Mystery Video


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Black Women

I've seduced some black women. I usually go more along the lines of, "what's the story behind".

The more affluent, straight haired black women are no different than caucasion, just use standard techniques. If you're dealing with a "real" black woman, that is one that doesn't primarely have white gfs, and go to a private school, I suggest you down play the BS talk and increase showing value & reliability. The are not looking for a mommas boy or someone who is going to be a wuss/.feminine guy. Never talk badly about women. Never admit you were raised by your mom unless you speak highly of her and act like a manly man.

Black women who have been seduced by me were pissed at black guys who A) act feminine, B) do not attempt an honest career or C) have integrity. If you can master A, B, and C, then I think you will not need PUA techniques. A lot of black women, in my experience, are looking for a man they can be proud of.

Good luck and remmeber I am not experienced enough in this department to be taken as the final word on the subject!