NEED Help with a TEXT!!!!!


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
okay so this girl had been giving me tons of IOI's and then I asked her out and she was kind of being weird about so I eventually realized she wasnt into me and she told me she was my friend and was worried it would be awkward or something. i was like okay, no biggy. im a senior and she's a freshman and its not like I have oneitis with her so it wasnt a big deal to me. then she texted me like ah i hope your not mad and all this and i was like no im not mad just thought we'd have fun theres no hard feelings here.

so late last night she texts me this (im assuming she was drunk)

"Although now you hate me, I would still love to be your friend! So I will text you till you respond! Night. Hope you had a fun night!! Sleep tight".

Lol, wtf do I say to this? It was like one text at the very end of our convo i didnt respond to where she was like "we should go on a crazy adventure soon". any ideas how to handle this?


Senior Don Juan
Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
If I was you I just wouldnt text back. Last thing on my mind is getting a girl "friend". I'm trying to have some fun you dig. Or you could text back and try to get her to like you like that.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score

thanks for the response. any ideas on a way to text back and try to move it towards her liking me like that?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
she likes you already, u've been playing too hard to get.

respond: "awww I love how you are looking out for me :) u are now my new little sister :p x p.s. just saw a huge pidgeon **** on a mans head walking out of the post office :-o"

this girl is interested in you, she is just teasing.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
She's an attention *****. don't feed into her ego and just ignore it. If you bump into her just act normal and friendly but don't respond to any pointless text like that.

Rules of responding to a text:

Is there a question being asked?
Does this comment really need a response?

if it doesn't meet either of those requirements then you shouldn't respond.

"i'm hungry :(" is a comment and there's no reason why u should respond to this since it just them trying to get you to respond.

"I'm hungry, want to get something to eat?" that's a question which requires a response.

see the difference? hope this helps with your text judgements later on.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
I wouldn't bother responding myself but if I did I would just be an idiot and send her something like this;

'It doesn't matter how many texts you send me you'll never, ever, ever get me to respond to you. No way I'm far too smart for that x'

Obviously I'd add a big smiley face on the end in case she's a bit slow on the uptake.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
02hero said:
I wouldn't bother responding myself but if I did I would just be an idiot and send her something like this;

'It doesn't matter how many texts you send me you'll never, ever, ever get me to respond to you. No way I'm far too smart for that x'

Obviously I'd add a big smiley face on the end in case she's a bit slow on the uptake.

i hope you're not serious. that's a typical afc for you. sending her a text saying that she'll never get you to respond to her.....i hope you know that IS responding to her.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
i hope you're not serious. that's a typical afc for you. sending her a text saying that she'll never get you to respond to her.....i hope you know that IS responding to her.
Read it again man, 1. I said that I wouldn't bother to respond at all, but the OP wanted a text to send anyway.

2. Yes I was being serious, It's a joke, irony, hence the big smiley face at the end :)


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2004
Reaction score
Getting the girl

dude, you don't have to be an a-hole to this girl. This is one of the biggest problems I see with advice on this forum - most people think it's all about quantity over quality. You know what you want, don't deny yourself just because it takes a little work. I literally just went through almost the same situation in the last three weeks - I asked this girl on a couple of dates, knowing that this other guy at my college had already started going on dates with her but it wasn't official. About a week after I started pursuing her she let me know she and this other guy had become official, but that I was an "awesome guy", and she still wanted to be friends. Most guys here would say "F that", or "I'm not looking for a friend." That's BS advice, and doesn't get you what YOU want. Plus, the chase is half the fun :)

Here's what I did - I texted her back and told her she was an "awesome girl", and that I was totally fine with being just friends - as long as she promised not to be awkward. And, honestly, I WAS fine with just being friends, if that's how it turned out - she's a cool girl and it's always good to have hot friends. Then I just kept invited her to do stuff, but made it more low key than an actual date. Just be sure to keep gaming it... this might be more of an art than a science, but she shouldn't think "it's on," but she definitely shouldn't think it's not on either. Anyhow, after hanging out twice, she asks me if I want to go with her to the grocery store. I was studying for an exam and needed a break so I said what the hell, why not? She happened to let it slip that she "wasn't too sure about things with her boyfriend." I ignored that and just made sure we were having fun and laughing. I'm not going to get too excited about "not too sure". Just made a mental note. So I started inviting her out a little more frequently, invited her to hang out with me and my friends one night, played some old school video games another. And this morning, we had breakfast together ;)

Just play it cool, BE cool, be fun, and remember - you're the prize. Any girl would be lucky to be with you, you just have to let them see that. If you don't honestly believe that, then you need to make some changes in your life and BECOME the guy that you want to be.