NC means No FB


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
In the old days when you broke up with someone you didn't have access to so much information about them at your fingertips.

Even if you aren't friends with someone on FB and they don't make their account public, you can often still see lots of info such as their recent friend additions, the time they added them, and their latest photo and background image. She might send you messages in the images or comments she chooses, or you'll assume it's possible. Also, you might know other people who know her and there is info there as well.

While you might think you have gone NC, if you are still checking her page you won't heal as fast. And don't say you're just making sure she is alive because you care about her.

I think a good method to avoid her page is to assume she can see every time you view it. Would she be impressed if she saw how often you checked at 3AM?

While I think outright blocking someone is an overreaction, it's critical not to look at her profile.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
bigneil said:
In the old days when you broke up with someone you didn't have access to so much information about them at your fingertips.

Even if you aren't friends with someone on FB and they don't make their account public, you can often still see lots of info such as their recent friend additions, the time they added them, and their latest photo and background image. She might send you messages in the images or comments she chooses, or you'll assume it's possible. Also, you might know other people who know her and there is info there as well.

While you might think you have gone NC, if you are still checking her page you won't heal as fast. And don't say you're just making sure she is alive because you care about her.

I think a good method to avoid her page is to assume she can see every time you view it. Would she be impressed if she saw how often you checked at 3AM?

While I think outright blocking someone is an overreaction, it's critical not to look at her profile.

But why are you creating these threads?


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
Reaction score
good points. what has helped me before is hiding the girl on my news feed, its a lot easier to forget about people after doing that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
I talked about this yesterday on another thread but it might have gotten lost in the weeds. I completely agree with this. All social media, not just facebook, means that breakups are never ending. You can check her page, follow her tweets, and any other number of things that will inevitably lead to you mourning the breakup instead of burying it. I have facebook, but only for the pictures. I realized that just blocking her from my feed wasn't enough, because I KNEW I could just type in her name and see what she was up to. I also knew I didn't want to block her because I would look weak. My solution was to pick an arbitrary password, literally random letters and numbers. Write it down on a piece of paper quickly (make it long enough so you can't remember it). Then type it in to change your password. Tear the paper up afterward. You are left without knowing your password. People can look at you all you want and do whatever they want to your page but you won't know. In a month or two you can go back and check what you've missed by getting the password emailed to you.

I have never been big on facebook anyway. I only have about 5 profile pictures and I don't let people post on my wall or see any of my other pictures. Not much use for it for me other than my friends posting pictures of me. It's the modern day photo album for me I guess.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
bigneil said:
While you might think you have gone NC, if you are still checking her page you won't heal as fast.

While I think outright blocking someone is an overreaction, it's critical not to look at her profile.
those two are a bit contradictory.

I blocked an ex on purpose...I don't want to see her updates or posts.

I made the mistake of visiting her profile only to see many photos of her with a new dude. That ruined my weekend. We had been broken up 6 months prior.

So I made a point of NEVER looking at her profile since and keeping her news feed hidden.

She owes me money due to a dumb afc move I made of loaning her money. She's been surprisingly good at making the monthly payments and in a few months the debt will be paid off.

At that point I'm removing her as a friend.

The thread title is absolutely true.

NC = erased from your life.
The only reason I still have her number and fb friend is because she is paying me back.
i don't need to complicate things by removing her before the debt is cleared.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2012
Reaction score
New York City
SoSuave666 said:
I talked about this yesterday on another thread but it might have gotten lost in the weeds. I completely agree with this. All social media, not just facebook, means that breakups are never ending. You can check her page, follow her tweets, and any other number of things that will inevitably lead to you mourning the breakup instead of burying it. I have facebook, but only for the pictures. I realized that just blocking her from my feed wasn't enough, because I KNEW I could just type in her name and see what she was up to. I also knew I didn't want to block her because I would look weak. My solution was to pick an arbitrary password, literally random letters and numbers. Write it down on a piece of paper quickly (make it long enough so you can't remember it). Then type it in to change your password. Tear the paper up afterward. You are left without knowing your password. People can look at you all you want and do whatever they want to your page but you won't know. In a month or two you can go back and check what you've missed by getting the password emailed to you.

I have never been big on facebook anyway. I only have about 5 profile pictures and I don't let people post on my wall or see any of my other pictures. Not much use for it for me other than my friends posting pictures of me. It's the modern day photo album for me I guess.

Dang i should've did this... My ex is probably like this guy is a little vagina