natural DJ's, alphas, game, AND...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
I want to discuss some experiences from real life. Here we are talking about game, neg hits, push-pull, escalation, friendzones, and even things like energy and vibrations (those of us who have familiarized ourselves with the law of attraction).....

I hang out with a diverse crowd, with all types of friends. We're boys so of course we talk about girls lol. This is what my friends shared with me.

1) this friend who looks good and is fairly confident in himself says to me, "Vlad! there is NO GAME" "WHAT GAME??" lol hes been pulling mad *****es since 15 years old and says his behavior, talking, tone, etc does not change when hes around women. He says he is always "himself" just be yourself he says. Says clothes and shoes dont matter. Says he is just laughing on the inside whn i talk about spitting game, or nice clothes, or bling or whatev. .....and here we are (myself and many of u) that know so much more than him about the game chatting online while hes pulling all types of ass.

Now this friend has a good physique, but kind of crude facial features. He cannot dance for ****, has sort of a high pitched voice, isnt particularly smooth. Also has kind of a cold personality. Lol and the funny thing is that girls KNOW that his reputation is that of a player, and they know he will hurt them, cheat on them, or suddenly dump them... but they still jump into relationships with him!!! Im scratching my head like "where is the female intuition" lol

2)This friend... wow where do i begin? he is pretty tall, but out of shape. Works in a pizza place, dropped out of a community college. Has pretty much nothing going for himself. He is 21 and about to get engaged, but hes been having a team of women throughout the past few years. He had girls begging to sleep with him and chicks fighting for him. does he use push pull, negs, and peacocking?

GUYS!! the dude cannot form a coherent sentence!! He can barely read and write, and even though he came from Albania about 10 years ago, it seems like someone that came last year. Furthermore, he is aggressive, violent, and self-centered. One day he told me while we were driving: "Vlad, look at all those *****es walking on the street! THEY ALL WANNA ****. THE SIDEWALKS ARE WET BECAUSE OF THEIR ***** JUICE!!. he turned to me and another friend saying "why dont you guys go and get those girls its not hard".

I thought to myself wow, this guy is closer to the truth than me or 99% of this forum, despite the fact that his IQ is the level of room temperature. Or at the club he can get whatever girl he wants. One time in the club he said how some guy named Alex was banging different girls each night. I was like wtf? where does he get them?? He goes, "theres alot of things you dont know about life. ALL THESE GIRLS AT THE CLUB ARE SLUTS! IF U KNOW HOW TO FVCK THEM AND U KNOW HOW TO ACT AROUND THEM ULL DO GOOD". Again, when it comes to theoies of getting laid, he is more right than Mystery will ever be.

This two are the brightest examples... but there are others. For example an obese guy whose face looks like an a$$ that has 3 gfs; a very nice but EXTREMELY goofy African guy that has 2; an anorexic dude that is extremely dumb and thinks hes jacked (seriously) is gaming this girl like a pro, without any knowledge of the game; a fat slightly mentally retarded dude from stop and shop getting some from a cutie....... and now here we are, many look good, many intellient, educated, with so much knowlegde about not being AFC's... we ARE THE REAL AFC'S!!
Im like wow, the goofiest, weirdest, sketchiest, ugliest, dumbest dudes are getting ***** and I, seemingly better than them in every way aint getting

My question is... where did they go right and we went wrong? How can some people pull girls naturally and others have to spend years reading sosuave? How come we deeply intellectualize something that is SO DAMN NATURAL as getting together with girls. Im not asking for techniques and hints... im asking WHY do we need these techniques and hints in the first place?? Somebody please explain.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
DJVladdy said:
I want to discuss some experiences from real life. Here we are talking about game, neg hits, push-pull, escalation, friendzones, and even things like energy and vibrations (those of us who have familiarized ourselves with the law of attraction).....

I hang out with a diverse crowd, with all types of friends. We're boys so of course we talk about girls lol. This is what my friends shared with me.

1) this friend who looks good and is fairly confident in himself says to me, "Vlad! there is NO GAME" "WHAT GAME??" lol hes been pulling mad *****es since 15 years old and says his behavior, talking, tone, etc does not change when hes around women. He says he is always "himself" just be yourself he says. Says clothes and shoes dont matter. Says he is just laughing on the inside whn i talk about spitting game, or nice clothes, or bling or whatev. .....and here we are (myself and many of u) that know so much more than him about the game chatting online while hes pulling all types of ass.

