Need advice (long) ...

DJ Bat

New Member
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys, this is a recovering AFC. Now I am trying to improve my game as much as I can. The other day I met this girl (HB7.5), and I would appreciate your advice on this situation. Also excuse me for the poor english and the long post. ;)

Day 1 (Saturday): I met her through a common friend in my favorite bar. Joined their table and chatted with them. I wanted to try some of the Mystery method material for the very first time. So after 2 mins, I ran the "who lies more, men or women?" opener to see how they responded. I engaged them in the conversation. Then after 20 mins, our common friend left. I continued talking to the girl alone and applied some C/F for like 20 mins. It was closing time and she said she had to leave. We hugged.

Day 2 (Wednesday): I went to the bar to play pool with my friends, I saw her at a distance sitting on a table with some people. She was giving me the "dinner bowl look" (by the way, I get this quite often). I just said "hey, what's up?". She replied and smiled. Then I joined my friends and played pool all night. Ignored her.

Day 3 (Saturday): I went to the bar again. I joined her and her friends. Lots of teasing, C/F, normal conversation as well, thumbwrestling, pullling her nose... She began to touch me (my arm). Good eye contact. At closing time I rewarded her for her good behaviour and gave her one of the many bracelets I usually wear. I let her choose one. We hugged and I kissed her on the neck twice. She gave me her number. I gave her my number as well. I left. Later I discovered that she had just broken up with the bf after two years.

Day 4 (Thursday): At the bar, saw her playing on the pinball machine. I joined her and we started to play together. Then we went to the patio to smoke some cigarretes. At closing time she asked me if I needed a ride. I said "ok". She drove me home and we started to make out on her car. I was smelling her neck and whispering on her ears and she was moaning. After maybe 30 mins, she said she had to go because she had to work the next day. I told her that she could find me at the bar on Saturday, that I would be there playing pool with my friends. I left.

Day 5 (Saturday): I knew that I could score this day. At the bar, she was there with some friends. We talked... At closing time she asked me if I needed a ride again. I agreed. We made out at the parking lot in front of the bar. Then she drove me home. More kissing in her car. Then I invited her to have some drinks at my place. In my couch we did everything ... but no sex. She resisted. She said "you know, its difficult for me after breaking up with my boyfriend" and also said "i don't know you". We slept together. Again, in my bed we did everything but no sex. I wanted her to reach a climax in order to hook her. So during the night I stimulated her g-spot and gave her an orgasm. The next day she had to work. So, in the morning, before leaving we made out again and she said "call me". She left.

Day 6 (Sunday): I went to the bar again the next day with a friend just to play pool. I didn't expect to find her there. She was there. We started to mess again in the bar, she drove me home, made out for like 40 mins in front and inside of my apt. She left. No sex.

She resisted to sex on Day 5, so I guess she needs more comfort (?). If so, how I can make her feel more confortable with me? What would you be your next move? Last time I saw her was Sunday, two days ago, so i think i have to make a move soon. We haven't talked by phone yet. I'll probably need to call her and invite her for coffee or something ... or should I wait til next Friday when I am sure she is going to be at the bar.

Thanks for your advice. :cool:
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Senior Don Juan
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Look up "oneitis." You're starting out here, and I see you have some routines and stuff, so the best I can tell you is to AVOID at all cost the trap of analyzing what a girls says, especially over the course of several days.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
i dont see a oneitis here. Yes, he needs more women, but he is not desperate, and he could have laid this chick if he knew how.

Bat, make sure you dont fall for this chick, but instead look up LMR techniques (Last Minute Resistance)

i am sure you could have fvcked her if you knew how to deal with LMRs. Then she would be the one chasing you.

DJ Bat

New Member
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
It is not oneitis, my whole objective was to lay this chick, i have laid hotter chicks than this one before. Everything was going very smooth (in my opinion) that's why i didn't understand what happened. :confused:

Egoist, you are right, I need to work more on LMR, but i think i missed something else as well ...

Thanks for the advice :cool:

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Ya you have to work on LMR, also my best advice for your next move is to asking her to come hangout with you or keep you company while you do some errands. An make her tag along with you from probably 4 to 8 or 9 and then go back to your house and try again, then get past the LMR and you should be in there. Try not to make it boring on your trap(conversation wise) maybe go to mall first find some cloth waste about an hour or 2 doing that then go eat some lunch and anything else to kill time.