Need advice/opinions

Culture of ME

Don Juan
Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Hey boys, need your advice/opinion on a situation that has me at a crossroads of life today. I am not looking for anything in terms of getting this girl, I have written her off, but am seeking your input on whether the issue is me playing a bad game or me pursuing the wrong chick or both. I take full responsibility and know that I am the problem, but I can't improve and evolve without knowing where I made the biggest mistake. It's a long story, but i'll be as concise as possible.

-- worked with this girl, she was a manager of a different team in my department. very hot girl, and I was repeatedly warned that she was crazy. didn't stop me from wanting her. she thought I was married, when she found out that I was single, she starting hanging around me a lot -- stoping by my desk, asking me to come into her office, etc. people in the office noticed, constantly asking me what's going on with us -- i play it off with the office peeps. she gives me her number, wants to hang out all the time -- so, i thought this was time to make a move, no need to wait and prolong it -- so, after a night out, i go for the kiss - she says she cant, she continued to explain, but i tuned her out after 'i can't', no idea what she said after because to me it's yes or no -- thought this was the end of it, but no -- she starts increasing the contact -- messages every day at work, text


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Culture of ME said:
Hey boys, need your advice/opinion on a situation that has me at a crossroads of life today. I am not looking for anything in terms of getting this girl, I have written her off, but am seeking your input on whether the issue is me playing a bad game or me pursuing the wrong chick or both. I take full responsibility and know that I am the problem, but I can't improve and evolve without knowing where I made the biggest mistake. It's a long story, but i'll be as concise as possible.

-- worked with this girl, she was a manager of a different team in my department. very hot girl, and I was repeatedly warned that she was crazy.BEEP BEEP didn't stop me from wanting her.Well, I can't blame you but you know this is a f*ckup she thought I was married, when she found out that I was single, she starting hanging around me a lot -- stoping by my desk, asking me to come into her office, etc. people in the office noticed, constantly asking me what's going on with us -- i play it off with the office peeps. she gives me her number, wants to hang out all the time -- so, i thought this was time to make a move, no need to wait and prolong it -- so, after a night out, i go for the kissGreat - she says she cant, she continued to explain, but i tuned her out after 'i can't', no idea what she said after because to me it's yes or no -- thought this was the end of it, but no -- she starts increasing the contact -- messages every day at work, textShe wants to play her game with you but it doesn't work unless you invest in it, if you didn't want her and didn't care then she couldn't do anything. Ramping up the interest but refusing your advances is her fingering your puppet strings and trying to make you wonder/care so you can play her game for her.
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Culture of ME

Don Juan
Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, MA
ing every day, checking in on me constantly -- she finds out i will be moving, she begs me to move to her neighborhood, which i do (not for her, just worked out that a friend was renting a great place 3 blocks from her) -- now we are doing stuff all the time, her friends keep telling me that she's really into me and she told them that she would be devestated if i started dating another girl -- she told her one friend that she just needs to get her **** together, then she wants to start a relationship with me, that comment was just last week -- so fast forward to last night -- we go out initially with 2 other friends of hers to watch football, her friends bolt at 4:30, her and i stay out until midnight -- she wanted to get a pizza, so we order it and are waiting in a booth, she comes and sits on my lap (she had never done that before) and she says 'i want you to stay with me tonight' -- i had stayed at her place two other times, but not in her bed, told her the 2nd time that from now on i would only stay there again if it was in her bed -- she obviously remembered that because she then said 'in my bed, with me' -- i said i would -- we grab the pizza and head to her place -- i sit on the couch, she comes over to me, kisses me and then sits in top of me -- literally 5 seconds later, she says i'm going to get sick, then goes to the bathroom and does get sick -- comes back a few minutes later, apologizes for getting sick, says she really wanted to do more with me but she feels awful, she then asks if i would still stay the night in her bed with her -- i figure sure, why not, so i do -- as i'm taking my jeans off she asks me to hold her, so i get in the bed and we're spooning -- she continues with the apologies about getting sick and how she wanted more to happen - i tell her don't worry about it, we'll make up for it next time -- then about 20 minutes later as i'm holding her and just about to fall asleep, she says 'you know we are just friends right' -- i just ignored her, so she says it again, and then i said something like 'whatever, just go to bed' -- so i'm laying there and i start to get pissed off, thought she was asleep, so i get uo ans start getting dressed and i'm then going to leave - she wakes up and then says 'real good, just run from me, you just can't keep running from me forever' and i said 'you made it pretty clear that we we are just friends, why do you care' -- she says 'don't keep running from me' -- i then asked, 'what do you want from me' -- she says, 'i want you to stay with me' -- so i stay -- got up this morning and headed home -- she was talking to me as i was leaving, but i had my ignore button on -- didn't hear anything she said -- so here's my question; i need to keep improving, so where did i f up? did i just pick the wrong girl? is my game horrible? is it both? is she just so damn crazy or am i not reading her signs correctly? i appreciate all the advice and do not sugarcoat, i can handle the harsh criticism, i know i deserve it. i have never felt this lost in all my life. thanks boys.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Hoo boy, I thought what I replied to was the worst of it, now I can't wait for the BPD battalion here to get in on it.

Culture of ME

Don Juan
Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Boston, MA
ha ha, agreed Attack -- and i know my biggest weakness is that i can't just walk away from the crazy chicks -- they're always hot and i love the challenge, but i never learn that is always ends bad


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
They warned you she is crazy. You should have listened to them.