Now this friend has a good physique, but kind of crude facial features. He cannot dance for ****, has sort of a high pitched voice, isnt particularly smooth. Also has kind of a cold personality. Lol and the funny thing is that girls KNOW that his reputation is that of a player, and they know he will hurt them, cheat on them, or suddenly dump them... but they still jump into relationships with him!!! Im scratching my head like "where is the female intuition" lol

2)This friend... wow where do i begin? he is pretty tall, but out of shape. Works in a pizza place, dropped out of a community college. Has pretty much nothing going for himself. He is 21 and about to get engaged, but hes been having a team of women throughout the past few years. He had girls begging to sleep with him and chicks fighting for him. does he use push pull, negs, and peacocking?

GUYS!! the dude cannot form a coherent sentence!! He can barely read and write, and even though he came from Albania about 10 years ago, it seems like someone that came last year. Furthermore, he is aggressive, violent, and self-centered. One day he told me while we were driving: "Vlad, look at all those *****es walking on the street! THEY ALL WANNA ****. THE SIDEWALKS ARE WET BECAUSE OF THEIR ***** JUICE!!. he turned to me and another friend saying "why dont you guys go and get those girls its not hard".

I thought to myself wow, this guy is closer to the truth than me or 99% of this forum, despite the fact that his IQ is the level of room temperature. Or at the club he can get whatever girl he wants. One time in the club he said how some guy named Alex was banging different girls each night. I was like wtf? where does he get them?? He goes, "theres alot of things you dont know about life. ALL THESE GIRLS AT THE CLUB ARE SLUTS! IF U KNOW HOW TO FVCK THEM AND U KNOW HOW TO ACT AROUND THEM ULL DO GOOD". Again, when it comes to theoies of getting laid, he is more right than Mystery will ever be.

This two are the brightest examples... but there are others. For example an obese guy whose face looks like an a$$ that has 3 gfs; a very nice but EXTREMELY goofy African guy that has 2; an anorexic dude that is extremely dumb and thinks hes jacked (seriously) is gaming this girl like a pro, without any knowledge of the game; a fat slightly mentally retarded dude from stop and shop getting some from a cutie....... and now here we are, many look good, many intellient, educated, with so much knowlegde about not being AFC's... we ARE THE REAL AFC'S!!
Im like wow, the goofiest, weirdest, sketchiest, ugliest, dumbest dudes are getting ***** and I, seemingly better than them in every way aint getting

My question is... where did they go right and we went wrong? How can some people pull girls naturally and others have to spend years reading sosuave? How come we deeply intellectualize something that is SO DAMN NATURAL as getting together with girls. Im not asking for techniques and hints... im asking WHY do we need these techniques and hints in the first place?? Somebody please explain.

to quote pook.. don't put stock in the guy who pulls ass left and right but can't read or write. whoose out of wack there? you?

what's worse.... do you really want to sleep with women who are in to guys who can't read?

you are putting WAAAAAY to much stock in *****.. you wanna know why they are getting laid..


it's not a going out of ***** sale on the corner

It's not "right" to get laid and "wrong" to not. You need to grow up man.

I the DJ bible, I'm not even going to start tonight
Keep your eye on the ball


Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
dang, any idiot can pick up a hor... im on this site to help me figure out what i want in a REAL WOMAN


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
"the guy who pulls ass left and right..." Ahahaha! I love that phrase...

There we go. Guys need to start asking what pool of women they really want to be dealing with. Dumbass hors are not for me. Immature sluts are not for me. You know what turns me on? Intelligence. That's right. Nothing jacks up my respect for a woman quicker than a sharp-minded woman. Problem is, in this American society, women are not encouraged to use their minds. They are *programmed* by the mass media to be dumbass, go-with-the-crowd, consumers who mimic and ape TV ads, magazine ads, movie characters, music stars, etc. Women are brainwashed to trade in their minds for image. I don't know who these sluts are who are spreadin' it for the aforementioned specimens, but i don't want to get near them.

If a girl is hot, but a thinker she's not...then i don't want her. A DJ has the right to say no.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
My question is... where did they go right and we went wrong? How can some people pull girls naturally and others have to spend years reading sosuave? How come we deeply intellectualize something that is SO DAMN NATURAL as getting together with girls. Im not asking for techniques and hints... im asking WHY do we need these techniques and hints in the first place?? Somebody please explain.
I take it you do not live in the US...or do you?

