need advice on how to respond to this girl


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
I made a post a while ago about her...I have just been ignoring her, and being a d!ck when I do talk to her. Anyway, it has been about 3 weeks since she sent me this long email saying I hurt her and a bunch of other crap, and I have ignored and avoided her since then.

I replied to her yesterday. I told her that she is dishonest and not who I thought she was, but I said it did not matter, and made fun of her for being crazy. I told her that I do not care if she tells me these little anecdotes about her volunteer work, and that she can stop trying to get me to like her, because it won't work. Then I told her that I would not give her the painting I did of her because of the kind of person she is. It was pretty unemotional I guess.

Anyway, I get her reply today, and I do not know what to make of it. I have no idea how to reply to this (or if I should), but I was thinking of telling her (in some way) that she can call me if she wants to chat sometime. I do not want to sound like a wimp though. Here is her reply.

Hi :),

In a way it's good that we REALLY don't get each other. I mean, since you have been able to dislike's just not working, is it? :)

And in a way it's good, neither one of us misses anything.

I don't want you to like me (which is impossible anyway)...I just wanted to prove that I'm not THAT horrible and hard, but you will probably never agree on that point, hah...doesn't matter anyway.

You seem to be very gentle to others. That's good that you do all those things...I think you're good.

You don't have to send the painting. It's cool to know that someone made something...about me. haha. Strange. Even if it's fake, which it probably is (because it's too good), you at least spent some time on me. :)

Keep up the good work, Brekke.
Take care of the XXXXXXXXXXXX.

What do you guys think? Is this like the battle of who cares less? :D

The "gentle" crap was just about me doing volunteer work. She likes crap like that I guess, and she complimented my art in her own stupid way. The smiles are just weird, but I guess she was just copying what I did in my email, but there were actually jokes next to my smiles. ;)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
She's being a sh!tty little b!tch ....

She is dumping on you....don't you see this???

She is also dodging all responsibility and blamming you (surprise!!)

Call her sometime??

Only if you have NO self respect....

Headcase says I....


Over and Out.


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
boomerick said:
She is dumping on you....don't you see this???

She is also dodging all responsibility and blamming you (surprise!!)
No, I did not see that (the dumping or the blaming).

boomerick said:
Call her sometime??
Ugh, no, I did not say that, and would not consider it.

She is like 30 years younger than you, but thanks for the input anyway. I also did some bad stuff to her, and she is really scared of me as well as herself.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
OK semantics ---You said "I was thinking of telling her that she can call me sometime"

Actually probably worse than you calling her because you are letting her choose to call (hopeful orbiter play)

As far as dumping on you ...

She's saying the painting you did, whatever it is, is fake....

She's saying that you can't like her (because you are obviously flawed?)

So this deal folded because of you only? (blaming)

Just seems to me that she's getting the last word in in kind of a crappy way ....and...

It seems to me that you are trying to leave the door open to her instead of just moving on to something new

Over and Out.

Edit---because she is so much younger than me I guess any opinion and or advice I may give is completely irrelivent because women are so much different now ......hahahahahahahahahahaha


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Jesus Christ.... what's with all the people lately, asking for advice and when they get it... they immediately want to disprove it or say it's wrong?

Boomerick is correct in his assessment and the fact that he's 30 years older than this girl probably means that you should LISTEN TO HIM. He obviously has experience, more than you.

I don't want you to like me (which is impossible anyway)...
Right HERE she's placing the responsibility and the blame on YOU. She's saying that it's impossible for you to like her... it has absolutely nothing to do with whatever she might have done in the past. She is solely removing herself from any responsibility of any wrongdoing.

You don't have to send the painting. It's cool to know that someone made something...about me. haha. Strange. Even if it's fake, which it probably is (because it's too good), you at least spent some time on me.
By telling her that you aren't sending her a painting of her, you told her this:

I STILL have a painting of you.

If you would have said to her: What painting? Oh, I threw that in the trash.

She wouldn't have felt so validated. She's stringing you along and probably using your email as an ego stroke. If you really said all those bad things about her in an email... why even email her int he first place? All you did was grant her the attention that she was seeking.

I side with boomerick. NEXT girl.

I also did some bad stuff to her, and she is really scared of me as well as herself.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2009
Reaction score
This girl has entered into oneites with you. She is in love with you and that is most likely so because of your indifference. That's why there are these poetic smiley's all over her message.

If you really don't want this girl in your life then I urge you to just let her go without breaking her even more.

On the other hand if you do wish to be with her than that should be easy enough by now.

Don't be unnecessarily assholic, even if you feel angry because off the lack of attention you got when you were still a nice boy AFC. :)


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
All of you guys, thanks for the advice, and I will listen and consider it all (obviously), but despite some of the good info I have gotten from this forum, it seems like a LOT of people here have been hurt by girls and have some kind of resentment where they can only see them as sh!t. I'm just saying that some of the people on here seem to come at everything from a negative perspective. I do want an outside viewpoint though, so thanks.

Here is a little back-story though. It's part of her email that made me start ignoring her.

What have I done wrong? You say I'm fake and pathetic...thanks for that, nice of you.

