Need help with direct game


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
rushing dude 123 said:
ah this my better area of game (indirect) and is what i usually do, but i see u noticed the mistakes i made...among the few. the last three i will agree with, but the first one i think just makes it work better, but i am going change it to "hey i am going to ask u a question... *slight pause*...r u single?" and just see if it works any better.

i am going to reflect on this and see if i can figure a way to transist it well to stop the whole interview process.
ahh yeah I forgot you were trying to go direct, my bad. I'm kinda like Snow Plowman in that i don't really make a distinction between the two in my head any more. The opener is just a step to me and the subcommunication (AKA being generic vs contrasting) matters more to me than the actual words

good luck dude :up:

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
jeez direct game is still not working lol!!!!!!, but i won't give up. here r my sets.

1. sees HB eye contact, i look away and eye contact her again(i never look away....probs why it started off bad)
RD: Hey i don't usually do this....

jeez, at least let me finish my sentence lol

2. Sees another HB eye contact

RD: I don't usually do this, but let me ask u a question, r u single?
HB: yes (woooooooooooo finally, it has finally worked)
RD: (ummm now what lol)......R u serious (jordan what the hell r u doing?)
HB: nope i am seeing someone (this is where i should of said she has two split personailitys or shes just weird or something along those lines and call her on her ****)
RD: o so u have something on the side...(but nooo.... i have to b stupid)
HB: what?
RD: gah nvm
HB: ok
*i exit*

3. Next girl, this girl just had something about her that me want to approach
RD:Hey there let me ask u a question, r u single?
RD: o r u married or have a boyfriend
HB: boyfriend
RD: o thats awesome me 2, i have 5 u must b jealous
HB: o so ur bisexual lol
RD: maybe something along those lines
RD: me and my five bf's and ur 1 should go out sometime
HB: i think ur a bit young for me, how old r u
RD: how old r u (ok now basically shes saying....she would cheat if i was old enough, here i should of just asked her to guess my age though)
HB: i asked first
RD: 20 u
HB: guess (wow shes better than me at
RD: 25
HB:yup u got it
RD: ah to young for me, how about ur bf how old is he
HB: 28
RD: that sounds about right (here i should of said "still to young" that way i am implying her bf is not good enough for me.)
HB: so r u going to follow me all the way
RD: nah let me just get ur number
HB: sorry got to go work, to busy for this

set 2 and 3 had potential even though i blew it, but anyways set 4.

4. HB walking infront (she looks bit like set 2)
RD: hey have i hit on u before?
HB: i don't think so
RD: o ok hey my name is jordan
HB: nice to meet u
RD: whats ur name
*she just blanks me and walks off*

alright got to go guys


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
let me ask u a question, r u single?

Please stop saying this to random girls. It makes you look like a creepy loser weirdo.

I'm not against hitting on strangers, but be suave about it. "Do you have a boyfriend?" is way too obvious. It's a very low percentage close. That's why this is not working for you. Be cool about it next time and just talk to them. Look for a ring, and if they don't have one then they will bring up their boyfriend within a minute or two - no need to ask, or else you show your hand too early.


New Member
Jun 19, 2008
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Direct game is easy but here are the mistakes

Alright dude I normally run my own system and we are still working on the publishing and framing of the book but a general rule of direct game involves no apologizing... when you apologize for your presence or even interruptions you set the frame as Beta behavior... you are the Alpha and should present yourself as a prize your other mistake I can't say for certain but will go so far as to assume. Your attitude.. it needs to be one of tolerance for example you are talking with her because you are bored and she's there basically you are entertaining yourself and giving her a shot at the same time assume initial high energy then drop it to the point where you are taking the number to get them to leave you alone. Trust me I used this on a HB9 x runway model just yesterday being direct and interested at first then more or less tolerating her. Eventually she writes her number down after leaving my location and returning to me multiple times with transparent questions or commentary about myself or my tattoos. Remember you are giving them a chance assume that attitude and broadcast it with body language be actively interested then shift it to actively dis interested when she does anything you can use as a disqualifier snippy attitude etc...

BODY LANGUAGE 94% of all communication is non verbal remember and use this


New Member
Jun 19, 2008
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somebody said ask for the number at or near the end of the set

No this is bad never ask for a number at the end of convo it promotes flakes and demonstrates that you were just chasing a number you should linger after number and give the impression that you are genuinely interested and not being forced to ask for the number by a time constraint or now or never attitude.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
let me ask u a question, r u single?