If not, that would explain it quite easily. The US is a whole different ballgame, though..


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
DJVladdy said:
I want to discuss some experiences from real life. Here we are talking about game, neg hits, push-pull, escalation, friendzones, and even things like energy and vibrations (those of us who have familiarized ourselves with the law of attraction).....

I hang out with a diverse crowd, with all types of friends. We're boys so of course we talk about girls lol. This is what my friends shared with me.

1) this friend who looks good and is fairly confident in himself says to me, "Vlad! there is NO GAME" "WHAT GAME??" lol hes been pulling mad *****es since 15 years old and says his behavior, talking, tone, etc does not change when hes around women. He says he is always "himself" just be yourself he says. Says clothes and shoes dont matter. Says he is just laughing on the inside whn i talk about spitting game, or nice clothes, or bling or whatev. .....and here we are (myself and many of u) that know so much more than him about the game chatting online while hes pulling all types of ass.

Now this friend has a good physique, but kind of crude facial features. He cannot dance for ****, has sort of a high pitched voice, isnt particularly smooth. Also has kind of a cold personality. Lol and the funny thing is that girls KNOW that his reputation is that of a player, and they know he will hurt them, cheat on them, or suddenly dump them... but they still jump into relationships with him!!! Im scratching my head like "where is the female intuition" lol

2)This friend... wow where do i begin? he is pretty tall, but out of shape. Works in a pizza place, dropped out of a community college. Has pretty much nothing going for himself. He is 21 and about to get engaged, but hes been having a team of women throughout the past few years. He had girls begging to sleep with him and chicks fighting for him. does he use push pull, negs, and peacocking?

GUYS!! the dude cannot form a coherent sentence!! He can barely read and write, and even though he came from Albania about 10 years ago, it seems like someone that came last year. Furthermore, he is aggressive, violent, and self-centered. One day he told me while we were driving: "Vlad, look at all those *****es walking on the street! THEY ALL WANNA ****. THE SIDEWALKS ARE WET BECAUSE OF THEIR ***** JUICE!!. he turned to me and another friend saying "why dont you guys go and get those girls its not hard".

I thought to myself wow, this guy is closer to the truth than me or 99% of this forum, despite the fact that his IQ is the level of room temperature. Or at the club he can get whatever girl he wants. One time in the club he said how some guy named Alex was banging different girls each night. I was like wtf? where does he get them?? He goes, "theres alot of things you dont know about life. ALL THESE GIRLS AT THE CLUB ARE SLUTS! IF U KNOW HOW TO FVCK THEM AND U KNOW HOW TO ACT AROUND THEM ULL DO GOOD". Again, when it comes to theoies of getting laid, he is more right than Mystery will ever be.

This two are the brightest examples... but there are others. For example an obese guy whose face looks like an a$$ that has 3 gfs; a very nice but EXTREMELY goofy African guy that has 2; an anorexic dude that is extremely dumb and thinks hes jacked (seriously) is gaming this girl like a pro, without any knowledge of the game; a fat slightly mentally retarded dude from stop and shop getting some from a cutie....... and now here we are, many look good, many intellient, educated, with so much knowlegde about not being AFC's... we ARE THE REAL AFC'S!!
Im like wow, the goofiest, weirdest, sketchiest, ugliest, dumbest dudes are getting ***** and I, seemingly better than them in every way aint getting

My question is... where did they go right and we went wrong? How can some people pull girls naturally and others have to spend years reading sosuave? How come we deeply intellectualize something that is SO DAMN NATURAL as getting together with girls. Im not asking for techniques and hints... im asking WHY do we need these techniques and hints in the first place?? Somebody please explain.
Wow I’m glad you made this post because I was actually thinking of this myself . I've noticed around here that most of forums are either techniques, tricks, neg hits or what I find the most appalling some "code" that you have to live by, and I say fuuck that. I can tell easily which guy's really understand it or some dude who simply takes the words of mystery, David, styles or some other "pick up artist" as the holy player code. It's actually quite ridiculous. Those who are naturals themselves and hang out with fellow players know that shiit works but it's not some "code" that they have to live by.