I do not really know what to say. The words you use against me hurt me very bad. I have never hurt anyone on purpose like that and would never do's something I simply can't do. And just like that, I TOTALLY FLIPPED OUT (I am also mentally unstable). I hate that you are judging me the way you do.

If I somehow offended you or something like that, I regret certainly was not my intention.

Sell the painting if you prefer, given what you think of me I do not deserve it anyway.

It was nice to get to know you, XXX.
This is why I started to think she was an idiot, and put things on hold. A lot of manufactured drama there. ;)


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2009
Reaction score
brekke said:
All of you guys, thanks for the advice, and I will listen and consider it all (obviously), but despite some of the good info I have gotten from this forum, it seems like a LOT of people here have been hurt by girls and have some kind of resentment where they can only see them as sh!t. I'm just saying that some of the people on here seem to come at everything from a negative perspective. I do want an outside viewpoint though, so thanks.

Here is a little back-story though. It's part of her email that made me start ignoring her.

This is why I started to think she was an idiot, and put things on hold. A lot of manufactured drama there. ;)
Actually.. to me she sounds like a nice girl who is slightly obsessed with you maybe. Why does something like that make you think of her as if she is an idiot?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
brekke said:
but despite some of the good info I have gotten from this forum, it seems like a LOT of people here have been hurt by girls and have some kind of resentment where they can only see them as sh!t.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but SHE said to you in that first email:

And just like that, I TOTALLY FLIPPED OUT (I am also mentally unstable).
So she admits to being mentally unstable in an email sent to you THREE weeks ago... you ignored it, let it stew and you decided to respond... three weeks later after she sent that email to you?

This is why I started to think she was an idiot, and put things on hold. A lot of manufactured drama there. ;)
And you're going right along with the "manufactured drama".
If she's na idiot for sending you that email... what does it make the person who responded to it?

I don't know... maybe it's just me, maybe I live alone in my crazy little world, but if a woman tells me that she's mentally unstable... I'd kind of want to stay away from her. I don't need all that "manufactured drama" in my life. If I did, then what would be the difference between me and the female population?

I don't see women as sh!t... I just see women who consider themselves mentally unstable sh!t.

I do have to ask though... why after three weeks, did you even reconsider emailing her? What changed?


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
brekke said:
I'm just saying that some of the people on here seem to come at everything from a negative perspective.
It's called "being able to look at reality, realize what's truly going on, and not be blinded by oneitis/sky-high IL" ;)

You have to be stone-cold when it comes to relationships with women. If you're weak and let your emotions control your actions, they'll have a field day with your heart, soul and mind...


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
Kailex said:
I don't know... maybe it's just me, maybe I live alone in my crazy little world, but if a woman tells me that she's mentally unstable... I'd kind of want to stay away from her. I don't need all that "manufactured drama" in my life. If I did, then what would be the difference between me and the female population?

I don't see women as sh!t... I just see women who consider themselves mentally unstable sh!t.

I do have to ask though... why after three weeks, did you even reconsider emailing her? What changed?
I am trying the push push push technique. :D Forget push-pull.

She just called me like 30 minutes ago and I did not answer. So it might work in some way, hahaha.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
With all the time you have spent (thinking about, scheming, making excuses for, developing angles and plans, worring about e-mails, calls, and texting, denying questionable behaviour)on this questionable girl you could have gone out and, met, and maybe even dated, and bedded, 2-3 others.

Or at the very least spent the time doing something fulfilling that you enjoyed.

P*ssy ain't meant to be this hard.

P*ssy shouldn't be your main mission.

Over and Out.


Don Juan
Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
Just make your damn mind up.

But if I was you, I would just stop e-mailing her. Trying to make her feel ****, just exposes you as the frail one.

I replied to her yesterday
This is further evidence of that. Why did you do that?

Anyway, I get her reply today, and I do not know what to make of it.
Why do you still care what she e-mails you? The answer is quite simply because you do in fact (despite your brave e-mails) still care, and you wouldn't if you started to fill your time doing other things. Such as gym, meeting new people, meeting new women, hobbies etc.

Plus she's mentally unstable. She even said it herself.

Stop contacting her, we've all been through breakups and they suck. Check my first threads when I joined this forum, before I read the DJ Bible. See what a ***** I was about it, and now three months later I feel nothing for the girl. I know that no girl is ever going to punk me again, hell they're disposable. Particularly at my age. You want to really piss her off.. then stop contacting her and live a happy, carefree, other woman-laiden life.

As another poster said..

Its difficult to jump back in the pool when its been pissed in.



Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
boomerick said:
With all the time you have spent (thinking about, scheming, making excuses for, developing angles and plans, worring about e-mails, calls, and texting, denying questionable behaviour)on this questionable girl you could have gone out and, met, and maybe even dated, and bedded, 2-3 others.
Guys, stop being so uptight. I never had her as a "girlfriend" and she knew I saw other girls back then, and I still do. Nothing wrong with having some fun. I do not even want to be a "don juan", but I am starting to feel like more of one every time I read posts on here. ;)


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
She called me a couple times and I never answered, but sent her an email being a d!ck...maybe too much of a d!ck. :D I told her she was a slut and a brat, but in a jovial manner.

She replied a few hours later with this.

ahh, I like this. :) It makes the ignoring part much easier.