Please stop saying this to random girls. It makes you look like a creepy loser weirdo.

I'm not against hitting on strangers, but be suave about it. "Do you have a boyfriend?" is way too obvious. It's a very low percentage close. That's why this is not working for you. Be cool about it next time and just talk to them. Look for a ring, and if they don't have one then they will bring up their boyfriend within a minute or two - no need to ask, or else you show your hand too early.
what u think just start off with something like "how r u", i think if i can get a good start i can do well.

etch: i think ur right it could b more of a inner game problem, seeing this week i have been aiming for 10 rejections (djbc week 4), i did the approaches in hope to get a rejection.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Rushing dude 123, i usually don't visit this site anymore because in my opinion the majority of it is just filled with KJism. But ur post about direct game definitely had to get a feedback reply. Why? Because i am a HUGE supporter of direct game.
SuaveSauve said:
i think its going to work if u are really good looking, have a nice car, money, bunch of friends and a rich family. i bet its going to work for sure.
-1 Reputation right there. No lie. Thats a slap in the face to direct. Quit it. The sarcasm has made it worse.

BibleBelt said:

If you guys want to go bother girls at the mall and get laid out of it, the one thing you have to avoid is being creepy, mostly because most girls would honestly think you were creepy if they knew that you did things like go to the mall to hit on girls. I'm not saying it can't work, but never admit to any woman that is what you're doing. Also do everything to structure the interaction so that she can't tell you are there practicing your "direct game."
The term bothering is definitely wrong. They want to be approached! Why else would they look good during the day if they didn't have to?

Rush Dude said:
"you look pretty cute whats ur number" (worked twice failed 12 times)

"hey there i saw u and just wanted to meet u, my names jordan and whats urs" (failed twice, maybe has potential though)

"hey sorry to bother u, i know ur probablly busy and i kind of got to go now, but i think u have an interesting (or intriguing) look about u, (then i either ask for number or ask name)....(but the 6 times i tried this it failed)

"Hey can I talk to you for 2 minutes?"
"I have a question, are you single?"
Opener 1 can work but it will only work if u've approaches a **** LOAD of approaches before u get a lay. Why? Because its too soon. They gotta atleast talk to u for atleast longer than 10 seconds, ya know?

Opener 2 is the best one out of the lot. It has the most potential. Ur not bull****ting around. Ur just right to the point.

Opener 3 is ok, but there's too much "approval seeking" with this approach. Why? Because ur telling her that u believe ur bothering her, when in fact she'll let u know if u are. Don't assume u are. But the interesting look about her, be specific about it.

Opener 4 is not good, because ur trying to get her permission for her talk to you. U give urself permission. She'll let u know if she doesn't want to talk.

Opener 5 can work, but not a good idea. Why? Because even if a girl is single, sometimes they'll say they're taken. Why is this? Because in the weird mind of a female, some believe that if they're not in a relationship, they're not as valuable and wanted as much.

Rushing Dude, i think you should try this opening. This usually gets good responses and usually the unattractive/ok girls react any bit remotely uninterested is this:

If you see a straight up bombshell, i'm talking a ten:
"You are so beautiful....i'm going to talk to you right now/meet you/get to know you"

If you see a hot girl, almost a ten:
"I find you stunning....i have to talk to you know. I got no choice even if i tried to have one"

If you see a cute girl, you know which ones these are:
"You are sooo cute...look at you....time to meet you now"

Why have these been effective opening? Because ur diving into ur desire for her. U are going for what u want. Its what they've want to hear but don't expect. Its why they dress the way they do. Its why they're so good looking. Its all for this. Ur conveying that she meets ur criteria looks wise and since she fits, time to talk to her. Saying u must meet her/have to meet her/will meet her....this demonstrates dominance and confidence. Why? Because ur conveying to her that she is a girl that is worth talking to you and by default she will enjoy ur company. What guy does this in the right manner? Most don't.

Don't confuse this with a compliment. They are different. A compliment when u make a positive statement about someone in a good light. Qualifying is when u see that same positive thing u mentioned, but ur fitting in ur criteria. Thats the different between a direct approach and just a compliment. Remember though, u have to have a warm smile and seductive eyes. Be enthusastic to meet her. Show this. Watch how ur reactions will be. This works best on girls u find good looking. The lesser ones won't respond as positively to it, because of ego protection. Their ego can't accept that a guy likes their looks or doesn't believe it.