Such as you get a cute chicks number from a cold approach, you call a time or two and she doesn't pick up. Hmm time to throw in the towel, not because you want to but because some guy in a book told you too, because anything other wise would make you come off as a desperate guy dying for female attention. In my experience these are the girls who are the most challenging to me. I chose to stop when I chose to stop, and know I don't have a certain time I start or stop calling I just know when enough is enough because I "get it"

Mystery, styles, David deangelo are all just guys who figured out WHAT GOT THEM WOMEN and published there shiit its not a "Code" like some people here like to make it as. If it comes natural to you, you just do whatever the fuuck you want to do when you want to because you just know and you understand it. It really is sad to see some of the people like yeah but if I call her to much won't that make me seem AFC, and you better believe that some joker(who think he's got it) agrees and says yeah calling a biitch X amount of times, or doing this X amount makes you less of a man.

Bottom line it comes down to who you are and how confident you are in yourself. YOUR OWN CONFIDENCE IS THE BASIS of how you pick up women Period. I can guarantee if you don't follow mystery or some other pua who got his sh1t published advice that you'll notice you can still pick up women. It's ok to use the guys as advice and help you out but what you should really do is incorporate their advice and all the shiit that you read into your personality and work from there. Just because some guy says don't call a bytch 2 times a day doesn't mean it's the holy dj player "code" its just what WORKED FOR HIM.

But hey if people want to live there life based on what some guy in a book tells them to do then by all means do that, but I just find it funny to hear the preaching from these same guys when something goes against what the all great mystery says, or some other pua. There truly are no rules and no 100% method that will work all the time, it really all comes down to who you are, no techniques, no games, no neghits just your genuine personality. However I would say that most of the guys don't have a genuine personality they have just been able to mask themselves as who they want to be based on how they "think" they should be or due to the advice some guy said.
Live your laugh how you choose to.:rockon:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
blackbelt2k said:
dang, any idiot can pick up a hor... im on this site to help me figure out what i want in a REAL WOMAN
You have now set yourself apart from the typical guy. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Naturals will, and always will be, guys who worked, instead of guys who thought about working.

There are tons of hot chicks, smart chicks, professional chicks, and model chicks that would sleep with the guy who can't read or write. Why? Because these guys aren't holding anything back, they are being who they are, not somebody who they think they should be.

It all comes down to confidence in yourself. Just have fun! Make others have fun! Don't be concerned about stupid **** if its not going to hurt anybody. Its dumbarses online who worry about the next time a girl rejects them how they are going to come up with a come back line to make her still like them. (who the F cares eh?)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Bonez said:
Naturals will, and always will be, guys who worked, instead of guys who thought about working.

There are tons of hot chicks, smart chicks, professional chicks, and model chicks that would sleep with the guy who can't read or write. Why? Because these guys aren't holding anything back, they are being who they are, not somebody who they think they should be.

It all comes down to confidence in yourself. Just have fun! Make others have fun! Don't be concerned about stupid **** if its not going to hurt anybody. Its dumbarses online who worry about the next time a girl rejects them how they are going to come up with a come back line to make her still like them. (who the F cares eh?)
:cheer: Yes finally another guy around here who genuinely understands it! :cheer: Just be confident and enjoy and live your life the way you want to the rest comes naturally. :rock: :yes:


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
To technique women is to approach the matter 180 degrees backwards. Yes, i'll admit that, initially, the "code" and PUA-DJ techniques are attractive in a technical, mental, and even entertaining way, as if they are a magic spell or something, but after a while, i found myself thinking if your soul is in order, if you accept yourself, if you value yourself, if you are in touch with your male sexuality, if you have a genuinely "busy" life, then you won't need to even have to KNOW these techniques. ****y-funny, neg-hits, push-pull, two-day call-backs, kino, etc will all come out of you because you are secure, confident, happy, content, and excited about who you are. You won't even have to think about it "in the field" because your inside condition will create your outside actions. Techniques are what you WILL do naturally and effortlessly and thoughtlessly WHEN you are at peace with yourself.

It's the difference between taking a test and writing an essay. To pass the test, you just need to know the correct answers. To write an essay, you have to not only know the material, but you have to develop your own take, your own experience, your own angle on a subject to create an end-result that is an expression of your own self. A grade-A essay is one that contains you in it.

For me, the only value that the "name-brand" seduction gurus and PUAs offer is that they illustrate how a naturally confident and secure man behaves with and around women. His actions spring out of who he is. Out of his being comes his doing...

