Need a kind of "reverse" sosuave


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
I have kind of a strange confidence issue.

I can talk to girls easily. I can flirt with them easily, I can hit on them easily, I can hook up with them easily, that's not a major problem.

The thing is, most everyone I talk to seems to like me. The girls, family, adults, everyone loves me. Except guys my age.

I have a weird confidence issue talking to my friends. I'm in high school, and my previous group of friends spontaneously started being ****s to me, and ruined my self confidence over last summer. So, I'm trying to move into a new group of friends. Problem is, I don't know if they like me or not. They're sending me a mixed message.

It's kind of strange, actually. Anyone you talk to besides my friends, they'll tell you I'm extremely funny. However, I just have lower self confidence when I'm talking to my friends and I'm rarely funny, usually what I say just ends up being awkward and stupid.

So how do I fix this? How do I raise my self confidence to make more friends? Girls aren't my problem, guys are. I don't know what to do.

EDIT: Actually, on second thought, that wasn't a very good title to use. I apologize.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
Reaction score
Wish I could help you out....ill be thinkin about it, though it doesnt really make much sense. If anything pops to mind ill post it up.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Some thoughts

When I was in HS (thats like 14 years ago) I used to think I had no friends. I definately had no confidence. One day I was *****ing to a girl I knew who suddenly snapped at me "you have more friends than you realise!" She then stormed off.

Sounds to me, that you might not realise that there are more people in your life who are friends than you give yourself credit for.

Teenagers are the most f*cked up people in society. Hormones are going crazy, trying to figure out all kinds of sh*t, still learning to socially interact like "human beings." They do and say f*cked up sh*t to each other.

One of my problems was I knew no one like me. I felt different. You sound like you have your sh*t way more together than most of your peers. Maybe you are the same? I think so.

If wealth was measured in friendships I would now consider myself the richest man in the world. I have only one friend from my high school days.

What I am trying to say is that pretty soon your life will change radically. Your peer group will mature. You will find people who will become you TRUE friends. People compatible with you.

When I went to Uni (College I suppose for most of you) I suddenly found that I fit in with a really cool group.

You know what I suggest, and I think all the older guys here will agree, go for the young ladies! Seriously when you get a bit older you will look at high school girls and think, "if only I knew then what I know now."

Work on yourself, develop skills. This kind of thing will put you in great stead for the rest of your life.

Friends will come.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Good advice Jay Jay.

I totally know what you mean. Like sure I don't hang out with that many people on a regular basis, but if I go to a large social gathering everybody knows me and I'm suddenly popular.

Good stuff Jay.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
Man its wierd, I get exactly the same thing...

One place I worked at when I was 18 they were pretty evil to me from the first day. Looking back those dudes were seriously ****ed up in the head the way they picked on me... Anyways I got back at them by hooking up with a very pretty admin girl that started working there :p

So Im in this job right now -- nice pay, boss likes me, etc. And a few of the employees are uni guys and do similar work to me so we should all get on right? But I just find them stuck up so I dnt even go lunch with them anymore. They even tried to bust on me, but I turned their joke around, so now they just sit around looking pissed off...

But surely Im not that hard to get on with?? My family loves me, so do my friends, so do a fair share of girls. Cant ppl just get the hell on with life and stop trying to be abusive??


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
You know what, I'm exactly the same and it's mostly a maturity issue for me.
I'm 23, now i don't know if it's just my university or what but the guys my age around here are still acting like lame high-schoolers.
Hard to explain but there's a huge difference when you see a teen and an adult, they just look different, present themselves differently and act different in subtle ways.

Anyway, I find it pretty hard to click with most guys my age. Everyone is still busy getting wasted every night and pulling stupid pranks, I'm ready to move on... hell I actually wish I could start a family already sometimes, I've really had enough of this teen lifestyle. Needless to say I usually get along great with people who are in their thirties.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney Australia
KillingTime said:
You know what, I'm exactly the same and it's mostly a maturity issue for me.
I'm 23, now i don't know if it's just my university or what but the guys my age around here are still acting like lame high-schoolers.
Hard to explain but there's a huge difference when you see a teen and an adult, they just look different, present themselves differently and act different in subtle ways.

Anyway, I find it pretty hard to click with most guys my age. Everyone is still busy getting wasted every night and pulling stupid pranks, I'm ready to move on... hell I actually wish I could start a family already sometimes, I've really had enough of this teen lifestyle. Needless to say I usually get along great with people who are in their thirties.
Its funny cos these guys are so lame -- theyr only a step up from the typical "nerd", I suppose in I.T. jobs you cant expect much more in company..? I cant tell you how pathetic it is when these losers are having a go at me at the coffee shop while I'm chatting up the waitress!! :D


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2006
Reaction score
alright, well, I see a lot of people agree with me, but can anyone help me?