One thing I want you to realize about depression is this:
It Is A Habit!!
People who have bouts with depression (myself included), have slowly developed a train of thought that is negative.
the doctors will sya, "You have a chemical take these."
he hands you some pills and off you go.
It's a bunch of BS.
People don't realize that depression is "all in your head", literally. It isn't the chemical imbalance causing the depression; rather it is the depression causing the chemical imbalance.
A friend of mine is really depressed, paranoid and i would say he's either manic or Bi-Polar. This guys is constantly up and down and can't seem to maintain any order in his life. It's pure chaos. He blames everyone (especially his father) and refuses to look at himself as the source of all his misery. I've tried to talk him out of this crap many times... and now I've just decided to let him deal with it when he realizes that it's all his fault. why, you might ask?
Well, he's unemployed... refuses to work. Has zero hobbies outside of chatting online and trying to score with women. Doesn't like to party or be very social. (only when he's feeling "up" does he go out) Is constantly looking in the mirror, obsessing over his appearance and the list goes on and on.....
He wonders why he's depressed?
It's the lifestyle, and the habits he has formed that are causing his depression... yet he refuses to see it.
Funny thing is, when i'm feeling depressed, i take a look at what i've been doing as of late and realize that most of my down days are revolving around a stagnant lifestyle. I feel as if i have nothing to look forward to. Like there isn't enough on my plate to keep me busy.
You really need to distract you concious mind with activities. Healthy activities involving other peopl is usually the best.
Go on k a z z a and search for an e-book called "the depression makeover".
That should help you.
The Bad Ass Canadian