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
That post was golden even though it seems many people didn't get it.

These guys have a strong identity and there just being there real self. When you look beyond all the techniques, theories, routines, etc its just about conveying your real "Authentic" personality.

It shows your 100% comfortable with yourself, which can convey High value, Dominant, and Authentic. If you can do that then you don't need no techniques.

It's funny because Mystery has talked about identity to some extent and many guys still just look at the routines. An TD is finishing his book where it basically will talk about all the stuff he does naturally. (He uses no routines)

What a lot of guys fail to realize is that these techniques are mainly from what people seen naturals doing. An we all naturally did this stuff when we were a kid, just blame social conditioning. (I made an old post cold "Baby mindset" awhile back) Basically a little kid is always being his real self, he is never putting up a front because he hasn't been conditioned yet. They could care less whether the girl is hot or not he would still do what he wants.

The reason the posters friends are getting women like that is because they know who they are and know what there about. They don't think of women as having higher value than them. There doing some of the stuff we learn without knowing it.

Which one would you rather be, doing it without understanding what your really doing? Or doing it while knowing exactly how your doing it?

I could go own about my friends
- one who is a natural with Strong frame control. This guy can suck you into his reality like that. I remember one girl telling him he is very manipulated because of the strong frame has. He can basically get people to do things rather easily and he pulls. If a girl does something that is unacceptable in his reality he'd point it out rather quickly. (Yell, do a takeaway, etc)

- This friend is 100% in the moment and is just out to have fun. He has his own style, his own style of jokes. He conveys coolness and he claims to have ****ed over 60 women and he is only 17-18. He never jerked off and he basically ****s everyday.

- This friend his main purpose is just offering value. If your around him he is going to show you a good time. He does nothing else and doesn't want anything else. He also closes.

- This friend he is 100% in his own reality. He isn't like my "strong frame" friend because he doesn't assert his frame that much. All he does is stay in his own reality and the girl gets drawn in as they get to know him. He really doesn't do much. I've seen about 20 girls meeting up to fight him and in the midst of it he was 100% unreactive. It was funny because he was totally unaffected about it.

If you see the pattern, one way or another there being there "authentic" self. There is no other person like them in this world. They may be similar but there are still differences in who they really are. Everyone is like that including everyone on this forum its just all the blindspots, social conditioning, patterns, etc that is going on in our heads that holds us back from showing who we really are.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
DJVladdy said:
I want to discuss some experiences from real life. Here we are talking about game, neg hits, push-pull, escalation, friendzones, and even things like energy and vibrations (those of us who have familiarized ourselves with the law of attraction).....

I hang out with a diverse crowd, with all types of friends. We're boys so of course we talk about girls lol. This is what my friends shared with me.

1) this friend who looks good and is fairly confident in himself says to me, "Vlad! there is NO GAME" "WHAT GAME??" lol hes been pulling mad *****es since 15 years old and says his behavior, talking, tone, etc does not change when hes around women. He says he is always "himself" just be yourself he says. Says clothes and shoes dont matter. Says he is just laughing on the inside whn i talk about spitting game, or nice clothes, or bling or whatev. .....and here we are (myself and many of u) that know so much more than him about the game chatting online while hes pulling all types of ass.

Now this friend has a good physique, but kind of crude facial features. He cannot dance for ****, has sort of a high pitched voice, isnt particularly smooth. Also has kind of a cold personality. Lol and the funny thing is that girls KNOW that his reputation is that of a player, and they know he will hurt them, cheat on them, or suddenly dump them... but they still jump into relationships with him!!! Im scratching my head like "where is the female intuition" lol

2)This friend... wow where do i begin? he is pretty tall, but out of shape. Works in a pizza place, dropped out of a community college. Has pretty much nothing going for himself. He is 21 and about to get engaged, but hes been having a team of women throughout the past few years. He had girls begging to sleep with him and chicks fighting for him. does he use push pull, negs, and peacocking?

GUYS!! the dude cannot form a coherent sentence!! He can barely read and write, and even though he came from Albania about 10 years ago, it seems like someone that came last year. Furthermore, he is aggressive, violent, and self-centered. One day he told me while we were driving: "Vlad, look at all those *****es walking on the street! THEY ALL WANNA ****. THE SIDEWALKS ARE WET BECAUSE OF THEIR ***** JUICE!!. he turned to me and another friend saying "why dont you guys go and get those girls its not hard".

