need help bangin this chick


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
met this chick with my friend, she told friend that she thinks im cute and to ''shhh''

we went out that night and actually i picked her up at her place cause her friend flaked. so we ended up drinking, i held her, kino, etc. what not. when the night was over she was concerned that i couldn't drive and i just told her how bout we go back to my place. she was reluctant at first but then she said ok. when we got back to my place she passed out sleeping. when we woke up, i was holding her, i massaged her back, held her hand, etc. i wanted to kiss her so bad but i just couldn't. she never turned her head to me. she would then say that she feels a bit dirty cause of last night and she wants to shower at her house. then we ended up talking about one night stand and how shes not that kind of person, etc. i ended up taking her home and we kissed (kinda on the cheeks though).

now today she was supposed to come out but then she said shes feeling a bit tired. i told her that my friends aren't coming out and then she just said 'yeah i think im just gonna stay home then'' we were on the phone for about 20 minutes. she told me that her friends are visiting and it also includes a guy that she was seeing and he likes her. she told me that she doesn't want any trouble so she txt'd him no hard feelings. I told her that if she wants to go chill with her friends Friday night, I'll chill with my friends. Then she asked me what I'm doing Saturday and I just asked her if she wants to hang with me on saturday since im not doing anything. So so far we are gonna hang on Sat. I'm not sure if she likes me.

She sent me mysterious txt messages right after I dropped her off. for example
"thanks for letting me stay and picking me up :) have a great day :)"
i responded to her just saying 'np anytime"
then she responded to me "Are you busy today"
and then I said "just workin why wassup?"
and she told me "Oh nothing. Just wanted to say hi :)"
"I changed my text messaging plan. I get more text now"

After that I just stopped texting her. So many signs, I dunno wtf to do. I just wanna f*ck her. but I need to first start kissing/making out with her. What would be a good way to handle this situations from now?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
baurman said:
then she responded to me "Are you busy today"
and then I said "just workin why wassup?"
and she told me "Oh nothing. Just wanted to say hi :)"
now there's an IOI. based on that, what do you think she wants you to do?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know. We were just texting back & forth, but I couldn't respond all the time cause I was working. We were supposed to go out tonight but then she said that shes feeling tired. When she told me that her friend was picking her up and they were going out and I told her my friends aren't coming, then she kinda flaked and was like "ok i dont think i really want to go out, let me call my friend up and let her know that im not going out" so I dunno why it seems to me like she would've went out if me and my friends went, but not just me.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
she called me up this morning telling me good morning and asked if i was getting ready for work. damn. i think she really is digging me. we ended up talking about tans and stuff and I told her I need to get a tan and then she said "we should go to the beach this weekend" and i said yeah that would be great. she asks me when I will be on break at work and I just told her that whenever I take one and I'll give her a call. then mentions that she has more text messaging. then she tells me to have a great day at work. damn, so much fkn IOI's!!!! i dont even know what to do with them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
you need to escalate on her. do something more than just texting back and forth

she's doing what all girls who are attracted do - giving the guy a window of opportunity to make a move. you take too long, she'll eventually lose interest

take her to the beach. the date just fell in your lap


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
Reaction score
Deep South
in my opinion from reading everything, while I am no expert....

I just get the feeling she is tryin to suck you down into an LTR man...

be careful :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
you're paranoid


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
baurman said:
Then she asked me what I'm doing Saturday and I just asked her if she wants to hang with me on saturday since im not doing anything.

Brutal. Don't ever say "I'm not doing anything Sat so if you want, you can hang out with me". How does this show confidence and make her knees weak? What if the other guy that likes her said to her on Friday "I'm going to an awesome party Saturday and want you to be with me there, right by my side. Then after I'm going to take you home and make love to you like Superman." Who do you think she'd rather spend the time with?

So so far we are gonna hang on Sat. I'm not sure if she likes me.

She sent me mysterious txt messages right after I dropped her off. for example

"thanks for letting me stay and picking me up :) have a great day :)"

"np anytime" - no good. you have to ler know you want something out of it. Are you a limo service or are you looking to get laid and be her boyfriend?

"Are you busy today"

"just workin why wassup?" - No good. "Yes I'm fairly busy" is enough

"Oh nothing. Just wanted to say hi :)" -

"I changed my text messaging plan. I get more text now" No good. Who cares you getting more text? Only if she asks if you specifically, then you tell her. Do you want her to drop her pants because you are getting more text?
If you want to sleep with her, only talk to her if you have something fun to do and want her to tag along. Even if you are in a LTR, she has to phone you almost all the time. Unless you want something from her, you phone her. You are NOT HER GIRLFRIEND.