Mythbuster Field Report Project: Pheromones - do they really work?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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Does anyone know if Animale has pheromones it? One of my lady friends goes absolutely crazy when I wear that. And it's not just me, my friends sometimes wear it too and when they're around her she is just like "Omg, what are you wearing"? Haha. If it does, then maybe it just works with certain girls, or it just triggers better. If not then.. maybe I just have really good smelling cologne. Either way.. it's still reasonable to go out of your way to get the best smelling cologne you can, pheromones or not it still wont do anything better than to improve your game, it gives you more confidence.


Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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[ Have you tried talking online to any girls in whatever island you are from? Most of them want to become American or Canadian citizens and leave home. Your citizenship is a bigger pheromone than anything you are going to order in the mail.[/QUOTE]

bad idea dude. alot of those girls use you to get married and then leave you when they have citizenship.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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You're wasting your time.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
connor32 said:
bad idea dude. alot of those girls use you to get married and then leave you when they have citizenship.
That's only a problem if you fall in love or some afc crap like that. The Green Card can take 2-3 years. After that, she'll be getting boring anyway.


Don Juan
May 28, 2008
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Interesting story on this for me. I had a friend and I was an AFC chump. I tried to get with her off and on for 2-3 yrs at this point. This other friend of mine (a guy) bought some of this crap from adam and eve. He sprayed it on me for whatever reason out of the blue. Later on the female friend and I were drinking. One thing lead to another for the first time. I can't say we had sex. Since when I took her pants off it looked like the amazon jungle, plus she was on the rag at the time. She was trying to get me going "I am not bleeding much blah blah" I started to pull the string but couldn't. I was disapointed cause she was hotter then ****, but having to pull out a machete to get to the red river just wasn't appealing. The point is though maybe there is some signifigance, because I could have done it if I wanted. Or maybe it was just the beer who knows.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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I tried pheromones a while ago and they really worked on my neighbor's dog.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
and calculated a 50/50 probability that it would work on me
Everything is 50/50. It works, or it doesn't.

it would only work on 1/3 of women at best
What happened to 50/50?

would just take the least possible financial risk
... and any other type of risk.

I will not likely give up if it doesn't work.
Just keep doing what doesn't work and expect results. That's how sane people do it. :up:


New Member
Jun 8, 2008
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get a clue pheromone sprays are **** made up by sex companys to get more money out of you just like delay sprays and fake herbal viagra. a show here in england did a test and found women were more atracted to a deacent after shave and that pheremone sprays just made you smell like old socks.
May 23, 2006
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Well, nobody should knock out a product they never tried.

I know there are problably scams out there, and even if I got a pheromone bottle from a reputable source, there is no guarantee I wont have an alergic reaction or see positive change (i.e. more IOI's). But, I've seen enough ancedontal evidence to suggest that there is something out there that could work, leading it to just a question of financial risk (shipping & handling + customs), and if it's congruent to see if it works or not.


New Member
Jun 8, 2008
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i did try the stuff back in my afc days. plus the tv science show used the expencieve top of the line stuff and was still beaten hands down by a bottle of calvin kline. all the women said pheromone spray made you smell of stale BO.
May 23, 2006
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Cr1msonKing said:
What are you going to do with the IOI's you get? Pheromones are not gonna to hold a conversation for you, its not going to pick up your balls and get you to go over there where the cutie is giving you IOI's. Its not going to lead to a successful first date. Its not going to make you suddenly humorous or alpha male like.
I don't know about that, I've read some of the reports about that (posts from people who are not out to sell anything) and found that they are encouraging. All you need is for those products to portray you as higher value, get the girl qualifying herself to you instead, and you can rock and roll.

Obviously, if you get IOI's or hits as they call it you are going to feel more confident because you are going to feel more powerful that you are virtually commanding attention. That feeling in itself is worth the price of that product.

The way I look at it, what would make me feel good. If I got more female attention and more girls noticed me in an environment and the occasional one said hi to me or tried to connect with me. I'm do not know what vibes I'm giving off, but right now it seems like there is a bit of a wall.

Now, I'm sure I'd probably be able to deal with it if I were to say hi to people and be friendly and what not, but then again it's difficult to cold approach, and I always feel like a fish out of water. If I see that there is already a non-verbal connection, IOI, or better yet, hit, then you what about balls?

Crimson King said:
Luke you really have to look inside yourself and improve yourself. Stop with the analytical thinking of pheromone sprays, fleshlights, and embracing your sexuality my man.
This is rhetoric. I'm talking about influencing people's attention on the background. Simply put, how do you get more women to notice your presence? Got any better ideas? That means you walk into a room, store, or whereever, and people see and notice you. That's what this is about -- in terms of game and what not, that can come after, but if you are not noticed in the first place or are invisible, then you can have the best game in the world and then make a thread like Snowman23 did going to that club.

crimsonking said:
But honestly, we'll just believe you for now, and say the pheromones work. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO after the initial attraction??
I guess I'd start a conversation or something.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Simply put, how do you get more women to notice your presence? Got any better ideas? That means you walk into a room, store, or wherever, and people see and notice you.

That is a good question, Luke.

Gimmicks are not the answer. What you are after comes with confidence. Confidence comes with conquest. The problem is that you are starting from scratch. It's like the 'can't get experience w/o a job, can't get a job w/o experience' catch-22.