I thought to myself wow, this guy is closer to the truth than me or 99% of this forum, despite the fact that his IQ is the level of room temperature. Or at the club he can get whatever girl he wants. One time in the club he said how some guy named Alex was banging different girls each night. I was like wtf? where does he get them?? He goes, "theres alot of things you dont know about life. ALL THESE GIRLS AT THE CLUB ARE SLUTS! IF U KNOW HOW TO FVCK THEM AND U KNOW HOW TO ACT AROUND THEM ULL DO GOOD". Again, when it comes to theoies of getting laid, he is more right than Mystery will ever be.

This two are the brightest examples... but there are others. For example an obese guy whose face looks like an a$$ that has 3 gfs; a very nice but EXTREMELY goofy African guy that has 2; an anorexic dude that is extremely dumb and thinks hes jacked (seriously) is gaming this girl like a pro, without any knowledge of the game; a fat slightly mentally retarded dude from stop and shop getting some from a cutie....... and now here we are, many look good, many intellient, educated, with so much knowlegde about not being AFC's... we ARE THE REAL AFC'S!!
Im like wow, the goofiest, weirdest, sketchiest, ugliest, dumbest dudes are getting ***** and I, seemingly better than them in every way aint getting

My question is... where did they go right and we went wrong? How can some people pull girls naturally and others have to spend years reading sosuave? How come we deeply intellectualize something that is SO DAMN NATURAL as getting together with girls. Im not asking for techniques and hints... im asking WHY do we need these techniques and hints in the first place?? Somebody please explain.
tbh with you mate, I think these stories are made up or at least exaggerated.

If there's any truth to any of them, I imagine your friends have large penises, and the word got around about them. Simple as.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
lol snowplowman we should start a thread about all of our cool friends.

Anyways why we even care? we cool right?

TD rocks, when's the last time somebody made a thread aout him?


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
L777 said:
tbh with you mate, I think these stories are made up or at least exaggerated.

If there's any truth to any of them, I imagine your friends have large penises, and the word got around about them. Simple as.
If that was a serious comment your one of the guys who simply doesn't "Get it" or apparently you haven't been in a social circle to actually see these things in action. If your a "natural" things like this aren't even a big deal it's just a way of life. I think i'm done with this thread however, either you understand it or you don't. Having read all the post in this thread there are very few people who actually understand what is going on here. Maybe you'll figure it out in time, i'm out!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
I live near Boston by the way.

But seriously, how the hech can women tell who is "holding it back" and who isnt. Who is being their authentic self and who isnt, etc. Like i cannot tell that about people.
Plus i think hat confidence has to be earned, and im a bit jealous of people who have nothing going for themselves being more confident than me


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
wow superchill

People are born with the ability to develop, they aren't born with personality. How would a kid who was abused grow up compared to a kid who thought they were abused, compared to a kid who grew up wanting nothing but at the same time needing nothing, compared to a kid who grew up wanting everything and still needing nothing?

Whenever you want to become more of a person you think about the differences in ways people are raised. Its part of your game.

Even more, the kids raised with ideas of fantasy. The fairy tale kids who's parents want the happy ending all the time. Then theres the parents who raise their kids to work hard for what they want. Then theres the kids whos parents were too sick in the head themselves, they cared for the kid but never taught them anything. There are different reasons why "naturals" develop, and there are reasons why AFCs develop.

Oh yeah, and to answer that quoted piece... "why do we intellectualize something that is so damn natural?" Its because we want something for nothing, we want to come up with some formula to make everything easier for ourselves.

In other words, you were spoiled into having a lazy life.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
lol Connan acually seems more DJ/alpha than Mystery in this segment
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Gettin puzzy is easy,u dont gott have looks,just talk to the girl,make her laugh,touch her,get her wet then fuk ur,ur too damn sensative thats why u cant get puzzy girls arent different creatures they want d*ck,now go give it to them hoes!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
datsexynigga2009 said:
Gettin puzzy is easy,u dont gott have looks,just talk to the girl,make her laugh,touch her,get her wet then fuk ur,ur too damn sensative thats why u cant get puzzy girls arent different creatures they want d*ck,now go give it to them hoes!
More or less thats a simple way of putting it. biitches don't want another girlfriend in a guy they want a man. She wants to be fuucked and she wants a confident man to go after what he wants and fuuck her.