Need A Good Asskicking

Jul 22, 2011
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Okay, I was at the beach today. There was a couple of hot women by themselves sitting around me and my two friends. My friends decided to get something to eat, so I had more than enough alone time to go and talk to these girls. I could see these 3 girls glancing at me here and there. I just failed miserably wait let me correct that cause failure means trying and I did not even attempt to go over to talk to them. When me and my friends left the beach, I told my friends how disappointed I was at myself, but all they did was to cheer me up by saying there is always next time. Anyway the point of this post is can you guys tell me how much I failed to take advantage of the opportunities I had in front of me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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your approach is very wrong. beating yourself up in a task you are not ready to tackle will only hinder your future success.

think in small terms, choose small goals ( could you say hello to them ? ) and work your way up.

this is how research is done incidentally.

you cannot expect to conceive a Nobel prize winning idea, tomorrow you wake up.

breakthroughs are not achieved out of vacuum. they are the results of little bricks that are diligently put one after the other.

start small.
Jul 22, 2011
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The thing is I know rejection will only make me more successful. I believe that the more pain you endure the stronger u'll be in the end. It gets me angry when I feel weakness by not even trying, I got no problem with failure. I had success with women before, but it's just at certain times and places. My day game needs alot of work. Is there a bootcamp schedule sheet?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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Just enduring more pain won't make sh!t. Whoever made you believe that swindled you. The correct approach is not necessarily the hardest (or most painful) one. In most cases, not.

You won't be stronger by just pain. Forget that. If you had "nugget" goals that you could swallow any time, you'd consistently be successful. You failed because of your own high expectations.

You will continue to fail if you try to temper yourself with pain.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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You feel more like 5hit when you chicken out than if you approach and get rejected. Basically, you have nothing to lose when you approach a woman you don't know. She's not going to tell all your friends that you're a loser. She's not going to post your lousy approach on facebook. She knows nothing about you and has nothing to judge you on

A woman is nothing more than a female human. She 5hits, farts, and scratches her arse just like everyone else.
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Jul 22, 2011
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thanks for the support guys... Boilermaker, I just feel if I go easy on myself I will be lazy and be okay with myself if I don't make a moves at times. Desdinova, you hit it on the head with You feel more like 5hit when you chicken out than if you approach and get rejected. What hurts my game alot is that it doesnt flow, it's more like I think of topics before hand to talk about and once those topics are over the convos get dull. Is there a way to fix this? I think by practice, how do I approach this problem?


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
learn to pace your conversations.

Sometimes I'll ask the girl something about herself, and then when she's told me I'll just acknowledge it, enjoy the ambience, and you'll notice that the girl might lean toward you to get some information out of you.

When your interest level is low, you'll start to automatically act like that.