Daygameguy said:
direct game is sad my friend. Unless you have a heart made of steel. Go indirect, be interesting, have a genuine connection, and then close.
Indirect is more sad. Too many of the guys learning it feeling that they have to hide their interest and fly under the radar, then having to be "reaction-seeking" of only showing interest once she shows it.

But...of having a heart of steel...Thats the point of direct. To not be destroyed by rejection. Learning direct forces u to be at peace with the big "R". But u develop a genuine connection being indirect? C'mon man...thats the antithesis of a connection. Direct will further strengthen that connection. Ur not hiding ur intent of being interested in her. She has a general idea now. She can take it or leave it. Thats a better connection than her guessing why ur even there and then u being led on to where she wasn't into u "That way" in the first place. Direct reinforces that u already are interesting. We are a thousand times more interesting than a routine. It forces u to bring out the self u are suppose to be, ur happy, relaxed, calm and sexual self.

"Indirect opens easier, but closing is harder . Direct, opening's harder if ur inexperienced, but closing is easier.

I agree my man. The indirect vs. Direct thing should just stop i'd say. Even some of the direct practioners get old with bashing indirect. I don't like indirect AT all and see no purpose but at the same time, guys who do it well and are still open to other forms of game working, including direct, i see no problem with it either. The indirect mindset was a Smart idea when the pioneers found it, but the way they taught was in the wrong light imo. It caused too many practioners' inner game to fvck up.

Etch said:
somebody said ask for the number at or near the end of the set

No this is bad never ask for a number at the end of convo it promotes flakes and demonstrates that you were just chasing a number you should linger after number and give the impression that you are genuinely interested and not being forced to ask for the number by a time constraint or now or never attitude.
I'd say Etch i believe its ok when the interactions about to close. But yea, afterward, ur right i'd talk for a little longer after. But etch, sometimes the time constraints do happen in actuality. I think its best BEFORE that to mention the time constraint and that u will talk on the phone before getting the number. Ya know?

Those are my two cents.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
Why do you insist on approaching with lines such as "hey can i talk to you for a sec?" or "hey do you have 2 min?"

Stop being a female and be a male. Females ask questions cautiously, males ask them with authority. How about dropping the "do you mind" bs because if they really did mind, they would tell you anyways.

"Hey, what's your name?" or "You look familiar, my name's ___" or simply the ballsy "My name's ___"

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alright guys don't think i wimped out and left direct game forever, I made a theory up and it is showing promising results, but i cud b wrong.

basically i think everyone has there own style and it works for them like my friends:

junior: he is more in ur face and sometimes it works for him, but dosn't work for me

kriss: he is a charmer, lines such has "o my eyes were jus calling u" or "u r the most beuatiful girl i have seen today" and they work very well for him, but has soon has a girl sees me compliment her there not interested because i honestly don't mean it.

now i have done 3 successful direct approaches in a row

my style is i turn direct into indirect, so ill open with "hey just wanted to talk to u, then comment on something else straight after"

I also did this one "hey just wanted to talk to u, but don't expect me to sweep u off ur feet, i stutttter and my hands shaking look lol *pretends to shake hand and stops*, but anyways ...."

It worked pretty well i think and i was watching my friend do a few magic tricks and what i realised is what impressed people was when my friend would say ok this might not work, last time i did the cards went everywhere. Its kind of making them not expect much, so when u r doing something good it is very impressive. So i put it into my approach and this one went well, but cud just b a coincidence.

The first two approaches i did ever, went well because i knew in my heart they would go well, so its also a very big amount of believe that counts.

I feel u got to feel the approach though

If you see a straight up bombshell, i'm talking a ten:
"You are so beautiful....i'm going to talk to you right now/meet you/get to know you"

If you see a hot girl, almost a ten:
"I find you stunning....i have to talk to you know. I got no choice even if i tried to have one"

If you see a cute girl, you know which ones these are:
"You are sooo cute...look at you....time to meet you now"

donjose i will give these a go, if i feel it. This will probs b when i am walking and i have some cute chick giv me a smile has she walks past me. At that time i think those wud suit my style.

Guys thanks for all the input though, FINALLY SUCCESS AFTER ALL THIS TIME WOOOOOOOOOOO. I will keep at this and master it.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Good stuff on continuing with it RushingDude. BUT, do those openers REGARDLESS of eye contact before hand :).