Falcon said:
Those are some great points jonwon.
Right now with the whole marriage issue, I am quite divided. I can empathize why people want to abandon or wage a war against marriage, especially on a site like this, and I can understand the problems marriage creates when law, feminism, money, government, etc perverts it. What has me divided is the way we are dealing with this problem. I myself am not married (for many reasons), but I strongly believe that if you want marriage to work, you have to truly believe in it. I don't know how simply I can state it, but if you don't believe in marriage, you will never have a successful marriage, it's that simple. In Will Smith's words when it comes to this issue, "You've already lost."
The reason why I bring up the whole Rockefeller & Women's Liberation is because it does bring a whole new perspective on things, a perspective I'm not sure if many people on this site is ready for. Many people are content with the whole "Going our own way" part of the men's movement and abandoning marriage. Many people see abandoning marriage as part of being unplugged from 'The Matrix' that is our traditional society. But this new perspective adds a really remarkable twist to it. In light of the new evidence, what if the men's/sosuave movement is really still in 'The Matrix'? If the traditional family was planned to be broken up, then we aren't forging our own way at all, we are merely playing right into the hands of these 'social engineers' that see us more as clay to be sculpted rather than human beings. We have replaced our old so called matrix with an even worse one. It may be a possible truth that many people here are afraid to accept. I hope people don't see my questioning as outrageous, because in all reality, that's how I approach everything. Everyone keeps saying after reading seduction material that they've been 'unplugged' and so forth. But really, have you? What if you are doing exactly what the government etc wants? Maybe we are still the sheep we thought we weren't?
I have struggled with the same things your trying to suss out already.
The conclusion i made, was at least be 'the best man i can be' but the more i started to invest in myself and improve myself for the next 'partner' the more i saw the same level of investment was not done from women's side.
Women dont have a SS, women dont study seduction, e.t.c.
I have dated alot of women since i broke up in my marriage and i can state 100% none and i mean none would have been worth sticking around with for the long haul, now you can think i am meeting certain types of women, but i tell you have had met women from all walks of life, teachers, PA's, students e.t.c all forms and i can state none matched my level of marriage acceptance since i opened my eyes to the workings of the female species.
Ignorance is bliss in the dating game, the problem in this western sphere ignorance is a poor tool to wield considering how involved the government, femists e.t.c are in the family unit, only by men educating themselves can they become truly free, but on the other hand women have to meet us half way and sadly when all is said and done, women just simply are not.
This is what i accepted along time ago, hence i choose to get used to the idea of being single for the rest of my life and you know what, that suits me just fine, yes this is catering the the 'agenda' but you have to understand the more MEN that hold out on marriage or do a marriage stike the more chance women will wake the hell up and see the problem from there side too, sadly there are too many nice guy provider guys out there who will sell there soul for puss*.
So until men educate themselves to stop pandering to women that embrace a biased system, women wont see a problem.
The solution is for guys like me to take a stand, so what i wont have kids, but at least somewhere down the line maybe me nephews will take the plunge because the way i see it, its only going to get worse.
Marriage is a great institution for children and always will be, but saying that there is nothing worse then having kids i can imagine to have them ripped out of your life at the whim of a biased system that embraces a feminist selfish hag who you fell for, who used the system and exploited it, which sadly happens more then not.
Granted one day i may meet the women i decide to take the plunge for, but i know it would be like finding a diamond in a sea of turds
Sorry to sound a little misogynist but from experiance most women are not worth keeping around for the long haul, i wish this was not so, but over and over again we see evidence of this, granted some men out there are not worth being in a relationship either, but guys who work on themselves, know there own worth and value should expect or should at least hope to meet a women who is worth keeping for the long haul.
This wont end until men like you me and every other guy on SS or who respects they deserve the BEST, takes a stand and holds out for the BEST if she does not come, then they make a commitment to becoming single for the rest of there lives, to expect anything less is selling your future down the swannie, this is not 'much' to expect and in this day and age it is an essential requirement to take a women who wont rake you over the coals.
System or agenda, it will only break when the dam starts to show cracks, sadly men are the ones that are going to have to lead this march, women clearly do not see the problem past what is happening in Britney's life right now.
Women as far as i know WANT MARRIAGE more then men, i see this everywhere, but there not willing to tackle the social issues of why men WONT COMMIT, they simply brush it aside with things that are totall nonsence and to lable you a mysogonist, this is repeated over and over and over again.
How many women do you see involved in the mans movement?
Fathers for justice.
Other systems that are biased to men?
Hardly any, granted you may see some, but this is only when the women becomes 'aware' of the consequences to her gender and rightly so, this effects women as much has men, but women as far as i can tell love the biased system too much to meet us on equal footing.
And sex in this day and age is not hard to come by, so where is the incentive to settle down with a possible bad investment, if marriage was a business deal, the way it is now, it would be a very bad venture for MEN. More and more women are single mothers, more and more women have shed loads of cats, but still these women preach and preach the feminist BS, no wonder guys like me are coming about, we or i am the opposite of the spectrum, maybe when it gets to the point where it cant get any worse maybe just maybe things will change.
Guys i go drinking with are scared to do things wrong in there marriage.
Look at the case of Britney for example, a fine example of modern western women.
Geri hallowel another fine example.
The list goes on and on.
Linda Mcartny
Paternity fraud.
Women normally marry up.
Wage slave
If i was to list the many things that could go wrong in a marriage from the male and female side, i could easily come up with at least 6 more things women can do to a man in marriage.
You wont see men lying about who's the real daddie now will you.
Kiddie entrapment (yes i am on the pill type stuff)
Bitter, you better dam well believe i am bitter, but this only makes me more reserved to hold out and hope that eventually a women will come along that will show me she is worth keeping around, GL to all men who want that.
I will state this:
More and more women are opening there eyes to how bad men actually have it, but i expect even those have a hard time even trying to convince other women around them.
Anyway i have a hot date tomorrow, maybe this girl will prove to be one of the women who is worth becoming exclusive to, so far she seems pritty dam clued up.