NC battle with my date


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
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So i had been dating this girl for about 2 months sometime we would go our own way for a few days up to a week but would then hang out again in the weekends go clubbing chilling at home having sex. I actually had a great connection with her we could talk for hours straight we could both just open up about stuff easily. And basically very hard to keep our hands of each other every time we saw each other. Sounds pretty good right.

But it was almost like she wants me to go beta on her so it would mend the insecurity she has, we had talked about it but it kept coming back. So she would do things like complain about me responding late and not showing enough interest, asking for validation and it got really annoying so i decided to take a step back and do my own things for a bit. Then after a couple of days i texted her like hey whats up. And she has not responded to it since.

Knowing her she wants me to send a follow up message or call or whatever. As much as i liked her and we get along i am not going to do that, i refuse to change myself to feed her insecurity so haven't contacted her since.

It's a shame but yeah, would you go out of your ways to fix things?


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2015
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No, once you do that she has you by the balls and can manipulate you. Keep doing NC on her, insecure women are the worst women to have around. Avoid her from now on.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
Exactly what feb said

Once you submit to her she'll manipulate you and ultimately fuvck your life up

I just recently divorced from such a woman


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
OP I'm going through similar now. Seeing a really great woman but I always have to be mindful of what I do and make sure I don't slip too much beta in there. All that will do is start the countdown to destruction of the good relationship. She got a little bit snippy with me today nothing major at all but it still displeased me. So I'm nc for tonight which she has flat out told me it drives her mad when I "ignore" her. I'll message her tomorrow after work like nothing happened.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
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logicallefty said:
OP I'm going through similar now. Seeing a really great woman but I always have to be mindful of what I do and make sure I don't slip too much beta in there. All that will do is start the countdown to destruction of the good relationship. She got a little bit snippy with me today nothing major at all but it still displeased me. So I'm nc for tonight which she has flat out told me it drives her mad when I "ignore" her. I'll message her tomorrow after work like nothing happened.
In the real world it always seems to be bit "give and take" and that's okay. But there comes a time where you have to put your foot down even if it means risking losing something good. Because else you will lose it anyway together with your dignity as a man. I've taken on a more "all or nothing" attitude towards this, what happened is that i have had less women, screened out the bad ones when it got to the point of having no future just like this one. But i keep my dignity and get to focus on my own goals until a quality woman comes along.

In my opinion when a woman gets snippy to you it is best to confront her with it and say This is unacceptable to me, don't do that. She might not like it but will respect you standing up for yourself.

I have 2 long-term friends that have always been complete naturals (they have never studied any PUA or know it exists) and i used to be surprised at how many times they told me about they would just walk out the door and went off to do their own thing when their woman would act out. Or when they would put her in her place to the point of her crying and all kinds of these things. In their multiple LTRs the women never left them because of it, they were actually at their feet when the dust settled. They basically just did whatever they wanted being absolutely fearless of losing her and because of that they never did or ended it themselves.

Not to mention my ex & oneitis, that broke up with my ass when she found a new guy. Lives partly with her and with his parents and goes between places when he likes. He eats and sleeps at her house but doesn't support her financially in any way or help to clean up. So he hangs out at her house probably has sex with her and plays his xbox, and when she does something he doesn't like he just picks up his xbox and goes off to his parents house without a care in the world or fear of losing her. And yes she complains about it constantly but will not leave him for it.

Knowing these things and understanding them got me thinking a whole lot differently about how useless the fear of losing a woman is and bending to her will. On gut level it seems very strange to some men but to these naturals it just comes, natural. :up:

When i finally got this point a while back and basically changed my ways my success increased dramatically, but it still has to come with congruence and that takes time to develop when you haven't been like that for most of your life already.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
Treat them like small children.

You wouldn't let a 6yo tell you what to do would you? They need you to show them what's right and wrong and you do this either by telling themr or just withdrawing attention. Never suplicate.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
This chick's unfortunately a control freak, brought about by her insecurities. Women like that never change nor are they even able to understand themselves. The power struggle will continue as long as you know her. I've dated a few of this type and it always ends in an acrimonious breakup where I'm viewed as the bad guy.