate the club scene, but she may rub on my ****, who knows. I just want some ass. Just for you info we're both 25, and she's a nurse :up:
Fair enough, seeing as you have cancelled plenty of times in the past. Just make sure you keep the mindset you currently have and you'll be fine. You're doing this right.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
Just as an update, she texted me saying she may get called in to work. I said "how long till you know for sure", because i dont wanna sit around hand and foot for an attention ***** and i have other business related things i can take care of tonight.

She wrote back and said go take care of other things and that we could do something this weekend. So i quickly replied that im going out of town.

I guess this was the right move, showing her i have other **** to do, and she's not really #1 on the list. I'll update you guys later this weekend


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2006
Reaction score
DonS said:
You did good, but a slightly better take would not to be reactionary. When she said she might have to work late, you should of waited until about 11 o'clock tonight and said, Cool, have fun. She would of wondered who you were so busy with.

Then you should of disappeared for the weekend and not had any contact with her. Then when she finally got a hold of you and asks where you've been, just say "oh, I was out of town with friend".

Cool and calm. She is only one of 5 girls trying to win your attention; who cares if she works late. It's her loss, not yours.

Ok so yesterday i got back in town early enough to go out, she called me and wanted me to go out with her and her friends, although her friends never showed up.

I met her at her apt and she was dressed like a hooker ready to deal some tang. Short skirt, red thong, and a revealing top....she was smoking. I made fun of her outfit in a cool way, I told her we're going to a bar not whoring yourself out. I had these type of comments throughout night, she laughed and didnt take offense, so all is well.

I did break down and buy her some drinks, i know i f'd up but what are you gonna do with a smoking chick. She gave me her entire attention the entire night and didnt wander off with other guys (although i said she could if she wanted which is non afc behavior). Everyone at the bar was looking at her, she was definitely the best looking girl there and she knew it. We danced, she rubbed her ass on my **** it was great.

She got tippsy after 3 drinks and we went to her place to chill. I told her i would be her rebound and we could have sex with no relationship and it wouldnt bother me. She replied "no i like you and your not a rebound". I told her "I dont care, label me whatever gets me laid quicker...rebound, bf, it doesnt matter".

What discouraged me the most is her 10 date rule that came out of nowhere. She doesnt want to have sex until we had 10 dates or some ****. I was makin fun of that rule the rest of the night, it got bumped to 20 dates after some ****y/funny comments i made. I will say i f'd up and didnt kiss her, although the moment was right but i can make up for that later. Im kickin myself for that. But she was hangin all over me at her apt and i got to feel her legs/ass a bit so it was all good.

I think the 10 date rule is for her anti-slut feelings, so she wont feel so bad but im not sure. We're supposed to go to the club Saturday, what can i do to gain more ground on her.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada
Hey Stang,

Okay her is the deal with what this chick. This chick is just wanting you to chase her around. She isn't looking for a bf. You will probably be the rebound guy. If your at the bar and every guy at staring at her and you played it cool, that's some good work. She is looking for you to get mad/jealous that everyone is staring at her. She wants you to keep chasing her for sex. You played that situation cool too. She wants everyones attention including yours. Don't give it to her.

So right now you are winning at her mind games. The best way to play out this situation is next time you see her do some fooling around but don't push to hard for sex. This will make her wonder why you aren't pushing for it. It will drive her nuts.

She is trying to play you as a AFC. So now you just have to prove you have the cohonies to shut her operation down. Prove to her the way a real MAN handles business.

There is a slight chance you may end up as more then the rebound guy. But girls who like alot of attention usually don't stick around with a guy who doesnt give it to them.