Need a crystal ball


Oct 20, 2006
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nismo-4 said:
You are guilty of failure to maintain the frame, being pu$$y whipped, failure to have options, failure to understand that women's options are damn infinite, impersonating captain save-a-ho, illegal use of a love letter, showing you have few options, failure to maintain attraction, unauthorized use of a pedestal, failure to read signs, failure to f**k, email stalking, and putting your needs on the backburner.
nismo-4 at his best.

To me, there is no bigger measurement of a woman than the men she loves. If she is dating someone you think is a freak, you are incompatible. I might have dated a stripper, but honestly, what made me like her was seeing that the guy she had dated for years was a good guy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
nomoreniceguy12 said:
Do you really think its that bad? She is my girlfriend of a half a damn year.
She's not your girlfriend. You haven't even had sex with her.

Half a year of "dating" with no sex? I'm not saying that relationships have to be based around sex....but sex is what separates a female friend from a girlfriend.

Is this your first girlfriend? Are you deformed in some way? Are you physically incapable of finding other girls?

He texted her from a texting program like 20 times yesterday begging and she told him go away and she is taken. He lives 3 hours away used to be 8.
What the f**k is that supposed to mean? You keep saying "He lives 3 hours away." ...who gives a sh!t. Sounds to me like you're saying that the only thing stopping your girl from f**king this guy is distance. Not respect. Not commitment. Not love. Distance. Wow, that's a strong relationship right there. Built on a solid foundation of the guy she wants to f**k living 3 hours away.

Do you really think she will leave her family and me for a crazy stalker?? Thanks for all the honesty. I know im not a bad boy, but she could have him if she wanted.
She dated this "crazy stalker" for how long? And I can guarantee you that HE, unlike YOU, actually slept with her. Trash the guy all you want, he had fun with her, and you're the sucker left holding all of her emotional baggage.

Dude, here's my advice. Go find the nearest mirror and look in it.

This story is too ridiculous to be true. I'm out.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
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Im clearly the odd man out here. The only person that tells me im not crazy is her. Thanks for the advice im going to break up with her and cut her out of my life all together. Life is really screwed up sometimes. Thanks for advice. Im actually going to put it to use, and read this in my weak moments. I know I will have many. I think you guys are so right. I think she will leave me and her family and move in with him. I feel it in my gut. I guess I just dont get why, but that isnt my problem anymore. Thanks guys.Tomorrow starts today screw this.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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bradd80 said:
nomoreniceguy WHAT THE F*CK IS WRONG WITH YOU?? You need some tough love here my man, can't you see this has nothing to do with this other scumbag? You've been dating this girl for 6 months and she's not having sex with you! What the hell have you been thinking??? How can you even contemplate staying with her after she's made you wait so long (assuming she lets you bang her in the first place) whether this other class act is in her life or not!
It's terrifying to try to trace the logic in some people's minds when you read these stories.

So this guy dates the girl for 6+ months without sex. Just "comforting" her. Listening to her bullsh!t. Nodding as she whines about her ex boyfriend.

And what? He thinks that after 6+ months of asexual behavior, this girl is going to suddenly get wet for him and start viewing him as a sexual partner? Hell no. Basically at this point, he's her little brother.

The trashy, scumbag ex that she's whining about f**ked her every which way. She can deny him temporarily, but he is what makes her wet. Not some boring dude, holding her hand listening to her whine.

God, this is scary. I'm glad the guy came here to seek help. But it's scary to see what people put themselves through.


Oct 20, 2006
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If after 3 months of dating no sex has occurred then obviously she is having sex with someone else (or wants to be).

At that point she thinks of you as a friend and you must terminate any romantic gestures and go NC. Here is where being her FB friend sucks and you might have to drop her or ghost her with the privacy settings.

I find that the best sex happens after 2 months of dating. If you miss this point the relationship will never be that memorable to her. That's when mind-blowing sex should occur.

But 6 months is a joke. That's when you start getting bored of them and the honeymoon is over.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
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just an update to let you guys know how good your advice is. I broke up with her and am trying to get my confidence back, before I did I found out she wont block him on AIM and writes away messages about how in love she is with ME lol. Those two deserve each other. Its easier to let it go. I know she will never be happy with him. I can half ass understand why he is abusive now. She enables him and uses me. I may be a dating failure but I learned what to watch out for and to trust my gut, if something feels wrong it probably is, and women's words mean nothing. Judge them on actions. Time to get back on the bike and try again. I got a PHD in why you dont let crazy women into your life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
nomoreniceguy12 said:
just an update to let you guys know how good your advice is. I broke up with her and am trying to get my confidence back, before I did I found out she wont block him on AIM and writes away messages about how in love she is with ME lol.
So essentially, you're just a pawn in her plan to make him jealous.

Better to see that now than to date her for another 6 months with no sex.

I get frustrated when I go on 4 dates and don't get sex. And as bigneil said, dating a girl for 3 months and no sex would be ridiculous. Six months is pure insanity. Don't do that again. Please. Never again.

I understand that you think relationships aren't about sex. And you're kind of right. But sex is at least a sign that there's SOME attraction and SOME commitment. Hell, even if a girl is f**king other dudes, you're at least ONE of the guys she's f**king and not standing in line waiting like the other 97% of her male "friends".

We've all done foolish things. Don't feel too bad. But yeah, a 6 month relationship without were practically her brother.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
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yes I feel like a brother that gets church kisses and cuddling. Why its so hard to watch her go back to someone that will hurt her. I actually give a damn about her. He just wants sex. Im only 18 I got a lot to learn about dating. It is a weak area in my life and she took advantage of that. Pretty **** up. At least it lead me here. I guess what dosent kill you makes you stronger. Thanks everyone in this thread for telling me how it is. You guys are spot on. Im not a bad looking guy, but I refuse to be abusive. That just isnt me, and it isnt how I want to live.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
nomoreniceguy12 said:
yes I feel like a brother that gets church kisses and cuddling. Why its so hard to watch her go back to someone that will hurt her. I actually give a damn about her. He just wants sex. Im only 18 I got a lot to learn about dating. It is a weak area in my life and she took advantage of that. Pretty **** up. At least it lead me here. I guess what dosent kill you makes you stronger. Thanks everyone in this thread for telling me how it is. You guys are spot on. Im not a bad looking guy, but I refuse to be abusive. That just isnt me, and it isnt how I want to live.
Are you a virgin bro? That might explain a lot.