All is not lost, though. Everyone had to start somewhere. You have to start with small victories. Be confident that you can smile and make eye contact. Then do it, and it reinforces that confidence. Then add to it with gradual steps. Make eye contact, smile, and engage in conversation with the only objective being to get her to laugh. Do this a lot, and you will gain some confidence with women without ever even asking a girl out on a date. Then spend a little more time and make her laugh a little more. Eventually, it will only seem reasonable that the two of you continue the conversation later when you have more time, like at a place you want to go anyway. Then you just got a date. Do you see how it works? Women want confidence, you need to build yours with baby steps. When you get confident that she will laugh and have a good time when talking to you, everything gets a lot easier. And all of this comes before you even kiss her.
May 23, 2006
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Bible_Belt said:
All is not lost, though. Everyone had to start somewhere. You have to start with small victories. Be confident that you can smile and make eye contact.
How exactly do you do that? Making eye contact is difficult if she's not noticing you or just giving you a 'look to see who is there' and nothing else. I actually repulse people away by my smiles and have learned that it's actually just better not to smile, because it comes across as fake or non-confident anyway. That's exactly the problem that I'm writing about.

Bible_belt said:
Then do it, and it reinforces that confidence.
It only reinforces that confidence you actually communicate -- that is she receives the attention or smile, otherwise it actually helps wreck it further.
I think an actual approach is more confident building as it seems you get some confidence when you put a good try in even if you get rejected, but eye contact and smiling is not even trying unless you know in your gut she needs one from you and is receptive.

Bible_belt said:
Then add to it with gradual steps. Make eye contact, smile, and engage in conversation with the only objective being to get her to laugh. Do this a lot, and you will gain some confidence with women without ever even asking a girl out on a date.
Ok, but we are stuck on first base still -- so what if you get no eye contact, IOI, and people being repulsed further from you when you smile. It's actually harder to make an approach if you already got non-verbally dissed.

Anyway, we are stuck in the first few bases, I cant finish looking at your post since I'm already lost.
May 23, 2006
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11 seems like exercise releases natural pheromones -- not explored since I'm a lazy internet bum and needs to work out more ..suspending program of pheromones for now.
May 23, 2006
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My mother will not allow me to buy pheromones (I have to leave the house and rent to experiment with them), however, I struck a deal with her that we will both go to Trinidad instead to look for a nice girl if I cant find one here (and hopefully at least attract someone on passport and have automatic alpha status). The longest relationship I had to date appears to be under six months, so I figure Bible_belt is right on the money that two to three years is long enough for a relationship anyway so the passport thing is not a big deal if it's a hook.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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Those pheromone colognes are a joke. I bought REALM back in high school and thought it would launch my sex life into the stratosphere. I think B.O. would have worked better; the stuff smelled like s--- and definitely didn't draw the women to me.

Just spray on some Drakkar Noir and work on your game. That's what I did and it gave me a lot better results than that pheromone garbage.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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No worries, nobody is missing out on anything by not trying pheromones, and yes sometimes you CAN knock a product as a scam without ever trying it yourself.

Current scientific knowledge instructs us the human "sixth" sense is dead and its receptors are a vestigial organ. Even if pheromones were somewhat influential, its effects would be overridden by a multitude of higher, more conscious factors. The nail in the coffin is pheromones are promoted by spammers; if the stuff really worked, human society as we know it would have been revolutionized... and that revolution never came. Girls respond to good smells and that's all their little noses care about.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Luke Skywalker said:
I struck a deal with her that we will both go to Trinidad instead to look for a nice girl if I cant find one here (and hopefully at least attract someone on passport and have automatic alpha status). The longest relationship I had to date appears to be under six months, so I figure Bible_belt is right on the money that two to three years is long enough for a relationship anyway so the passport thing is not a big deal if it's a hook.
I am happy to see you at least following some of my advice. Trini girls will be more accepting of the role that your mom plays in your life than anyone on this forum, myself included. I don't think mom should get to go and have veto powers over the girls you meet, but I doubt you are going to listen to me or anyone here about that.

Let me give you one tip: myspace. I thought of going to St Lucia for a while, so I chatted with a few Lucian girls on myspace. They were all very young, attractive, and very interested in an American. I'd be the same for you. You can use myspace to meet a few dozen Trini girls. Then you'll have several options waiting for you when you get there. Caribbean girls are for the most part very loose. The age of consent is 16 and even that is not enforced; I'm not saying that's a good thing, but sex is very normal and common down there. People are a lot less uptight. You can, however, still find the virginal church girl if that is what you want. Go to the churches in the small towns. A girl you meet there might be pretty ignorant about the world, but she'd be young, pretty, and convinced she was in love with you.
May 23, 2006
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I'll probably do the churches in the small town thing when I get there - that's where my mom's is ruddering this whole thing and I have her full support and encouragement there. I don't think the internet thing will work with me because as I said, my Aunt that I'm staying it is too darn backward for it to work. I already used the internet at an internet cafe when I went for the Carnival and my Aunt got angry with me for looking for girls on that venue and even pulled the rug at the last minute on a date I had set up. I will get no friction from my Aunt or mom if I meet girls at church, or at least girls they already know - which include Spanish students as my Aunt is an English instructor and her patrons are mainly Spanish people from Venezuala and some of them are hot (although they usually have boyfriends).

If I don't find a girl at church here in Toronto, Canada - then Trinidad is next. With a $ 500 return seat-sale per person (including taxes) and FREE accomidation and food at my Aunt's house, it's hard to pass up, other than the fact I'm in a Real-Estate program and have to tend with certain court cases which may tie me up here in the time being.

I'm also planning to follow up to take out a Spanish girl at my office, and as well I'm entertaining a 50 year old woman who wants to go to the zoo (unknown to mom) although I'm not at all pursuing that aggressively - so it's not totally dead here either.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Luke Skywalker said:
Well, nobody should knock out a product they never tried.
I'm sure its a quality product. The theory and science behind it is shaky at best.

Just because its well made, does not mean it will work. Look at the Q-Ray.